Hi, I'm Luca, a religious scholar and PhD cadidate.

Welcome to everyone!

I am Luca Campione, born in 1988, and currently a Ph.D Cadidate at the Sapienza University of Rome. My research field concerns the cognitive and evolutionary aspects of the religious rituals in human beings, in particular of funerary behaviours, focusing on hunter-gatherer populations of historical and prehistoric times (with emphasis on Neanderthals). For this reason I use an interdisciplinary investigative approach, ranging from cultural anthropology, history, cognitive science, ethology and comparative phylogenetics.

If you would like to know more about me and my work, visit this site or do not hesitate to contact me.


Selected work

Workshop "Linking Mehtods. Connecting HUmanities and Science" (Roma, 04/03/23 - 15/05/23

Conferenza "Evoluzione e tecnica. Una questione aperta" (Palermo, 21-24 giugno 2022)

Name of video

Get in touch at luca.campione@uniroma1.it!