TeenPatti Bodhi Privacy Policy

Welcome to TeenPatti Bodhi! We, at Fuzzy Mobile Games, offer this app as a complimentary service for your enjoyment. Your use of this service implies your consent to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Information Handling

This document elucidates our approach to gathering, utilizing, and disclosing Personal Information when you opt to utilize our Service. By engaging with our Service, you agree to the collection and utilization of data as described herein.

Definition Clarification

The terms employed herein bear the same connotations as those outlined in our Terms and Conditions, accessible via the TeenPatti Bodhi app, unless explicitly delineated otherwise in this Privacy Policy.

Data Collection and Usage

To enhance your experience with our Service, we may request certain personally identifiable information. Please note that any information collected remains stored on your device and is not retrieved by us in any manner.

Log Data

It's imperative to mention that upon using our Service, in the event of an app error, we may gather Log Data through third-party products installed on your device. Such data might encompass your device's IP address, operating system details, app configuration during usage, timestamps of service utilization, and additional statistical insights.

Cookie Policy

While our Service does not employ cookies explicitly, it may incorporate third-party code or libraries that utilize cookies to enhance their functionalities. You retain the choice to accept or decline cookies; however, refusal may restrict certain features of our Service.

Third-party Involvement

We may engage external entities to assist in various capacities, including facilitating our Service, providing technical support, or analyzing user interactions. It's crucial to note that such third parties may access your Personal Information solely for the purpose of executing tasks entrusted to them on our behalf.

Data Security

Your confidence in sharing Personal Information with us is highly valued. Consequently, we strive to employ commercially viable methods to safeguard your data. Nonetheless, it's imperative to acknowledge that no mode of online transmission or electronic storage can ensure absolute security.

External Links

Our Service might contain links to external sites. Please be aware that these sites are beyond our jurisdiction and are operated independently. We urge you to review the Privacy Policies of these sites as we bear no responsibility for their content, privacy protocols, or practices.

Protection of Minors

Our Service is not intended for users under the age of 18. We do not knowingly solicit or retain personally identifiable information from individuals below this age threshold. Should we inadvertently acquire such data, we promptly expunge it from our servers upon discovery.

Policy Alterations

We reserve the right to revise our Privacy Policy periodically. We encourage you to revisit this page intermittently to stay informed about any updates. Any modifications to this policy become effective immediately upon publication on this platform.

Data Retention and Deletion

We are committed to retaining your information only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy, unless mandated otherwise by applicable laws. Additionally, we may retain and utilize your data to adhere to legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce agreements. Upon receipt of a deletion request, we will promptly initiate appropriate measures to erase your information from our systems, except where retention is required for lawful or business reasons. It's important to note that while we endeavor to remove your data entirely, residual copies may persist for backup or archival purposes, and anonymized or aggregated data derived from your information may be retained for analytical purposes.

Advertising and Analytics

Our Service may incorporate third-party services for advertising and analytics, such as Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Facebook Ads, to refine advertising strategies and analyze user engagement. We strictly adhere to Google's policies regarding advertising, particularly those concerning the targeting of minors. These services may collect data about your interactions with our Service and ads, enabling us to deliver personalized advertising tailored to your preferences. We advise you to review the privacy policies of these third-party services, as we are not responsible for their practices or the manner in which they handle your information. While you have the option to opt out of personalized advertising, please note that generic ads may still be displayed even after opting out.

International Data Transfers

Given our global audience, it may be necessary to transfer your information to countries outside your jurisdiction, some of which may not offer the same level of data protection as your home country. Rest assured, we undertake appropriate measures to safeguard your information in accordance with applicable data protection laws. This may include implementing standard contractual clauses endorsed by relevant regulatory bodies or obtaining explicit consent for such transfers.

Get in Touch

Should you have any queries or suggestions concerning our Privacy Policy, please feel free to reach out to us. Your feedback is invaluable to us as we strive to maintain transparency and accountability in our operations.