Lore of DREAMS

Lore of Dreams

Dear Readers,

Nothing could be more beautiful than the natural world itself, considering how hideous certain truth is, but the fact that there are more beautiful things out there, nothing could be more noticeable than the sun in the sky and the diamond in the night sky, the moon, and the stars.

As we started to grow knowledge in our culture, we began to observe, experiment, and uncover more mystery. When the sun rose, it brought sunshine, as the moon took over the sky, the tides changed, and so did our mind.

The moon shows our emotional temperament and our instincts of how we feel and how we respond. It shows how we want to be treated, and how we treat other people. As the moon represents the sunlight, so it can be prudent to see ourselves and our behaviors in the eyes of others and to be open to changing our conduct accordingly. In this way, we will nurture each other by using the energy of the moon to nurture the soul and spirit within us.

The sun is the celestial body that we know best and love best. It's rising and setting divides our lives into day and night, and we joyfully welcome it's coming closer to Earth every spring, bringing warmth and light. The sun is the center of our self-expression. It shows how our light shines on how we try to project ourselves. It's all the experiences that make us believe in ourselves.

The sun symbolizes the breathless, innocent excitement of childhood and youth, the moment when anything seems possible, as long as we, like the sun, keep going.

Your Dream Walker’s.

Luer Sabilla