Rose Otto Essential Oil – Varieties & its Uses!

The best rose otto essential oils are known all over the world as a sign of love, affection, and romance. The delicate aroma of a rose can easily promote feelings of peace and tranquility. Receiving a gift of beautiful roses can instantly boost anyone’s mood.

If the flowers themselves are sensual, it's no surprise that rose otto essential oil is as well. This potent oil distilled from rose petals is known for its aphrodisiac properties, ability to reduce stress and anxiety, and ability to keep skin looking young and healthy, among other things.

Rose Essential Oil Comes in Two Varieties

Rose Otto essential oil is also known as "rose essential oil." Rose oil, on the other hand, comes in two varieties: rose otto and rose absolute. While both are derived from the petals of Rosa damascena, they differ in scent, color, and viscosity.

The best rose otto essential oils are derived through hydro distillation of the rose petals. These petals are added to a container of pure water, then slowly heated. The temperature of the water causes the rose petals to release their oils. When the water is cooled, the oils float on the surface to be collected and sold as rose otto essential oil.

This oil has a light, floral scent and is pale in color. Rose otto essential oil is often more expensive than rose absolute because it requires so many roses to produce. The natural waxes in rose otto begin to solidify when stored at cooler temperatures. To become liquid again, it simply needs to be gently warmed.

Rose absolute, on the other hand, is obtained through solvent extraction. Rose petals are added to a large vessel with a solvent in this method. The aromatic part of the petals is extracted by rotating the vessel. The solvent evaporates, and what remains is referred to as "rose concrete." The non-aromatic components and waxes are removed using ethanol alcohol, and the resulting liquid is known as rose absolute essential oil. This oil has a reddish color and is frequently used in perfumery because the scent is so similar to that of a real rose.

Common Uses of Rose Otto Essential Oil

The best rose otto essential oils can be used aromatically as well as topically to nourish the skin, calm the mind, treat insomnia, and alleviate menstrual cramps.

Reduces Aging Signs -

Rose Otto essential oil is a potent antioxidant that aids in the fight against free radicals and the reduction of aging signs such as fine lines and wrinkles. These antioxidants also aid in the protection of the skin from UV rays.

This oil also aids in the regulation of moisture levels in the skin, keeping it plump, hydrated, and healthy

Rose otto's astringent properties constrict tiny blood vessels, reducing the appearance of varicose veins and broken capillaries.

Treats Skin Issues -

The antiseptic properties of geraniol make rose otto essential oil effective against bacterial and viral infections. It can help to soothe burns and rashes, treat acne, diminish the look of scars and promote healing.

The anti-inflammatory properties of rose otto essential oil can help to soothe problems caused by psoriasis or eczema.

Stress Reduction -

Rose otto essential oil has a delicate, calming aroma that is ideal for when you are stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed. It aids in the relaxation of the mind and the promotion of feelings of peace and tranquillity. It also helps to stabilize mood swings, ease nervous tension and relieve insomnia.

A 2012 study tested the effects of rose and lavender essential oils on 28 postpartum women. After four weeks of aromatherapy, the women showed a significant decrease in postnatal depression and general anxiety!

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Also Read : A brief guide on skin benefits of rose essential oil .