Women Empowerment ?

Before beginning I have a quick question of rhetorical variety,do women actually need empowerment? Cause I believe all they need is acknowledgement.

After a sincere research on the topic, I came to a conclusion that the real cause of such a dispute is our wrong evaluation. It's always our wrong evaluation of deeds,actions,morals,desires and feelings that breed a struggle. 

And based on our wrong evaluations, we divide the childhood of every kid into boy and girl. 

As a result our hobbies,interests,profession, basic attitude and behavior, personality all of it is developed by separating us into boys or girls. And we shape ourselves in this prison as we grow. We at times, under evaluate or over evaluate a person based on these boundations set by a caged mindset that tells us how to differ between a man and women.

And we get all our experience in this imprisonment. So whatever we do next is based on our experience. I do agree that life is easily understood backwards but it has to be lived forwards.  So don't limit your thoughts because of the precondition developed inside you during your childhood.

If I’ll start talking about why women aren’t empowered yet in a free modern world like ours, then I fear that the horrors might never stop.

So I directly call all of you readers.

Once you do something that is naturally acceptable and is  based on your  right evaluation then no one will ever have to think about empowerment of women. Every single one of you will be content and liberated from within. 

Just don't pretend to be someone you’re told to be by this society. Don't disgrace yourself by making your judgment on women empowerment. 

Although all of it seems quite impossible, this is the only solution I see for creating harmony in society. It will leave women in a state where they won't have to ever even think about empowerment.

And this intricate concern will be left only in history books, just by your simple right evaluation.

So I'll end by saying that it's already time to see the gender as a spectrum and not as a discord.

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