Luís Duarte

My name is Luís Duarte and I am currently a posdoc student at Stockholm University under a Sverker Lerheden scholarship.

Before that I was a posdoc student for a year at the University of Genova, in Italy, where I also did my PhD. My advisors were Maria Evelina Rossi and Alessandro De Stefani

Before that, I did my bachelor's and master's degrees at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, where I was introduced to commutative algebra by professor Maria Vaz Pinto

 Email: address: Department of Mathematics, University of Stockholm, SE-106 91 Stockholm, SwedenOffice B1370

Publications and preprints

 My research interest is in commutative algebra.  Most of my work up to date is related to the study of small perturbations of ideals in local rings. Besides that, I am also interested in problems in homological algebra, either related to local cohomology or infinite resolutions.

 Invited talks

Participations at schools and conferences

Research visits