Welcome! I am a PhD candidate in Economics at Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU). My research focuses on Industrial Organization and Information Economics.
Contact: lukas.brunninger@wu.ac.at
Current Research:
Working Papers:
Brunninger, Lukas and Dertwinkel-Kalt, Markus and Gugler, Klaus and Heim, Sven (2024) The Gas Price Brake Increases Gas Prices: Empirical Evidence. Department of Economics Working Paper Series, 372. WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
Work in Progress:
The Effect of Consumer Information on Tax Pass-Through Rates - joint with Lydia Dimitrakopoulou and Klaus Gugler
Consumer Information and Focal Point Pricing in Retail Gasoline Markets - joint with Daniela Rroshi
Non-Scientific Publications:
Gaspreisbremse: Was Österreich von Deutschland lernen kann - in Die Presse 05.12.2024