Luca Bindi

Brief Bio

Luca Bindi holds the Chair of Mineralogy and Crystallography and is currently the Head of the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Florence, Italy. He is also a research associate at the Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse of the National Research Council (Italy) (CNR). He has received national and international scientific awards that include the President of the Republic Prize 2015 of the National Academy of Lincei (Video of Ceremony). He discovered natural quasicrystals in 2009, showing that they can form spontaneously in nature and remain stable for geological times. Since 2019, he is a member of the Academy of Lincei.

Media Coverage

On the description of hiroseite, the Fe-analog of bridgmanite (in Italian)
On the concept of solid solution in quasicrystals (in Italian - Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, 2018)
Natural quasicrystals - in Italian
When science becomes adventure: The discovery of natural quasicrystals(University of Florence, Italy) - in Italian
On the description of the first quasicrystal formed in a nuclear explosion (in English)
Appello per la ricerca di base (Accademia dei Lincei) 
Natural quasicrystals - in Italian
Aperiod and modulated structures (GCI Talk) - In Italian
Enrico Fermi ColloquiumLENS - November 2012 (in English)
L'impossibile caduto dal cielo(in Italian)
Dai mosaici del Penrose ai ghiacciai siberiani: La straordinaria ricerca dei quasicristalli naturali (in Italian)
La Geologia che non immaginiOn The Rocks Contest (SGI)

Appointments, Honors and Awards:

2001 – Tesi di Dottorato Prize (outstanding PhD Thesis award – Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology

2004 – Panichi Prize (outstanding young scientist in Mineralogy – Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology

2006 – Nardelli Prize (outstanding young crystallographer – Italian Association of Crystallography

2006 – EMU Excellence Research Medal (European Mineralogical Union)

2007 – Foreign Outstanding Young Researcher Award  (Russian Mineralogical Society

2010 – Luigi Tartufari Prize for Geology (Accademia dei Lincei)

2011 – the new mineral lucabindiite, (K,NH4)As4O6(Cl,Br), has been named after him.

2011 – two scientific papers related to the discovery of quasicrystals in nature have been cited in the “Scientific Background on the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2011 - The Discovery of  Quasicrystals” of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry - Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

2014 – Distinguished Lecturer 2014-2015 of the Italian Society of Geology and the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology.

2014 – Galileo Gold Medal for scientific divulgation (Italian Association of Micromineralogy)

2015 – Presidente della Repubblica Prize (Accademia dei Lincei). Video of the Ceremony at the Quirinale (Rome) with the President Sergio Mattarella.

2015 – "Top 100 most highly read articles of 2015" on Nature Scientific Reports. Article: "Natural quasicrystal with decagonal symmetry".

2016 – Distinguished Lecturer 2016 of the Österreichische Mineralogische Gesellschaft (ÖMG) (Austrian Society of Geology and Mineralogy). 

2017 – Social Prize of the “On the Rocks” contest (Italian Society of Geology) for the video with the greatest number of views. 

2017 – He took part to the team describing the “Mineral of the Year 2016” of the International Mineralogical Association with the mineral merelaniite

2018 – The minor planet 92279 has been named Bindiluca = 2000 DG. 

2018 – Aspen Prize (shared with Paul J. Steinhardt). Video of the Award Talk (from 1:38:50)

2019 – Elected Member of the Accademia dei Lincei  

2019 – Elected Fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America

2019 – He took part to the team describing the “Mineral of the Year 2018” of the International Mineralogical Association with the mineral carmeltazite

2023Premio Pianeta Galileo 2023 of the Consiglio Regionale della Toscana. Video of the Ceremony hosted in the main lecture hall of the Universiyt of Florence. Lectio magistralis (in Italian) entitled "The Twilight Zone".

2024Medal for Physical and Natural Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences (called XL Academy). The ceremony will be on May 23th 2024.

2024 – Elected Member of the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino

Premio Tartufari 2010

with the President Giorgio Napolitano

Accademia dei Lincei (Roma)

Premio Presidente della Repubblica 2015

with the President Sergio Mattarella

Quirinale (Roma) 

Premio Aspen 2018

with Lucio Stanca, Giulio Tremonti, Paul J. Steinhardt, Barbara Carfagna, Gianfelice Rocca 

Aspen Institute Italia (Roma)

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2011

The discovery of quasicrystals

Main Research Themes 

(click on the images below to learn more or use the link in the menu at the top of the page)




University Education

Award Talk, Aspen Institute Italia, October 2018

1996 Laurea in Geologia, University of Florence  

2001 Ph.D. in Mineralogy and Petrology, University of Florence & Perugia

Post-doctoral research position in mineralogical crystallography – University of Florence (2000-2004);

Temporary Researcher in Mineralogy – University of Florence (2004-2006);

Main Curator of the Division of Mineralogy of the Natural History Museum of the University of Florence, Italy (2006-2011);

Associate Professor of Mineralogy and Crystallography at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Florence (2011-2019).

Full Professor of Mineralogy and Crystallography at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Florence (from September 1st, 2019)

He is also Associated Scientist of the CNR - Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse since 2009.

Affiliations and editorial activity:

Member of the Italian Association of Crystallography since 2005.

Member of the European Crystallographic Association since 2009.

Member of the Mineralogical Society of America since 2012.

Member of the Council of the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology, 2006-2009.

Secretary of the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology, 2010-2013.

Member of the IMA-CNMNC (International Mineralogical Association - Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification), Subcommittee on Sulfosalts, 2004-2006.

Member of the IMA (International Mineralogical Association) Commission on Museums, National Member, 2008-2013.

Associate Editor of European Journal of Mineralogy, since 2007.

Associate Editor of Periodico di Mineralogia, since 2008.

Associate Editor of Mineralogy and Petrology, since 2014.

Associate Editor of Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, since 2022.

Associate Editor of Minerals, since 2014.

Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Deciphering the complexity of mineral structures” of Zeitschrift für Kristallographie.

Guest Editor of the Special Issue dedicated to Giovanni Ferraris and Stefano Merlino of the European Journal of Mineralogy.

Referee for the scientific journals: 

Nature, Science, Nature Communications, Nature Geoscience, Scientific Reports, American Mineralogist, European Journal of Mineralogy, Mineralogy and Petrology, The Canadian Mineralogist, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Mineralogical Magazine, Acta Crystallographica, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Lithos, Periodico di Mineralogia, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Inorganic Chemistry, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Solid State Sciences, since 1999.

TOP: Harding Mine, New Mexico (USA) - May 2019

(Lorenzo Bindi, Paul Steinhardt, Paul Chaikin, Cindy Steinhardt, Andrew, Lincoln Hollister, Jane Silverstone - picture by Adrian Brearley)

MIDDLE: Hancock, Michigan (USA) - October 2018

(visit to John Jaszczak)

DOWN: Leoben (Austria) - February 2017

(visit to Federica Zaccarini & Giorgio Garuti)

Scene from Chukotka expedition (2011)

Scene from Chukotka expedition (2011)

Scene from Chukotka expedition (2011)

Scene from Chukotka expedition (2011)

Scene from Chukotka expedition (2011)

Scene from Chukotka expedition (2011)

Scene from Chukotka expedition (2011)

Scene from Chukotka expedition (2011)

Scene from Chukotka expedition (2011)

Reconstructed X-ray precession image down the 2-fold axis of icosahedrite

Reconstructed X-ray precession image down the 5-fold axis of icosahedrite (X-ray film)

Reconstructed X-ray precession image down the 5-fold axis of icosahedrite (hot metal)

Enlarged stability field of the icosahedral phase in the Al-Cu-Fe system

Shock-synthesis of quasicrystals! (Caltech)

