Professor of Economics
School of Economics
University of Cape Town
University of Warsaw
Faculty of Economic Sciences
Published Research:
Narrowing the `digital divide': the role of fixed and mobile infrastructure
with Ryan Hawthorne, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, forthcoming.
Impact of roaming regulation on revenues and prices of mobile operators in the EU
with Ángela Muñoz-Acevedo, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2023, Vol. 81.
Evaluating the Impact of Online Market Integration—Evidence from the EU Portable PC Market,
with Nestor Duch-Brown, Frank Verboven and Andre Romahn, American Economic Journal: Micro, 2023, Vol. 15(4), pp.268-305.
Mobile phones and financial inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa,
with Valentin Lindlacher, Onkokame Mothobi, Information Economics and Policy, 2023, 65, 101064.
Interoperability between mobile money agents and choice of network operators: the case of Tanzania,
with Valentin Lindlacher, Onkokame Mothobi, Review of Network Economics, 2023, vol. 22, no. 1, pp.27-52.
The impact of mobile phones on change in employment status in South Africa,
with Zubair Patel, Review of Network Economics, 2023, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 85-114.
Bundling and consumer churn in telecommunications,
with Christine Zulehner and Julienne Liang, Review of Network Economics, 2021, 20(1), pp.35-54.
Estimating consumer inertia in repeated choices of smartphones,
with Ambre Nicolle, Journal of Industrial Economics, 2021, 63(1), pp.33-82.
Are online markets more integrated than traditional markets? Evidence from consumer electronics,
with Nestor Duch-Brown, Frank Verboven and Andre Romahn, Journal of International Economics, 2021, 131.
with Ryan Hawthorne, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2021, 74.
Unbundling the incumbent and deployment of high-speed broadband: Evidence from France,
with Maude Hasbi and Marc Bourreau, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2019, 67.
Impact of competition, investment and regulation on prices of mobile services: Evidence from France,
with Ambre Nicolle and Christine Zulehner, Economic Inquiry, 2018, 56, Issue 2, pp.1322-1345.
Transition from copper to fiber broadband: The role of connection speed and switching costs,
with Julienne Liang and Maude Hasbi, Information Economics and Policy, 2018, 42, pp.1-10.
The impact of online sales on consumers and firms. Evidence from consumer electronics,
with Nestor Duch-Brown, Andre Romahn and Frank Verboven, Frank, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2017, 52, pp.30-62.
Infrastructure deficiencies and adoption of mobile money in Sub-Saharan Africa,
with Onkokame Mothobi, Information Economics and Policy, 2017, 40, pp.71–79.
Substitution between fixed-line and mobile access: the role of complementarities,
with Frank Verboven, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2016, 49(2), pp.113-151.
Telecommunications Policy, 2015, 39(11), pp. 933–943.
Estimating demand for fixed-mobile bundles and switching costs between tariffs,
with Julienne Liang, Information Economics and Policy, 2015, 33, pp. 1–10
with Rainer Nitsche, Lars Wiethaus and Frank Verboven, 2014, Information Economics and Policy, 28, pp. 39-56
Fixed-to-mobile substitution in the European Union,
Telecommunications Policy, 2014, 38(7), pp. 601-612
Estimating broadband diffusion in the EU using NUTS1 regional data,
with Magali Dauvin, Telecommunications Policy, 2014, 38(1), pp. 96-104
Dynamic duopoly competition with switching costs and network externalities,
with Toker Doganoglu, Review of Network Economics, 2013, 12(1), pp.1-25
Screening competition in mobile telephony,
Applied Economics, 2011, 43(17), pp.2155-2163
Subscription choices and switching costs in mobile telephony,
with Pedro Pereira, Review of Industrial Organization, 2011, 38(1), pp.23-42
Hedonic study on mobile telephony market in France: price-quality strategies,
with Chiraz Karamti, Netnomics, 2010, 11(3), pp.255-289
Competition in mobile telephony in France and Germany,
with Chiraz Karamti, Manchester School, 2010, 78(6), pp.702-724
The consumer welfare loss of minimum charges in mobile telephony,
with Pedro Pereira,Telecommunications Policy, 2009, 33(3-4), pp. 200-206
Complementarity between calls and messages in mobile telephony,
with Pedro Pereira, Information Economics and Policy, 2008, 20(3), pp.279-287
Estimating switching costs in the mobile telecommunications industry in the UK,
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 2008, 8(2), pp.113-132
The impact of regulation on the retail prices in fixed-line telephony across the European Union,
Telecommunications Policy, 2008, 32(2), pp.131-144
The competitiveness of mobile telecommunications industry across the European Union,
International Journal of the Economics of Business, 2008, 15(1), pp.99-115
Simulation of merger in mobile telephony in Portugal,
with Pedro Pereira, Review of Industrial Organization, 2007, 31(3), pp.205-220
Estimating network effects in the mobile telecommunications industry in Germany,
with Toker Doganoglu, Information Economics and Policy, 2007, 19(1), pp.65-79
Regulation of mobile telephony across the European Union: an empirical analysis,
Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2005, 28(1), pp.47-67