Luís Coelho Filipe
Senior Associate Researcher
Faculty of Health and Medicine, Lancaster University
Published Papers:
Trade-offs during the COVID-19 pandemic: A discrete choice experiment about policy preferences in Portugal (with Sara Almeida, Joana Gomes da Costa, Eduardo Costa, Francisca Vargas Lopes e João Vasco Santos), Plos One
Outcome measures for economic evaluations and cost‐effectiveness analyses of interventions for people with intellectual disabilities: A methodological systematic review (with Valerio Benedetto, Catherine Harris, Naheed Tahir, Alison Doherty, and Andrew Clegg), 2022, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
Analytical frameworks and outcome measures in economic evaluations of Digital Health Interventions: A methodological systematic review (with Valerio Benedetto, Catherine Harris, Joseph Spencer, Carmel Hickson, and Andrew Clegg), 2022, Medical Decision Making
Formal home care use and spousal health outcomes (with Judite Gonçalves and Francisco von Hafe), 2021, Social Science and Medicine
Doctors’ Response to Queues: Evidence from a Portuguese Emergency Department (with Bruno Martins), 2020, Health Economics
Work in progress:
Trajectories of disability and long-term care utilization after acute health events.
‘Thank goodness you’re here. Exploring the impact on patients, family carers and staff of enhanced seven-day specialist palliative care services: A mixed methods study.
Effects on mortality of shielding clinically extremely vulnerable patients in Liverpool, UK, during the COVID-19 pandemic
Valuing Care at the End of Life: A Discrete Choice Experiment
Hidden Sacrifices: A DCE evaluating students’ willingness to pay for better grades
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on children’s mental health
Equitable allocation of resources in Liverpool CCG’s community services – Community Services need weights to be used by NHS Cheshire and Merseyside ICB
2022 - Lancaster University - Introduction to Discrete Choice Experiments (Health Economics and Policy PhD program)
2021 - NOVA School of Business and Economics – Master's thesis supervision
2016 - 2020 NOVA School of Business and Economics – Teaching Assistant of Microeconomics and Competition Policy
2013 - 2015 Universidad Carlos III de Madrid – Teaching Assistant of Microeconomics and Topics in Public Intervention
2011 - 2013 NOVA School of Business and Economics – Teaching Assistant of Macroeconomics and Principles of Management