Shock-produced decagonal AlNiFe quasicrystal

EBSD data - 10-fold symmetry axis

HRTEM image of a shock-produced decagonal AlNiFe quasicrystal

7-fold symmetry

Grain 126A - Khatyrka meteorite

Publications List

 1.             L. Bindi, D. Cellai, L. Melluso, S. Conticelli, V. Morra, S. Menchetti (1999) Crystal chemistry of clinopyroxene from alkaline undersaturated rocks of the Monte Vulture Volcano, Italy.  Lithos, 46, 259-274.2.             P. Bonazzi, L. Bindi (1999) Structural adjustments induced by heat treatment in ilvaite. American Mineralogist, 84, 1604-1612.  3.             F. Olmi, C. Viti, L. Bindi, P. Bonazzi, S. Menchetti (2000) Second occurrence of okayamalite, Ca2SiB2O7: chemical and TEM characterization. American Mineralogist, 85, 1508-1511.  4.             G. Giuli, L. Bindi, P. Bonazzi (2000) Rietveld refinement of okayamalite, Ca2SiB2O7: structural evidence for the B/Si ordered distribution. American Mineralogist, 85, 1512-1515.  5.             L. Bindi, P. Bonazzi, J.G. Fitton (2001) Crystal chemistry of strontian soda melilite from nephelinite lava of Mt Etinde, Cameroon. European Journal of Mineralogy, 13, 121-125.  6.             L. Bindi, M. Czank, F. Röthlisberger, P. Bonazzi (2001) Hardystonite from Franklin Furnace: a natural modulated melilite. American Mineralogist, 86, 747-751.  7.             P. Bonazzi, L. Bindi, F. Olmi (2001). Reflectance variations in heat-treated ilvaite. Mineralogy and Petrology, 72, 249-257.  8.             L. Bindi, P. Bonazzi, M. Dusek, V. Petříček, G. Chapuis (2001) Five dimensional structure refinement of natural melilite (Ca1.89Sr0.01Na0.08K0.02)(Mg0.92Al0.08)(Si1.98Al0.02)O7. Acta Crystallographica, B57, 739-746.  9.             P. Bonazzi, L. Bindi (2002) Structural properties and heat-induced oxidation-dehydrogenation of manganoan ilvaite from Perda Niedda mine, Sardinia, Italy. American Mineralogist, 87, 845-852.  10.         S. Menchetti, L. Bindi, P. Bonazzi, F. Olmi (2002) Disordered distribution of Cu in the crystal structure of leightonite, K2Ca2Cu(SO4)4.2H2O. American Mineralogist, 87, 721-725.  11.         L. Bindi, O.G. Safonov, Y.A. Litvin, L.L. Perchuk, S. Menchetti (2002) Ultrahigh potassium content in the clinopyroxene structure: an X-ray single-crystal study. European Journal of Mineralogy, 14, 929-934.  12.         L. Bindi, F. Tasselli, F. Olmi, A. Peccerillo, S. Menchetti (2002) Crystal chemistry of clinopyroxenes from Linosa Volcano, Sicily Channel, Italy: implications for modelling magmatic plumbing system. Mineralogical Magazine, 66, 953-968.  13.         P. Bonazzi, L. Bindi, F. Olmi, S. Menchetti (2003) How many alacranites do exist? A structural study of non-stoichiometric As8S9-x crystals. European Journal of Mineralogy, 15, 283-288.  14.         P. Bonazzi, L. Bindi, G. Parodi (2003) Gatelite-(Ce), a new REE-bearing mineral from Trimouns, French Pyrenees: crystal structure and polysomatic relationships with epidote and tornebohmite-(Ce). American Mineralogist, 88, 223-228.  15.         L. Bindi, L.H. Rees, P. Bonazzi (2003) Twinning in natural melilites simulating a five-fold superstructure. Acta Crystallographica, B59, 156-158.  16.         L. Bindi, O.G. Safonov, V. Yapaskurt, L.L. Perchuk, S. Menchetti (2003) Ultrapotassic clinopyroxene from the Kumdy-Kol microdiamond min, Kokchetav Complex, Northern Kazakhstan: occurrence, composition and crystal-chemical characterization. American Mineralogist, 88, 464-468.17.         P. Bonazzi, L. Bindi, G.P. Bernardini, S. Menchetti (2003) A model for the mechanism of incorporation of Cu, Fe and Zn in the stannite – kesterite series, Cu2FeSnS4 - Cu2ZnSnS4. Canadian Mineralogist, 41, 639-647.  18.         O.G. Safonov, Y.A. Litvin, L.L. Perchuk, L. Bindi, S. Menchetti (2003) Phase relations of potassium-bearing clinopyroxene in the system CaMgSi2O6-KAlSi2O6 at 7 Gpa. Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, 146, 120-133.  19.         P. Bonazzi, L. Bindi, V.I. Popova, G. Pratesi, S. Menchetti (2003) Alacranite, As8S9: structural study of the holotype and re-assignment of the original chemical formula. American Mineralogist, 88, 1796-1800.  20.         L. Bindi, P. Bonazzi (2003) Low-temperature study of natural melilite (Ca1.89Sr0.01Na0.08K0.02)(Mg0.92Al0.08)(Si1.97Al0.03)O7: towards a commensurate value of the q vector. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 30, 523-526.  21.         L. Bindi, V.I. Popova, P. Bonazzi (2003) Uzonite, As4S5, from the type-locality: X-ray single crystal study and lighting experiments. Canadian Mineralogist, 41, 1463-1468.  22.         L. Bindi, C. Cipriani (2003) Plumbian baksanite from the Tyrny’auz W-Mo deposit, Baksan River valley, northern Caucasus, Russian Federation. Canadian Mineralogist, 41, 1475-1479.  23.         L. Bindi, C. Cipriani (2003) Crystal structure refinement of winstanleyite, TiTe3O8, from the Grand Central Mine, Tombstone, Arizona. Canadian Mineralogist, 41, 1469-1473.  24.         R. Avanzinelli, L. Bindi, S. Menchetti, S. Conticelli (2004) Crystallisation and genesis of peralkaline magmas from Pantelleria, Italy: an integrated petrological and crystal-chemical study. Lithos, 73, 41-69.  25.         L. Bindi, C. Cipriani (2004) Museumite, Pb5AuSbTe2S12, a new mineral from the gold-telluride deposit of Sacarîmb, Metaliferi Mountains, western Romania. European Journal of Mineralogy, 16, 835-838.  26.         L. Bindi, C. Cipriani (2004) Ordered distribution of Au and Ag in the crystal structure of muthmannite, AuAgTe2, a rare telluride from Sacarîmb, western Romania. American Mineralogist, 89, 1505-1509.  27.         L. Bindi, C. Cipriani (2004) The crystal structure of skippenite, Bi2Se2Te, from the Kochkar deposit, southern Urals, Russian Federation. Canadian Mineralogist, 42, 835-840.  28.         L. Bindi, P.G. Spry, C. Cipriani (2004) Empressite, AgTe, from the Empress-Josephine Mine, Colorado, USA: composition, physical properties and determination of the crystal structure. American Mineralogist, 89, 1043-1047.  29.         L. Bindi, C. Cipriani (2004) Structural and physical properties of fischesserite, a rare gold-silver selenide from the De Lamar Mine, Owyhee County, Idaho, USA. Canadian Mineralogist, 42, 1733-1737.  30.         L. Bindi, C. Cipriani (2004) Mazzettiite, Ag3HgPbSbTe5, a new mineral species for Findley Gulch, Saguache County, Colorado. Canadian Mineralogist, 42, 1739-1743.  31.         L. Bindi, M. Rossell Abrodos, G. Van Tendeloo, P.G. Spry, C. Cipriani (2005) Inferred phase relations in part of the system Au-Ag-Te: an integrated analytical study of gold ore from the Golden Mile, Kalgoorlie, Australia. Mineralogy and Petrology, 83, 283-293.  32.         L. Bindi, P. Bonazzi, L. Dei, A. Zoppi (2005) Does the bazhenovite structure really contain a thiosulphate group? A structural and spectroscopic study of a sample from the type-locality. American Mineralogist, 90, 1556-1562.  33.         O.G. Safonov, L.L. Perchuk, Y.A. Litvin, L. Bindi (2005) Phase relations in the CaMgSi2O6-KAlSi3O8 join at 6 and 3.5 GPa as a model for formation of some potassium-bearing deep-seated mineral assemblages. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 149, 316-337.  34.         L. Bindi, P. Bonazzi (2005) Incommensurate-normal phase transition in natural melilite: an in situ high-temperature X-ray single-crystal study. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 32, 89-96.  35.         L. Bindi, S. Menchetti (2005) Structural changes accompanying the phase transformation between leadhillite and susannite: a structural study by means of in situ high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction. American Mineralogist, 90, 1641-1647.  36.         P. Bonazzi, G.I. Lampronti, L. Bindi, S. Zanardi (2005) Wakabayashilite, [(As, Sb)6S9][As4S5]: crystal structure, pseudosymmetry, twinning and revised chemical formula. American Mineralogist, 90, 1108-1114.  37.         L. Bindi, S. Menchetti (2005) Garavellite, FeSbBiS4, from the Caspari Mine, North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany: composition, physical properties and determination of the crystal structure. Mineralogy and Petrology, 85, 131-139. 