Lukáš Krasula

Senior Research Scientist - Video Quality Metrics at Netflix



2017 - Double Degree Ph.D. (see more)

University of Nantes  & Czech Technical University in Prague

Doctoral Thesis: Quality Assessment Methodologies of Post-Processed Images

2nd place in Joseph Fourier Prize for Computer Sciences 2017

Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award by the Dean of FEE, CTU in Prague

2013 - Ing. (MSc.)

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

Master Thesis: Quality Assessment of Sharpened Images

Preciosa Foundation Outstanding Diploma Thesis Award

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Lukáš Krasula was born in Zábřeh, Czech Republic. In 2011 he received his bachelor diploma from Electronics and Telecommunications program at Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE), Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague. He graduated with honour in the premium advanced form of the Communications, Multimedia, and Electronics master's degree program (as one out of 5 students enrolled from the total number of 132 students enrolled in the program), focusing on Multimedia Technology, at the same faculty in 2013. His diploma thesis, entitled Quality Assessment of Sharpened Images has been awarded the Preciosa Foundation Outstanding Diploma Thesis Award.

In 2013, he managed to win a French Government scholarship enabling him to study in a double degree Ph.D. program at CTU in Prague and the University of Nantes, which he successfully finished in January 2017 by defending the doctoral thesis entitled Quality Assessment Methodologies of Post-Processed Images. The thesis has been awarded an Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award by the Dean of FEE, CTU in Prague and it also won the 2nd place in Joseph Fourier Prize in Computer Sciences 2017 after a nationwide selection of the best research works in computer and information sciences, organized by French Embassy in Czech Republic in collaboration with Atos company.

Since November 2016, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the Image, Perception, and Interaction (IPI) lab of LS2N institute in Nantes, France on a project regarding methodologies for measuring acceptability and annoyance of mobile videos funded by Netflix, US. He joined the Imaging and Vision Group (IVG) of Arm in Loughborough, England, UK in September 2017. In March 2020, he became part of Netflix as Senior Research Scientist working on Video Quality Metrics. His team was awarded two Technology and Engineering Achievement Emmy Awards in 2020 for the efforts on Development of Open Perceptual Metrics for Video Encoding Optimization and Development of Massive Processing Optimized Compression Technologies. Dr. Krasula had been involved in these projects even before joining Netflix as part of the collaboration with the Univesity of Nantes.

Lukáš Krasula has participated in the efforts towards standardization of new compression algorithms by Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) - JPEG XT and JPEG XS. He is also a member of JPEG AIC - an AdHoc group preparing the Guidelines for image coding systems evaluation, providing the best practices and recommendations regarding quality assessment of still images.  He has been actively involved in HDR/WCG and Visually Lossless Quality Analysis Group under Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG) as well and is a member of Qualinet - the European network of researchers working in the domain of QoE evaluation. His activities have mostly been connected to the HDR and Databases Task Forces. He is a co-chair of the latter one. In 2021, he was elected to EURASIP Technical Area Committee on Visual Information Processing for 2022 - 2024, as well as invited to become a Technical Program Committee member for Human Vision and Electronic Imaging conference.

He has served as a reviewer for some of the highest-ranked journals in the field of image and video processing, namely IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Signal Processing: Image Communication, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Electronics Letters, Radioengineering, IET Image Processing, and EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing. Furthermore, he has been a member of the technical or program committee of several international workshops (MMSP 2016, MMSP 2017, QEEMS 2017, Radioelektronika 2018, MMSP2018), organised a Special Session at PCS'2021, or served as a reviewer for international conferences such as ICASSP, QoMEX, MMSP, ACM Multimedia, ICME, etc. Lukáš Krasula has also participated in several national and international grant projects, supervised and reviewed several master's and bachelor's theses and internships.