

Assistant Professor 

Instituto de Computação - UFF - office (531)

Research Area: Human-Computer Interaction

R&D Lab: SERG.uff (Semiotic Engineering Research Group), affiliated with SERG (PUC-Rio

Short Bio:

Luciana Cardoso de C. Salgado is an Assistant Professor at the Computer Science Department (DCC) of Fluminense Federal University (UFF), where she teaches and researches in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).  She is the head of SERG.uff, a Semiotic Engineering Research Group affiliated with SERG (PUC-Rio). 

Her current research interests involve Cultural, Gender and Human Values  issues in HCI; Semiotic Engineering Theory and Methods; e-Healthy and Well Being; Social Computing and adverse consequences surrounding the social media phenomenon (privacy, reputation, engagement and so on ); Computational Reasoning Acquisition, Human-Data Interaction; and, E-Gov.

She is a member of the Brazilian Special Committee of Human-Computer Interaction (CEIHC) of Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), Editor-in-Chief of Journal on Interactive Systems (JIS) since 2020, and Member of Meninas Digitais Steering Committee. She is co-founder of #include <Meninas.uff> project and ELLAS (Equality in Leadership for Latin American STEM). 

Luciana Salgado has a Ph.D. in Human-Computer Interaction (2011, PUC-Rio) and MSc in Informatics (2007, PUC-Rio). Her professional experience includes several years (from 1993 to 2004) as a systems developer coordinator and as a business intelligence analyst.

She has served in technical program committees of several national and international conferences such as INTERACT, CSCW, TaPROViz, among others.

She is author, along with Clarisse de Souza and Carla Leitão, of the book "A Journey Through Cultures: Metaphors for Guiding the Design of Cross-Cultural Interactive Systems", Springer, 2012.