38.         L. Bindi, G. Pratesi (2005) Selenojalpaite, Ag3CuSe2, a new mineral species from the Skrikerum Cu-Ag-Tl selenide deposit, Småland, SE Sweden. Canadian Mineralogist, 43, 1373-1377.39.         L. Bindi (2005) Reinvestigation of the crystal structure of polyhalite, K2Ca2Mg(SO4)4.2H2O. Acta Crystallographica, E61, i135-i136.  40.         L. Bindi, P.G. Spry, G. Pratesi (2006) Lenaite from the Gies gold-silver telluride deposit, Judith Mountains, Montana, U.S.A.: occurrence, composition, and crystal structure. Canadian Mineralogist, 44, 207-212.  41.         M. Zelenski, T. Balić-Žunić, L. Bindi, A. Garavelli, E. Makovicky, D. Pinto, F. Vurro (2006) First occurrence of iodine in natural sulfosalts: The case of mutnovskite, Pb2AsS3(I,Cl,Br), a new mineral  from Mutnovsky volcano, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russian Federation. American Mineralogist, 91, 21-28.  42.         P. Bonazzi, L. Bindi, M. Zoppi, G.C. Capitani, F. Olmi (2006) Single-crystal diffraction and transmission electron microscopy studies of “silicified” pyrochlore from Narssârssuk, Julianehaab district, Greenland. American Mineralogist, 91, 794-801.  43.         L. Bindi, R.T. Downs, G.E. Harlow, O.G. Safonov, Yu. A. Litvin, L.L. Perchuk, H. Uchida, S. Menchetti (2006) Compressibility of synthetic potassium-rich clinopyroxene: In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray study. American Mineralogist, 91, 802-808.  44.         G. Pratesi, L. Bindi, V. Moggi-Cecchi (2006) Icosahedral coordination of phosphorus in the crystal structure of melliniite, a new phosphide mineral from the Northwest Africa (NWA) 1054 acapulcoite. American Mineralogist, 91, 451-454.  45.         L. Bindi, M. Evain, S. Menchetti (2006) Temperature dependence of the silver distribution in the crystal structure of natural pearceite, (Ag,Cu)16(As,Sb)2S11. Acta Crystallographica, B62, 212-219.  46.         L. Bindi, V. Petříček, R.L. Withers, M. Zoppi, P. Bonazzi (2006) A novel high-temperature commensurate superstructure in natural bariopyrochlore: a structural study by means of a multiphase crystal structure refinement. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 179, 716-725.  47.         P. Bonazzi, L. Bindi, G. Pratesi, S. Menchetti (2006) Light-induced changes in molecular arsenic sulfides: state of the art and new evidence by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. American Mineralogist, 91, 1323-1330.48.         M. Evain, L. Bindi, S. Menchetti (2006) Structural complexity in minerals: twinning, polytypism and disorder in the crystal structure of polybasite, (Ag,Cu)16(Sb,As)2S11. Acta Crystallographica, B62, 447-456.  49.         M. Evain, L. Bindi, S. Menchetti (2006) Structure and phase transition in the Se-rich variety of antimonpearceite, [(Ag,Cu)6(Sb,As)2(S,Se)7][Ag9Cu(S,Se)2Se2]. Acta Crystallographica, B62, 768-774.  50.         L. Bindistext,etext M. Dusek, V. Petříček stext, etext P. Bonazzi (2006) Superspace-symmetry determination and multidimensional refinement of the incommensurately modulated structure of a natural fresnoite. Acta Crystallographica, B62, 1031-1037.  51.         L. Bindi, V. Dmitrienko, E. Ovchinnikova, Y. Soejima (2006) The resonant X-ray diffraction in Co-åkermanite: theory and experiment. Crystallography Reports, 51, 941-948.  52.         L. Bindi, M. Evain, A. Pradel, S. Albert, M. Ribes, S. Menchetti (2006) Fast ionic conduction character and ionic phase-transitions in disordered crystals: The complex case of the minerals of the pearceite-polybasite group. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 33, 677-690.  53.         L. Bindi, M. Zoppi, P. Bonazzi (2006) Plumbomicrolite from the Ploskaya Mountain, Keivy Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia: composition and crystal structure. Periodico di Mineralogia, 75, 51-58.  54.         L. Chelazzi, L. Bindistext,etext F. Olmi, S. Menchetti, A. Peccerillo, S. Conticelli (2006) A lamproitic component in the high-K calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of the Capraia Island, Tuscan Magmatic Province: evidence from clinopyroxene crystal chemical data. Periodico di Mineralogia, 75, 75-94.  55.         L. Bindi, M. Evain, S. Menchetti (2007) Complex twinning, polytypism and disorder phenomena in the crystal structures of antimonpearceite and arsenpolybasite. Canadian Mineralogist, 45, 321-333.  56.         L. Bindi, P. Bonazzi (2007) Light-induced alteration of arsenic sulfides: A new product with an orthorhombic crystal structure. American Mineralogist, 92, 617-620. 57.         L. Bindi, M. Evain (2007) Gram-Charlier development of the atomic displacement factors into mineral structures: The case of samsonite, Ag4MnSb2S6. American Mineralogist, 92, 886-891.  58.         P. Bonazzi, L. Bindi (2007) The crystal structure of ingersonite, Ca3Mn2+Sb5+4O14, and its relationships with pyrochlore. American Mineralogist, 92, 947-953.  59.         L. Bindi, M. Evain, P.G. Spry, S. Menchetti (2007) The pearceite-polybasite group of minerals: Crystal chemistry and new nomenclature rules. American Mineralogist, 92, 918-925.  60.         L. Bindi, G. Pratesi (2007) Centric or acentric crystal structure for natural schmitterite, UTeO5? New evidence from a crystal from the type locality. Mineralogy and Petrology, 91, 129-138.  61.         L. Bindi, M. Evain, S. Menchetti (2007) Selenopolybasite, [(Ag,Cu)6(Sb,As)2(S,Se)7][Ag9Cu(S,Se)2Se2], a new member of the pearceite-polybasite group from the De Lamar Mine, Owyhee county, Idaho, USA. Canadian Mineralogist, 45, 1525-1528.  62.         P. Bonazzi, L. Bindi, O. Medenbach, R. Pagano, G.I. Lampronti, S. Menchetti (2007) Olmiite, CaMn[SiO3(OH)](OH), the Mn-dominant analogue of poldervaartite, a new mineral species from Kalahari manganese fields (Republic of South Africa). Mineralogical Magazine, 71, 193-201.  63.         L. Bindi, A. Bobrov, Yu.A. Litvin (2007) Incorporation of Fe3+ in phase X, A2-xM2Si2O7Hx, a potential high-pressure K-rich hydrous silicate in the mantle. Mineralogical Magazine, 71, 265-272.  64.         L. Bindi, M. Evain, P.G. Spry, K.T. Tait, S. Menchetti (2007) Structural role of copper in the minerals of the pearceite-polybasite group: The case of the new minerals cupropearceite and cupropolybasite. Mineralogical Magazine, 71, 641-650.  65.         Y. Moëlo, E. Makovicky, N.N. Mozgova, J.L. Jambor, N. Cook, A. Pring, W. Paar,  E.H. Nickel, S. Graeser, S. Karup‑Møller, T. Balić-Žunić, W.G. Mumme, F. Vurro, D. Topa, L. Bindi, K. Bente, M. Shimizu (2008) Commission on Ore Mineralogy of the International Mineralogical Association: Report of the Sulfosalt Subcommittee. European Journal of Mineralogy, 20, 7-46.  66.         P. Bonazzi, L. Bindi (2008) A crystallographic review of arsenic sulfides: Effects of chemical variations and changes induced by light exposure. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, special issue “Mineralogical Crystallography”, 223, 132-147.  67.         L. Bindi (2008) When minerals become complex: An elementary introduction to superspace crystallography to describe natural-occurring incommensurately modulated structures. Rendiconti dei Lincei (Scienze Fisiche e Naturali), 19, 1-15.  68.         L. Bindi, C. Cipriani, G. Pratesi, R. Trosti-Ferroni (2008) The role of isomorphous substitutions in natural selenides belonging to the pyrite group. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 459, 553-556.  69.         L. Bindi, P. Bonazzi, P.G. Spry (2008) Effects of sulfur-for-selenium substitution on the structure of laphamite, As2(Se,S)3. Canadian Mineralogist, 46, 269-274.  70.         L. Bindi, A. Garavelli, D. Pinto, G. Pratesi, F. Vurro (2008) Ordered distribution of I and Cl in the low-temperature crystal structure of mutnovskite, Pb2AsS3(I,Cl,Br): An X-ray single crystal study. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 181, 306-312.  71.         M.F. Màrquez-Zavalìa, L. Bindi, M. Màrquez, S. Menchetti (2008) Se-bearing polybasite-Tac from the Martha Mine, Macizo del Deseado, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Mineralogy and Petrology, 94, 145-150.  72.         