Ludovica Gazze

I am an environmental and health economist.

I study the social costs of pollution, including air pollution and lead exposure, as well as policies to curb pollution, with a focus individuals' and firms' compliance behavior. I investigate these issues using large administrative datasets and experimental and quasi-experimental methods.

I am an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick, an invited researcher at JPAL (KCAI and North America programs), a CEPR Research Affiliate in the Climate Change and the Environment Programme, an IZA Research Fellow, and a Research Fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies.

Hear how to say my name here: Luu-do-vih-ka (as in cat) Ga-zzeh
Pronouns: she/her/hers

List of environmental conferences (please update and contribute)


Twitter:  @LudoGazze