Ludo and Snake Ladder Multiplayer offline

Hello! Welcome to Ludo and Snake Ladder Multiplayer offline Privacy Policy

What types of information are collected?

We distinguish between two types of information:

personal and non-personal information.

Personal information

We collect no personal information about you or your children through our apps.

Non-personal information

We collect and use non-personal information (Analytical Data) during the use of our apps:

1. Are there any errors in the app? Where and when do they occur?

2. How long do users use our apps?

3. How do our users use our apps, which features are most popular and which ones are used less.

This helps us to gain a better understanding of our users, to draw conclusions for future concepts, and, ultimately, to develop better apps. In order to collect this information, we use Google Analytics.

The privacy policies for these services are available here:

COPPA / Children's privacy

Our products respect the privacy of children. We comply with the guidelines set forth in the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13.

In the event that a user identifies himself/herself as a child under the age of 13 through a support request or feedback, we will not collect, store or use and will delete in a secure manner any personal information of such a user.

COPPA Website:

collected in connection with Best Heart's Services.

BY INSTALLING, USING, REGISTERING TO OR OTHERWISE ACCESSING THE SERVICES, YOU AGREE TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY AND GIVE AN EXPLICIT AND INFORMED CONSENT TO THE PROCESSING OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS PRIVACY POLICY. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY, PLEASE DO NOT INSTALL, USE, REGISTER TO OR OTHERWISE ACCESS THE SERVICES. Best Heart reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at reasonable times, so please review it frequently. If Best Heart makes material or significant changes to this Privacy Policy, Best Heart may post a notice on Best Heart's website along with the updated Privacy Policy. Your continued use of Services will signify your acceptance of the changes to this Privacy Policy.

Personal Data

For purposes of this Privacy Policy, "personal data" means personally identifiable information that specifically identifies you as an individual.

Personal information collected by Best Heart is information voluntarily provided to us by you when you create your account or change your account information. The information includes your facebook id, name, gender, location and your friends'id on facebook. Best Heart also stores your game checkins, likes, dislikes, recommendations and messages.

Best Heart may use collected personal data for purposes of analyzing usage of the Services, providing customer and technical support, managing and providing Services (including managing advertisement serving) and to further develop the Services and other Best Heart services and products. Best Heart may combine non-personal data with personal data.

Please note that certain features of the Services may be able to connect to your social networking sites to obtain additional information about you. In such cases, Best Heart may be able to collect certain information from your social networking profile when your social networking site permits it, and when you consent to allow your social networking site to make that information available to Best Heart. This information may include, but is not limited to, your name, profile picture, gender, user ID, email address, your country, your language, your time zone, the organizations and links on your profile page, the names and profile pictures of your social networking site friends and other information you have included in your social networking site profile. Best Heart may associate and/or combine as well as use information collected by Best Heart and/or obtained through such social networking sites in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


Pearl Stones follows generally accepted industry standards and maintains reasonable safeguards to attempt to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of the information in Best Heart's possession. Only those persons with a need to process your personal data in connection with the fulfillment of their tasks in accordance with the purposes of this Privacy Policy and for the purposes of performing technical maintenance, have access to your personal data in Best Heart's possession. Personal data collected by Best Heart is stored in secure operating environments that are not available to the public. To prevent unauthorized on-line access to personal data, Best Heart maintains personal data behind a firewall-protected server. However, no system can be 100% secure and there is the possibility that despite Best Heart's reasonable efforts, there could be unauthorized access to your personal data. By using the Services, you assume this risk.

Link to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the app you can find on their official websites.

Children’s Privacy

I do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children.

Terms & Conditions

By downloading or using the app, these terms will automatically apply to you – you should make sure therefore that you read them carefully before using the app. You’re not allowed to copy, or modify the app, any part of the app, or our trademarks in any way. You’re not allowed to attempt to extract the source code of the app, and you also shouldn’t try to translate the app into other languages, or make derivative versions. The app itself, and all the trade marks, copyright, database rights and other intellectual property rights related to it, still belong to Pearl Stones.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about my Terms and Conditions, do not hesitate to contact me.