A.V. Bobrov, Yu.A. Litvin, L. Bindi, A.M. Dymshits (2008) Phase relations and formation of sodium-rich majoritic garnet in the system Mg3Al2Si3O12–Na2MgSi5O12 at 7.0 and 8.5 GPa. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 156, 243-257.  73.         L. Bindi, T. Catelani, L. Chelazzi, P. Bonazzi (2008) Reinvestigation of the crystal structure of lautite, CuAsS. Acta Crystallographica, E64, i22.  74.         L. Bindi (2008) Commensurate-incommensurate phase transition in muthmannite, AuAgTe2: First evidence of a modulated structure at low-temperature. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 88, 533-541.  75.         S. Nazzareni, P. Comodi, L. Bindi, O. Safonov, L. Perchuk, Yu. Litvin (2008) Synthetic hypersilicic Cl-rich mica in the phlogopite-celadonite join: A multimethodic characterization of the missing link between di- and tri-octahedral micas at high pressures. American Mineralogist, 93, 1429-1436.  76.         R.L. Withers, L. Norén, T.R. Welberry, L. Bindi, M. Evain, S. Menchetti (2008) A composite modulated structure mechanism for Ag+ fast ion conduction in pearceite and polybasite mineral solid electrolytes. Solid State Ionics, 179, 2080-2089.77.         L. Bindi (2008) Routhierite, Tl(Cu,Ag)(Hg,Zn)2(As,Sb)2S6. Acta Crystallographica, C64, i95-i96.  78.         L. Bindi, M.D. Welch, P. Bonazzi, G. Pratesi, S. Menchetti (2008) The crystal structure of seeligerite, Pb3Cl3IO4, a rare Pb-I-oxychloride from the San Rafaël mine, Sierra Gorda, Chile. Mineralogical Magazine, 72, 771-783.79.         L. Bindi (2009) Thermal expansion behavior of empressite, AgTe: A structural study by means of in situ high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 473, 262-264.80.         P. Bonazzi, D. Holtstam, L. Bindi, P. Nysten, G.C. Capitani (2009) Multi-analytical approach to solve the puzzle of an allanite-subgroup mineral from Kesebol, Västra Götaland, Sweden. American Mineralogist, 94, 121-134.  81.         P.F. Zanazzi, L. Chelazzi, P. Bonazzi, L. Bindi (2009) High-pressure structural behavior of ingersonite, Ca3Mn2+Sb5+4O14: an in situ single-crystal X-ray study. American Mineralogist, 94, 352-358.  82.         L. Bindi, S. Menchetti (2009) Adding further complexity to the polybasite structure: The role of silver in the B layer of the M2a2b2c polytype. American Mineralogist, 94, 151-155.  83.         D. Mitolo, D. Pinto, A. Garavelli, L. Bindi, F. Vurro (2009) The role of the minor substitutions in the crystal structure of natural challacolloite, KPb2Cl5, and hephaistosite, TlPb2Cl5, from Vulcano (Aeolian Archipelago, Italy). Mineralogy and Petrology, 96, 121-128.  84.         L. Bindi, F.N. Keutsch, C.A. Francis, S. Menchetti (2009) Fettelite, [Ag6As2S7][Ag10HgAs2S8] from Chañarcillo, Chile: Crystal structure, pseudosymmetry, twinning, and revised chemical formula. American Mineralogist, 94, 609-615.  85.         L. Bindi, A. Arakcheeva, G. Chapuis (2009) The role of silver on the stabilization of the incommensurately modulated structure in calaverite, AuTe2. American Mineralogist, 94, 728-736.  86.         L. Bindi,  I.V. Pekov (2009) Crystal chemistry of extremely Cu-rich cupropearceite from the Sarbay mine, Northern Kazakhstan. Zapiski Vsesoiusnogo Mineralnogo Obshchestva, 5, 44-50.  87.         M. Muniz-Miranda, C. Gellini, L. Bindi (2009) Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for identifying rock composition. Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 73, 456-459.  88.         M. Zelenski, A. Garavelli, D. Pinto, F. Vurro, Y. Moëlo, L. Bindi, E. Makovicky, E. Bonaccorsi (2009) Tazieffite Pb20Cd2(As,Bi)22S50Cl10, a new chloro-sulfosalt from Mutnovsky volcano, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russian Federation. American Mineralogist, 94, 1312-1324.  89.         M. Leitl, A. Pfitzner, L. Bindi (2009) Preferred ion diffusion pathways and activation energies for silver in the crystal structure of stephanite, Ag5SbS4. Mineralogical Magazine, 73, 17-26.  90.         L. Bindi, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Yao, P. Lu (2009) Natural Quasicrystals. Science, 324, 1306-1309.  91.         P.C. Voudouris, V. Melfos, P.G. Spry, L. Bindi, T. Kartal, K. Arikas, R. Moritz, M. Ortelli (2009) Rhenium-rich molybdenite and rheniite (ReS2) in the Pagoni Rachi-Kirki Mo-Cu-Te-Ag-Au deposit, northern Greece: Implications for the rhenium geochemistry of porphyry style Cu-Mo and Mo mineralization. Canadian Mineralogist, 47, 1013-1036. 92.         A.V. Korsakov, M. Perraki, D.A. Zedgenizov, L. Bindi, K. Theunissen, P. Vandenabeele, A. Suzuki, D. Hutsebaut, H. Kagi (2010) Diamond-graphite relationships in ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks from the Kokchetav Massif, northern Kazakhstan. Journal of Petrology, 51, 763-783. 93.         F. Cámara, F. Bellatreccia, G. Della Ventura, A. Mottana, L. Bindi, M. Gunter, M. Sebastiani (2010) Fantappièite, a new mineral of the cancrinite - sodalite group with a 33-layer stacking sequence: occurrence and crystal structure. American Mineralogist, 95, 472-480.  94.         A. Arakcheeva, L. Bindi, P. Pattison, N. Meisser, G. Chapuis, I. Pekov (2010) The incommensurately modulated structures of natural natrites at 120 and 293 K from synchrotron X-ray data. American Mineralogist, 95, 574-581.   95.         L. Bindi, R.T. Downs, S. Menchetti (2010) The crystal structure of billingsleyite, Ag7(As,Sb)S6, a sulfosalt containing As5+. Canadian Mineralogist, 48, 155-162. 96.         F. Nestola, A. Guastoni, L. Bindi, L. Secco (2010) Dalnegroite, Tl5-xPb2x(As,Sb)21-xS34, a new thallium sulfosalt from Lengenbach quarry, Binntal, Canton Valais, Switzerland. Mineralogical Magazine, 73, 1027-1032.  97.         S. Nazzareni, P. Comodi, L. Bindi, L. Dubrovinski (2010) The crystal structure of gypsum-II by single-crystal synchrotron X-ray diffraction data. American Mineralogist, 95, 655-658.  98.         V.L. Vinograd, O.G. Safonov, D. Wilson, L.L. Perchuk, L. Bindi, J.D. Gale, B. Winkler (2010) Atomistic model of diopside-K-jadeite (CaMgSi2O6-KAlSi2O6) solid solution. Petrology, 18, 447-459.  99.         L. Bindi, G. Pratesi, P.G. Spry (2010) Crystallographic and chemical constraints on the nature of the proustite-pyrargyrite solid solution series. American Mineralogist, 95, 1725-1729.  100.     L. Bindi (2010) Atheneite, [Pd2][As0.75Hg0.25], from Itabira, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Crystal structure and revision of the chemical formula. Canadian Mineralogist, 48, 1149-1155.  101.     L. Bindi, F. Nestola, A. Guastoni, L. Secco (2010) The crystal structure of dalnegroite, Tl5-xPb2x(As,Sb)21-xS34: A masterpiece of structural complexity. Mineralogical Magazine, 74, 999-1012.  102.     P.J. Steinhardt, L. Bindi (2011) One upon a time in Kamchatka: The search for natural quasicrystals. Philosophical Magazine, 91, 2421-2426.  103.     P. Bonazzi, L. Bindi, M. Muniz Miranda, L.Chelazzi, T. Rödl, A. Pfitzner (2011) Light-induced molecular change in synthetic HgI2·As4S4: evidence by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. American Mineralogist, 96, 646-653.  104.     L. Bindi, A.M. Dymshits, A.V. Bobrov, K.D. Litasov, A.F. Shatskiy, E. Ohtani, Y.A. Litvin (2011) Crystal chemistry of sodium in the Earth’s interior: The structure of Na2MgSi5O12 synthesized at 17.5 GPa and 1700 °C. American Mineralogist, 96, 447-450.  105.     L. Chelazzi, T. Boffa Ballaran, L. Bindi, P. Bonazzi (2011) In situ high-temperature X-ray powder diffraction study of the synthetic Ca2Sb2O7 weberite-type compound. Periodico di Mineralogia, 80, 145-153.  106.     L. Bindi, S. Menchetti (2011) Fast ion conduction character and ionic phase-transition in silver sulfosalts: The case of fettelite [Ag6As2S7][Ag10HgAs2S8]. American Mineralogist, 96, 792-796.  107.     L. Bindi, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Yao, P. Lu (2011) Icosahedrite, Al63Cu24Fe13, the first natural quasicrystal. American Mineralogist, 96, 928-931.  108.     M. Pagliai, P. Bonazzi, L. Bindi, M. Muniz-Miranda, G. Cardini (2011) Structural and vibrational properties of arsenic sulfides: alacranite (As8S9). Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 115, 4558-4562.  109.     L. Chelazzi, T. Boffa Ballaran, F. Nestola, L. Bindi, P. Bonazzi (2011) High-pressure behavior of the synthetic Ca2Sb2O7 weberite-type compound. Solid State Sciences, 13, 1092-1095.  110.     L. Bindi, Y. Moëlo, P. Léone, M. Suchaud (2012) Stoichiometric arsenopyrite, FeAsS, from La Roche-Balue quarry (Loire-Atlantique, France): Crystal structure and Mössbauer study. Canadian Mineralogist, 50, 471-479.  111.     O.G. Safonov, L. Bindi, V.L. Vinograd (2011) Potassium-bearing clinopyroxene: A review of experimental, crystal chemical and thermodynamic data with petrological applications. Mineralogical Magazine, 75, 2467-2484.  112.     L. Bindi, C. Carbone, R. Cabella, G. Lucchetti (2011) Bassoite, SrV3O7·4H2O, a new mineral from Molinello mine, Val Graveglia, eastern Liguria, Italy. Mineralogical Magazine, 75, 2677-2686.  113.     L. Bindi, F. Nestola, U. Kolitsch, A. Guastoni, F. Zorzi (2011) Fassinaite, Pb22+(SO3S)(CO3), the first mineral with coexisting carbonate and thiosulfate groups: Description and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine, 75, 2721-2732.  114.     L. Bindi, J.M. Eiler, Y. Guan, L. Hollister, G.J. MacPherson, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Yao (2012) Evidence for the extra-terrestrial origin of a natural quasicrystal. PNAS, 109, 1396-1401.  115.     L. Bindi,  F. Keutsch, P. Bonazzi (2012) Menchettiite, AgPb2.40Mn1.60Sb3As2S12, a new sulfosalt belonging to the lillianite series from the Uchucchacua polymetallic deposit, Lima Department, Peru. American Mineralogist, 97, 440-446.  116.     P. Bonazzi, F. Keutsch, L. Bindi (2012) Manganoquadratite, AgMnAsS3, a new manganese-bearing sulfosalt from the Uchucchacua polymetallic deposit, Lima Department, Peru: Description and crystal structure. American Mineralogist, 97, 1199-1205.  117.     L. Bindi, F. Nestola, A. Guastoni, F. Zorzi, L. Peruzzo, T. Raber (2012) Te-rich canfieldite, Ag8Sn(S,Te)6, from Lengenbach quarry, Binntal, Canton Valais, Switzerland: Occurrence, description and crystal structure. Canadian Mineralogist, 50, 111-118.   118.     U. Kolitsch, L. Bindi, F. Nestola, A. Guastoni, F. Zorzi, R. Poeverlein (2012) Fassinait, ein neues Bleimineral aus Italien, Österreich und Deutschland. Lapis, 37, 52-61.  119.     L. Bindi, R.T. Downs, P.G. Spry, W.W. Pinch, S. Menchetti (2012) A chemical and structural re-examination of fettelite samples from the type locality, Odenwald, south-western Germany. Mineralogical Magazine, 76, 551-566.  120.     G.O. Lepore, T. Boffa Ballaran, F. Nestola, L. Bindi, D. Pasqual, P. Bonazzi (2012) Compressibility of synthetic β-As4S4: In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray study. Mineralogical Magazine, 76, 963-973.  121.     L. Bindi, P.J. Steinhardt (2012) The discovery of the first natural quasicrystal. A new era for mineralogy? Elements, 8, 13-14.  122.     F. Camara, F. Nestola, L. Bindi, Guastoni A., Zorzi F., Peruzzo L., Pedron D. (2012) Tazzoliite: a new mineral with a pyrochlore-related structure from Euganei hills, Padova (Italy). Mineralogical Magazine, 76, 827-838.  123.     S. Nazzareni, P. Comodi, L. Bindi, G. Garbarino, A. Bobrov (2012) Equation of state of Fe3+-bearing phase-X. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 39, 553-559.  124.     A.V. Bobrov, A.M. Dymshits, Yu.A. Litvin, L. Bindi (2012) The Mg3Al2Si3O12–Na2MgSi5O12 system at pressures of 7.0 and 8.5 GPa and a temperature of 1300-1800 °C: Phase relationships and crystallization of Na-bearing majoritic garnet. Moscow University Geology Bullettin, 67, 289-297.  125.     M.D. Welch, J. Konzett, L. Bindi, S.C. Kohn, D.J. Frost (2012) Structural variety in the high-pressure synthetic sheet-disilicate Phase-X, A(2-x)M2Si2O7Hx. American Mineralogist, 97, 1849-1857.  126.     A. Guastoni, L. Bindi, F. Nestola (2012) Debattistiite, Ag9Hg0.5As6S12Te2, a new Te-bearing sulphosalt from Lengenbach quarry, Binn valley, Switzerland: Description and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine, 76, 743-750.  127.     L. Bindi, F. Nestola, A. Guastoni, L. Peruzzo, M. Ecker, R. Carampin (2012) Raberite, Tl5Ag4As6SbS15, a new Tl-bearing sulfosalt from Lengenbach quarry, Binn Valley, Switzerland: description and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine, 76, 1153-1163.  128.     S.J. Mills, L. Bindi, M. Cadoni, A.R. Kampf, M.E. Ciriotti, G. Ferraris (2012) Paseroite, PbMn2+(Fe3+,)2(V5+,Ti,)18O38, a new member of the crichtonite group. European Journal of Mineralogy, 24, 1061-1067.  129.     P.J. Steinhardt, L. Bindi (2012) In search of natural quasicrystals. Reports on Progress in Physics, 75, 092601-092611.   130.     L. Bindi, A. Figini Albisetti, G. Giunchi, L. Malpezzi, N. Masciocchi (2012) Single-crystal X-ray study of Mg2B25. Acta Crystallographica, E68, i50.  131.     A.M. Dymshits, A.V. Bobrov, L. Bindi, Y.A. Litvin, K, Litasov, A.F. Shatskiy, E. Ohtani (2013) Na-bearing majoritic garnet in the system Na2MgSi5O12–Mg3Al2Si3O12 at 11–20 GPa: phase relations, structural peculiarities and solid solutions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 105, 1-13.  132.     L. Bindi, P.G. Spry, P. Bonazzi, E. Makovicky, T. Balić-Žunić (2013) Quadratite, AgCdAsS3: Chemical composition, crystal structure and OD character. American Mineralogist, 98, 242-247.  133.     P. Bonazzi, L. Chelazzi, L. Bindi (2013) Superstructure, crystal chemistry and cation distribution in filipstadite, a  Sb5+-bearing, spinel-related mineral. American Mineralogist, 98, 361-366.  134.     L. Bindi, A. Schaper, H. Kurata, S. Menchetti (2013) The composite modulated structure of cupropearceite and cupropolybasite and its behavior toward low temperature. American Mineralogist, 98, 1279-1284.  135.     G.J. MacPherson, C. Andronicos, L. Bindi, V.V. Distler, M. Eddy, J. Eiler, Y. Guan, L.S. Hollister, A. Kostin, V. Kryachko, W. Steinhardt, M. Yudovskaya, P.J. Steinhardt (2013) Khatyrka, a new CV3 find from the Koryak Mountains, Eastern Russia. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences, 48, 1499-1514.  136.     L. Bindi, N.E. Pingitore (2013) On the symmetry and crystal structure of aguilarite, Ag4SeS. Mineralogical Magazine, 77, 21-31.  137.     F. Zaccarini, E. Pushkarev, G. Garuti, J. Krause, G.P. Dvornik, C. Stanley, L. Bindi (2013) Platinum group minerals (PGM) nuggets from alluvial-eluvial placer deposits in the Uktus concentrically zoned mafic-ultramafic complex (Central Urals, Russia). European Journal of Mineralogy, 25, 519-531.  138.     L. Bindi, F. Zaccarini, G. Garuti, N. Angeli (2013) The solid solution between platinum and palladium in nature. Mineralogical Magazine, 77, 269-274.  139.     V.M. Dekov, L. Bindi, G. Burgaud, S. Petersen, D. Asael, V. Rédou, Y. Fouquet, B. Pracejus (2013) Inorganic and biogenic As-sulfide precipitation at seafloor hydrothermal fields. Marine Geology, 342, 28-38.  140.     L. Chelazzi, T. Boffa Ballaran, G.O. Lepore G.O., L. Bindi, P. Bonazzi (2013) High-pressure behaviour of synthetic weberite-type Mn2+2Sb5+2O7: an in situ single-crystal X-ray study. Solid State Sciences, 21, 85-90.141.     S. Anashkin, A. Bovkun, L. Bindi, V. Garanin, Y. Litvin (2013) Kudryavtsevaite, Na3(Mg,Fe)(Fe,Ti)2Ti3O12, a new kimberlitic mineral. Mineralogical Magazine, 77, 327-334.  142.     P. Voudouris, V. Melfos, P.G. Spry, L. Bindi, R. Moritz, M. Ortelli, T. Kartal (2013) Extremely Re-rich molybdenite from porphyry Cu-Au and Mo-Au deposits in northeastern Greece: mode of occurrence, causes of enrichment, and implications for gold exploration. Minerals, 3, 165-191.  143.     L. Bindi, P. Voudouris, P.G. Spry (2013) Structural role of tellurium in the minerals of the pearceite-polybasite group. Mineralogical Magazine, 77, 419-428.  144.     M. Zoppi, L. Bindi, T. Rödl, A. Pfitzner, P. Bonazzi (2013) Light-induced structural changes in (HgBr2)3(As4S4)2: An X-ray single-crystal diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and ab initio study. Solid State Sciences, 23, 88-95.  145.     L. Bindi, C. Carbone,  D. Belmonte,  R. Cabella,  R. Bracco (2013) Weissite from Gambatesa mine, Val Graveglia, Liguria, Italy: occurrence, composition and determination of the crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine, 77, 475-483.  146.     L. Bindi, F. Nestola, L. De Battisti, A. Guastoni (2013) Dervillite, Ag2AsS2, from Lengenbach quarry, Binn Valley, Switzerland: occurrence and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine, 77, 3105-3112.  147.     S.J. Mills, A.R. Kampf, A.M. McDonald, L. Bindi, A.G. Christy, U. Kolitsch, G. Favreau (2013) The crystal structure of parnauite: a copper arsenate-sulphate with translational disorder of structural rods. European Journal of Mineralogy, 25, 693-704.  148.     L. Bindi, E. Makovicky, F. Nestola, L. De Battisti (2013) Sinnerite, Cu6As4S9, from Lengenbach quarry, Binn valley, Switzerland: Description and re-investigation of the crystal structure. Canadian Mineralogist, 51, 851-860.  149.     L. Bindi, P.J. Steinhardt (2014) Natural Quasicrystals. 2014 McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology, 242-244.  150.     P. Bonazzi, G.O. Lepore, L. Bindi, C. Chopin, T. Husdal, O. Medenbach (2014) Perbøeite-(Ce) and alnaperbøeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote - törnebohmite polysomatic series: chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation and clue for a sodian epidote end-member. American Mineralogist, 99, 157-169.  151.     R. Avanzinelli, E. Braschi, S. Marchionni, L. Bindi (2014) Mantle melting in within-plate continental settings: Sr-Nd-Pb and U-series isotope constraints in alkali basalts from the Sicily Channel (Pantelleria and Linosa Islands, Southern Italy). Lithos, 188, 113-129.152.     E. Bykova, A.V. Bobrov, E.A. Sirotkina, L. Bindi, S.V. Ovsyannikov, L.S. Dubrovinsky, Y.A. Litvin (2014) X-ray single-crystal and Raman study of knorringite, Mg3(Cr1.58Mg0.21Si0.21)Si3O12, synthesized at 16 GPa and 1600 °C. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 41, 267-272.153.     A.V. Bobrov, Y.A. Litvin, A.V. Kuzyura, A.M. Dymshits, T. Jeffries, L. Bindi (2014) Partitioning of trace elements between Na-bearing majoritic garnet and melt at 8.5 GPa and 1500-1900 °C. Lithos, 189, 159-166.  154.     L. Bindi, P.J. Steinhardt (2014) The quest for forbidden crystals. Mineralogical Magazine, 78, 467-482.  155.     L. Bindi, F. Nestola, E. Makovicky, A. Guastoni, L. De Battisti (2014) Tl-bearing sulphosalts from Lengenbach quarry, Binn Valley, Switzerland: philrothite, TlAs3S5. Mineralogical Magazine, 78, 1-9.  156.     C. Biagioni, P. Orlandi, M. Pasero, F. Nestola, L. Bindi (2014) Mapiquiroite, (Sr,Pb)(U,Y)Fe2(Ti,Fe3+)18O38, a new member of the crichtonite group from Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy. European Journal of Mineralogy, 26, 427-437.  157.     L.S. Hollister, L. Bindi, N. Yao, G.R. Poirier, C.L. Andronicos, G. MacPherson, C. Lin, V.V. Distler, M.P. Eddy, A. Kostin, V. Kryachko, W.M. Steinhardt, M. Yudovskaya, J.M. Eiler, Y. Guan, J.J. Clarke, P.J. Steinhardt (2014) Impact-induced shock and the formation of natural quasicrystals in the early Solar system. Nature Communications, 5, 4040.  158.     L. Bindi, E. Sirotkina, A.V. Bobrov, T. Irifune (2014) Chromium solubility in perovskite at high pressure: The structure of (Mg1–xCrx)(Si1–xCrx)O3 (with x = 0.07) synthesized at 23 GPa and 1600 °C. American Mineralogist, 99, 866-869. 159.     L. Bindi, E. Sirotkina, A.V. Bobrov, T. Irifune (2014) X-ray single-crystal structural characterization of MgCr2O4, a post-spinel phase synthesized at 23 GPa and 1600 °C. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 75, 638-641.  160.     C. Biagioni, E. Bonaccorsi, Y. Moëlo, P. Orlandi, L. Bindi, M. D’Orazio, S. Vezzoni (2014) Mercury-arsenic sulfosalts from Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). III. Arsiccioite, AgHg2TlAs2S6, a new mineral from the Monte Arsiccio mine: occurrence, crystal structure, and crystal chemistry of the routhierite isotypic series. Mineralogical Magazine, 78, 101-117.  161.     L. Bindi,  P. Bonazzi, M. Zoppi, P.G. Spry (2014) Chemical variability in wakabayashilite: a real feature or an analytical artifact? Mineralogical Magazine, 78, 693-702.  162.     L. Bindi, E. Sirotkina, A.V. Bobrov, T. Irifune (2014) Chromium solubility in MgSiO3 ilmenite at high pressure. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 41, 519-526.  163.     T. Malcherek, L. Bindi, M. Dini, M.R. Ghiara, A. Molina Donoso, F. Nestola, M. Rossi, J. Schlüter (2014) Tondiite, Cu3Mg(OH)6Cl2, the Mg-analogue of herbertsmithite. Mineralogical Magazine, 78, 583-590.  164.     P. Orlandi, C. Biagioni, L. Bindi, F. Nestola (2014) Ichnusaite, Th(MoO4)2·3H2O, the first natural thorium molybdate: occurrence, description, and crystal structure. American Mineralogist, 99, 2089-2094.   165.     C. Biagioni, P. Orlandi, Y. Moëlo, L. Bindi (2014) Lead-antimony sulfosalts from Tuscany (Italy). XVI. Carducciite, (AgSb)Pb6(As,Sb)8S20, a new Sb-rich isotype of rathite from the Pollone mine, Valdicastello Carducci: occurrence and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine, 78, 1775-1793. 166.     L. Bindi, C. Biagioni, L. Ceccantini, M. Batoni, S. Menchetti (2014) Coquandite, Sb6+xO8+x(SO4)(OH)x·(H2O)1-x (x = 0.3), from the Cetine mine, Tuscany, Italy: crystal structure and revision of the chemical formula. Mineralogical Magazine, 78, 871-888.  167.     L. Bindi, M. Tredoux, F. Zaccarini, D.E. Miller, G. Garuti (2014) Non-stoichiometric nickel arsenides in nature: the structure of orcelite, Ni5-xAs2 (x = 0.25), from the Bon Accord oxide body, South Africa. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 601, 175-178.  168.     A. Garavelli, D. Pinto, D. Mitolo, L. Bindi (2014) Leguernite, Bi12.67O14(SO4)5, a new Bi-oxysulfate from the fumarole deposit of “La Fossa” crater, Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy. Mineralogical Magazine, 78, 1629-1645.  169.     F. Zaccarini, L. Bindi, G. Garuti, J.A. Proenza (2014) Rhutenium and magnetite intergrowths from the Loma Peguera chromitite, Dominican Republic, and relevance to the debate over the existence of platinum-group element oxides and hydroxides. Canadian Mineralogist, 52, 617-624. 170.     V. Stagno, L. Bindi, Y. Shibazaki, Y. Tange, Y. Higo, H.-K. Mao, P. Steinhardt, Y. Fei (2014) Icosahedral AlCuFe quasicrystal at high pressure and high temperature and its implications for the stability of icosahedrite. Scientific Reports, 4, 5869.  171.     P. Bonazzi, L. Bindi (2014) Determination of the tegengrenite superstructure: another case of tetrahedral Mn3+ in spinel-type minerals? Mineralogical Magazine, 79, 425-436.  172.     C. Biagioni, L. Bindi, F. Zaccarini (2014) Crystal chemistry of mercury sulfosalts – Galkhaite, Cs1-x(Hg5+xCu1-x)As4S12 (x ≈ 0): crystal structure and revision of the chemical formula. Canadian Mineralogist, 52, 873-882.   173.     L. Bindi, N. Yao, C. Lin, L.S. Hollister, G.J. MacPherson, G.R. Poirier, C.L. Andronicos, V.V. Distler, M.P. Eddy, A. Kostin, V. Kryachko, W.M. Steinhardt, M. Yudovskaya (2014) Steinhardtite, a new body-centered-cubic allotropic form of aluminum from the Khatyrka CV3 carbonaceous chondrite. American Mineralogist, 99, 2433-2436.174.     L. Bindi, W.W. Pinch (2014) Cameronite, Cu5-x(Cu,Ag)3+xTe10 (x = 0.43), from the Good Hope mine, Vulcan, Colorado: crystal structure and revision of the chemical formula. Canadian Mineralogist, 52, 423-432.  175.     L. Bindi, M. Nishi, J. Tsuchiya, T. Irifune (2014) Crystal chemistry of dense hydrous magnesium silicates: The structure of Phase H, MgSiH2O4 synthesized at 45 GPa and 1000 °C. American Mineralogist, 99, 1802-1805.   176.     P. Orlandi, C. Biagioni, L. Bindi, S. Merlino (2015) Crystal chemistry of actinide molybdates: Nuragheite, Th(MoO4)2·H2O, the second natural thorium molybdate and its relationships to ichnusaite and synthetic Th(MoO4)2. American Mineralogist, 100, 267-273. 177.     G.O. Lepore, L. Bindi, A. Zanetti, M.E. Ciriotti, O. Medenbach, P. Bonazzi (2015) Balestraite, KLi2VSi4O10O2, the first member of the mica supergroup with octahedral V5+. American Mineralogist, 100, 608-614.  178.     L. Bindi, G. Pratesi, M. Muniz-Miranda, M. Zoppi, L. Chelazzi, G.O. Lepore, S. Menchetti (2015) From ancient pigments to modern optoelectronic applications of arsenic sulfides: Bonazziite, the natural analogue of β-As4S4 from Khaidarkan deposit, Kyrgyzstan. Mineralogical Magazine, 79, 121-131. 179.     L. Bindi, A. Christy, S. Mills, M.E. Ciriotti, E. Bittarello (2015) New compositional and structural data validate the status of jamborite. Canadian Mineralogist, 53, 791-802.   180.     E. Sirotkina, A.V. Bobrov, L. Bindi, T. Irifune (2015) Phase relations and formation of chromium-rich phases in the system Mg4Si4O12-Mg3Cr2Si3O12 at 10-24 GPa and 1,600°C. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 169, 1-14.  181.     L. Bindi (2014) Chemical and structural characterization of henryite, (Cu,Ag)3+xTe2 (x ≈ 0.40): a new structure type in the (Ag)-Cu-Te system. Solid State Sciences, 38, 108-111.  182.     L. Bindi, F. Nestola, S. Graeser, P. Tropper, T. Raber (2015) Eckerite, Ag2CuAsS3, a new Cu-bearing sulphosalt from Lengenbach quarry, Binn valley, Switzerland: description and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine, 79, 687-694.183.     L. Bindi, C. Biagioni, T. Raber, P. Roth, F. Nestola (2015) Ralphcannonite, AgZn2TlAs2S6, a new mineral of the routhierite isotypic series from Lengenbach, Binn Valley, Switzerland. Mineralogical Magazine, 79, 1089-1098.  184.     L. Bindi, E. Makovicky (2015) Crystal structure and chemistry of natural kutinaite from Černý Důl, Krkonoše, Czech Republic. Mineralogical Magazine, 79, 1099-1109.  185.     L. Bindi, N. Yao, C. Lin, L.S. Hollister, C.L. Andronicos, V.V. Distler, M.P. Eddy, A. Kostin, V. Kryachko, G.J. MacPherson, W.M. Steinhardt, M. Yudovskaya, P.J. Steinhardt (2015) Natural quasicrystal with decagonal symmetry. Scientific Reports, 5, 9111. 186.     L. Bindi, C.J. Stanley, P.G. Spry (2015) New structural data reveal benleonardite to be a member of the pearceite-polybasite group. Mineralogical Magazine, 79, 1213-1221.  187.     L. Bindi, M.A. Cooper, A.M. McDonald (2015) Twinning and disorder in the crystal structure of kurilite, Ag8Te3Se: toward a new fast ionic conductor? Canadian Mineralogist, 53, 159-168.  188.     L. Bindi, C.J. Stanley, P.G. Spry (2015) Cervelleite, Ag4TeS: solution and description of the crystal structure. Mineralogy and Petrology, 109, 413-419.  189.     L. Bindi, E. Sirotkina, A.V. Bobrov, T. Irifune (2015) Structural and chemical characterization of Mg[(Cr,Mg)(Si,Mg)]O4, a new post-spinel phase with six-fold coordinated silicon. American Mineralogist, 100, 1633-1636. 190.     L. Bindi, C. Biagioni, B. Martini, A. Salvetti, G. Dalla Fontana, M. Taronna, M.E. Ciriotti (2015) Tavagnascoite, Bi4O4(SO4)(OH)2, a new oxyhydroxy bismuth sulfate related to klebelsbergite. Mineralogical Magazine, 80, 647-657.  191.     L. Bindi, O.G. Safonov, D.A. Zedgenizov (2015) Merwinite-structured phases as a potential host of alkalis in the upper mantle. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 170, 14 (1-11).  192.     D. Pinto, A. Garavelli, L. Bindi (2015) Fluorite-related one-dimensional units in natural bismuth oxysulfates: the crystal structures of Bi14O16(SO4)5 and Bi30O33(SO4)9(AsO4)2. Acta Crystallographica B, 71, 514-523.193.     V. Stagno, L. Bindi, C. Park, S. Tkachev, V. Prakapenka, H.-K. Mao, R.J. Hemley, P.J. Steinhardt, Y. Fei (2015) Quasicrystals at extreme conditions: The role of pressure in stabilizing icosahedral Al63Cu24Fe13 at high temperature. American Mineralogist, 100, 2412-2418.  194.     L. Bindi, N. Yao, C. Lin, L.S. Hollister, C.L. Andronicos, V.V. Distler, M.P. Eddy, A. Kostin, V. Kryachko, G.J. MacPherson, W.M. Steinhardt, M. Yudovskaya, P.J. Steinhardt (2015) Decagonite, Al71Ni24Fe5, a quasicrystal with decagonal symmetry from the Khatyrka CV3 carbonaceous chondrite. American Mineralogist, 100, 2340-2343.  195.     L. Bindi, F.N. Keutsch, D. Topa (2015) How much copper can the pearceite structure sustain? The case of cupropearceite from Tsumeb, Namibia. Periodico di Mineralogia, 84, 341-350.   196.     L. Bindi, M. Nishi, T. Irifune (2015) Partition of Al between Phase D and Phase H at high pressure: Results from a simultaneous structure refinement of the two phases coexisting in an unique grain. American Mineralogist, 100, 1637-1640.  197.     C. Biagioni, L. Bindi, F. Nestola, R. Cannon, P. Roth, T. Raber (2016) Ferrostalderite, CuFe2TlAs2S6, a new member of the routhierite new mineral fromì Lengenbach, Switzerland: occurrence, crystal structure, and emphasis on the role of iron in sulfosalts. Mineralogical Magazine, 80, 175-186.  198.     F. Zaccarini, L. Bindi, E. Pushkarev, G. Garuti, R.J. Bakker (2016) Multi-analytical characterization of minerals of the bowieite-kashinite series from Niznhy-Tagil complex, Urals (Russia) and comparison with worldwide occurrences. Canadian Mineralogist, 54, 461-473.  199.     P. Bonazzi, G.O. Lepore, L. Bindi (2016) Molecular versus layered structure in arsenic sulphides: The case of duranusite, As4S. European Journal of Mineralogy, 28, 147-151.  200.     L. Bindi, E. Sirotkina, A.V. Bobrov, F. Nestola, T. Irifune (2016) Chromium solubility in anhydrous Phase B. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 43, 103-110.    201.     L. Bindi, C. Biagioni, B, Martini, A. Salvetti (2016) Ciriottiite, Cu(Cu,Ag)3Pb19(Sb,As)22(As2)S56, the Cu-Analogue of Sterryite from the Tavagnasco Mining District, Piedmont, Italy. Minerals, 6, 8.  202.     H-J. Förster, L. Bindi, C.J. Stanley (2016) Composition and crystal structure of grundmannite, CuBiSe2, the Se-analogue of emplectite, a new mineral from the El Dragόn mine, Potosí, Bolivia. European Journal of Mineralogy, 28, 467-477.   203.     L. Bindi, C.J. Stanley, Y.V. Seryotkin, V.V. Bakakin, G.A. Pal’yanova, K.A. Kokh (2016) The crystal structure of uytenbogaardtite, Ag3AuS2, and its relationships with gold and silver sulfides-selenides. Mineralogical Magazine, 80, 1031-1040.  204.     L. Bindi, A. Tamarova, A.V. Bobrov, E.A. Sirotkina, O. Tschauner, M.J. Walter, T. Irifune (2016) Incorporation of high amounts of Na in ringwoodite: Possible implications for transport of alkali into lower mantle. American Mineralogist, 101, 483-486.   205.     G.O. Lepore, L. Bindi, F. Di Benedetto, E. Mugnaioli, C. Viti, A. Zanetti, M.E. Ciriotti, P. Bonazzi (2016) A multimethodic approach for the characterization of manganiceladonite, a new member of the celadonite family from Cerchiara mine, Eastern Liguria, Italy. Mineralogical Magazine, 81, 167-173. 206.     V.M. Dekov, O. Rouxel, K. Kouzmanov, L. Bindi, D. Asael, Y. Fouquet, J. Etoubleau, G. Burgaud, M. Wälle (2016) Enargite-luzonite hydrothermal vents in Manus Back-Arc Basin: Submarine analogues of high-sulfidation epithermal mineralization. Chemical Geology, 439, 36-57.   207.     P.D. Asimow, C. Lin, L. Bindi, C. Ma, O. Tschauner, L.S. Hollister, P.J. Steinhardt (2016) Shock synthesis of quasicrystals with implications for their origin in asteroid collisions. PNAS, 113, 7077-7081.  208.     L. Bindi, H.-J. Förster, G. Grundmann, F.N. Keutsch, C.J. Stanley (2016) Petříčekite, CuSe2, a new member of the marcasite group from the Předbořice deposit, Central Bohemia Region, Czech Republic. Minerals, 6(2), 33.  209.     J.A. Jaszczak, M.S. Rumsey, L. Bindi, S.A. Hackney, M.A. Wise, C.J. Stanley, J. Spratt (2016) Merelaniite, Mo4Pb4VSbS15, a new molybdenum-essential member of the cylindrite group, from the Merelani tanzanite deposit, Lelatema Mountains, Manyara Region, Tanzania. Minerals, 6, 115. 210.     L. Bindi, C. Lin, C. Ma, P.J. Steinhardt (2016) Collisions in outer space produced an icosahedral phase in the Khatyrka meteorite never observed previously in the laboratory. Scientific Reports, 6, 38117.211.     E.A. Sirotkina, A.V. Bobrov, A.V. Spivak, L. Bindi, D.Yu. Pushcharovsky (2016) X-ray single-crystal and Raman study of (Na0.86Mg0.14)(Mg0.57Ti0.43)Si2O6, a new pyroxene synthesized at 7 GPa and 1,700 °C. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 43, 731-738.  212.     L. Bindi, W.H. Paar (2016) Donharrisite, Ni3HgS3: Crystal structure and revision of the chemical formula. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 682, 248-253.  213.     G.O. Lepore, L. Bindi, G. Pedrazzi, S. Conticelli, P. Bonazzi (2017) Structural and chemical variations in phlogopites from lamproitic rocks of the Western Mediterranean Region. Lithos, 286-287, 191-205.  214.     H.-J. Förster, L. Bindi, C.J. Stanley, G. Grundmann (2017) Hansblockite, (Cu,Hg)(Bi,Pb)Se2, the monoclinic polymorph of grundmannite: a new mineral from the El Dragόn mine (Bolivia). Mineralogical Magazine, 81, 629-640.  215.     L. Bindi, F.N. Keutsch, M. Morana, F. Zaccarini (2017) Spryite, Ag8(As3+0.5As5+0.5)S6: structure determination and inferred absence of superionic conduction of the first As3+-bearing argyrodite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 44, 75-82.  216.     C. Biagioni, L. Bindi (2017) Ordered distribution of Cu and Ag in the crystal structure of balkanite, Cu9Ag5HgS8. European Journal of Mineralogy, 29, 279-285. 217.     M.D. Welch, L. Bindi, V. Petricek, J. Plasil (2016) Vacancy pairing and superstructure in the high-pressure silicate K1.5Mg2Si2O7H0.5: a new potential host for potassium in the deep Earth. Acta Crystallographica, B72, 822-827.  218.     L. Bindi, E. Sirotkina, A.V. Bobrov, M.J. Walter, D. Pushcharovsky, T. Irifune (2017) Bridgmanite-like crystal structure in the novel Ti-rich phase synthesized at transition zone condition. American Mineralogist, 102, 227-230.  219.     E. Sirotkina, A.V. Bobrov, L. Bindi, T. Irifune (2017) Chromium-bearing phases in the Earth's mantle: Evidence from experiments in the MgO-SiO2-Cr2O3 system at 10–24 GPa and 1600 °C. American Mineralogist, 103, 151-160.  220.     L. Bindi, H. Putz, W.H. Paar, C.J. Stanley (2017) Omariniite, Cu8Fe2ZnGe2S12, the germanium-analogue of stannoidite, a new mineral species from Capitillas, Argentina.  Mineralogical Magazine, 81, 1151-1159.  221.     C. Lin, L.S. Hollister, G.J. MacPherson, L. Bindi, C. Ma, C.L. Andronicos, P.J. Steinhardt (2017) Evidence of redox reaction in the quasicrystal-bearing Khatyrka meteorite reveals multi-stage formation process. Scientific Reports, 7, 1637.  222.     H.-J. Förster, L. Bindi, G. Grundmann, C.J. Stanley (2016) Quijarroite, Cu6HgPb2Bi4Se12, a new selenide from the El Dragόn mine, Bolivia. Minerals, 6, 123.223.     C. Ma, C. Lin, L. Bindi, P.J. Steinhardt (2017) Hollisterite (Al3Fe), kryachkoite (Al,Cu)6(Fe,Cu), and stolperite (AlCu): Three new minerals from the Khatyrka CV3 carbonaceous chondrite. American Mineralogist, 102, 690-693.  224.     L. Bindi, W. Paar (2017) Jaszczakite, [(Bi,Pb)3S3][AuS2], a new mineral species from Nagybörzsöny, Hungary. European Journal of Mineralogy, 29, 673-677.  225.     L. Bindi, E. Sirotkina, A.V. Bobrov, D. Pushcharovsky, T. Irifune (2017) Discovery of MgTiSi2O7: a new high-pressure silicate with weberite structure synthesized at transition zone conditions. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 44, 419-424.  226.     N. Meisser, P. Roth, F. Nestola, C. Biagioni, L. Bindi, M. Robyr (2017) Richardsollyite, TlPbAsS3, a new sulfosalt from the Lengenbach quarry, Binn Valley, Switzerland. European Journal of Mineralogy, 29, 679-688.   227.     S. Menchetti, L. Bindi, D. Belakovskiy, F. Zaccarini (2017) Structural, chemical and spectroscopic re-examination of type uklonskovite leads to its redefinition. Mineralogical Magazine, 81, 1397-1404.  228.     L. Bindi, M. Chen, X. Xie (2017) Discovery of the Fe-analogue of akimotoite from the shocked Suizhou L6 chondrite. Scientific Reports, 7, 42674; doi: 10.1038/srep42674.  229.     L. Bindi, V. Petricek, C. Biagioni, J. Plasil, Y. Moëlo (2017) Could incommensurability in sulfosalts be more common than thought? The case of meneghinite, CuPb13Sb7S24. Acta Crystallographica, B73, 369-376.230.     D. Holtstam, L. Bindi, U. Hålenius, U.B. Andersson (2017) Delhuyarite-(Ce) – Ce4Mg(Fe3+2W)Σ3□(Si2O7)2O6(OH)2 – a new mineral related to the chevkinite group, from the Nya Bastnäs Fe-Cu-REE deposit, Sweden. European Journal of Mineralogy, 29, 897-905.231.     C. Hejny, L. Bindi (2017) Low-temperature behaviour of K2Sc[Si2O6]F: determination of the lock-in phase and its relationships with fresnoite- and melilite-type compounds. Acta Crystallographica, B73, 923-930. 232.     D. Holtstam, L. Bindi, U. Hålenius, U. Kolitsch, J. Mansfeld (2017) Ulfanderssonite-(Ce), a new Cl-bearing REE silicate mineral species from the Malmkärra mine, Norberg, Sweden. European Journal of Mineralogy, 29, 1015-1026.233.     V. Stagno, L. Bindi, P.J. Steinhardt, Y. Fei (2017) Phase equilibria in the nominally Al65Cu23Fe12 system at 3, 5 and 21 GPa: Implications for the quasicrystal-bearing Khatyrka meteorite. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 271, 47-56. 234.     J. Oppenheim, C. Ma, J. Hu, L. Bindi, P.J. Steinhardt, P.D. Asimow (2017) Shock synthesis of five-component icosahedral quasicrystals. Scientific Reports, 7, 15629.  235.     J. Oppenheim, C. Ma, J. Hu, L. Bindi, P.J. Steinhardt, P.D. Asimow (2017) Shock synthesis of decagonal quasicrystals. Scientific Reports, 7, 15628.  236.     E. Sirotkina, L. Bindi, A.V. Bobrov, A. Tamarova, D. Pushcharovsky, T. Irifune (2018) X-ray single-crystal structural characterization of Na2MgSiO4 with cristobalite-type structure synthesised at 22 GPa and 1800 °C. European Journal of Mineralogy, 30, 485-489.  237.     L. Bindi, P.J. Steinhardt (2018) How impossible crystal came to Earth: A short history. Rocks and Minerals, 93, 50-57.238.     M.M.M. Meier, L. Bindi, P.R. Heck, A.I. Neander, N.H. Spring, M.E.I. Riebe, C. Maden, H. Baur, P.J. Steinhardt, R. Wieler, H. Busemann (2018) Cosmic history and a candidate parent asteroid for the quasicrystal-bearing meteorite Khatyrka. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 490, 122-131.  239.     E. Sirotkina, L. Bindi, A.V. Bobrov, S.M. Aksenov, T. Irifune (2018) Synthesis and crystal structure of chromium-bearing anhydrous wadsleyite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 45, 361-366.  240.     L. Bindi, X. Xie (2018) Shenzhuangite, NiFeS2, a new member of the chalcopyrite group from the Suizhou L6 chondrite. European Journal of Mineralogy, 30, 165-169.  241.     L. Bindi, F.N. Keutsch (2018) Old defined minerals with complex, still unresolved structures: The case of stützite, Ag5-xTe3. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 233, 247-253.  242.     C. Biagioni, L. Bindi, Y. Moëlo (2018) Another step toward the solution of the real structure of zinkenite. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 233, 269-277.  243.     L. Bindi, D. Holtstam, G. Fantappiè, U.B. Andersson, P. Bonazzi (2018) Ferriperbøeite-(Ce),[CaCe3]Σ=4[Fe3+Al2Fe2+]Σ=4[Si2O7][SiO4]3O(OH)2, a new member of the polysomatic epidote-törnebohmite series from the Nya Bastnäs Fe-Cu-REE deposit, Sweden. European Journal of Mineralogy, 30, 537-544.  244.     L. Bindi, J. Plasil (2018) Preface of the special issue “Deciphering the complexity of mineral structures”. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 233, 153-154.  245.     Dekov, V., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Kamenov, G.D., Guéguen, B., Bayon, G., L. Bindi, Asael, D., Fouquet, Y. (2018) Redox changes in a seafloor hydrothermal system recorded in hematite-chalcopyrite chimneys. Chemical Geology, 483, 351-371.  246.     L. Bindi, W.L. Griffin, W. Panero, E.A. Sirotkina, A. Bobrov, T. Irifune (2018) Synthesis of inverse ringwoodite sheds light on the subduction history of Tibetan ophiolites. Scientific Reports, 8, 5457.  247.     L. Bindi, W.H. Paar, G.O. Lepore (2018) Montbrayite, (Au,Ag,Sb,Pb,Bi)23(Te,Sb,Pb,Bi)38, from the Robb-Montbray mine, Montbray, Quebec: Crystal structure and revision of the chemical formula. Canadian Mineralogist, 56, 129-142.  248.     L. Bindi, R.F. Martin (2018) Edgarite, FeNb3S6, from the Khibina alkaline complex, Russia: Solution of the crystal structure. Canadian Mineralogist, 56, 259-264. 249.     L. Bindi, C. Biagioni, F.N. Keutsch (2018) Oyonite, Ag3Mn2Pb4Sb7As4S24, a new member of the lillianite homologous series from the Uchucchacua base-metal deposit, Oyon district, Peru. Minerals, 8, 192.  250.     E.A. Matrosova, A.V. Bobrov, L. Bindi, T. Irifune (2018) Phase Relations in the Model System SiO2–MgO–Cr2O3: Evidence from the Results of Experiments in Petrologically Significant Sections at 12–24 GPa and 1600°C. Petrology, 26, 588-598.  251.     H.-J. Förster, L. Bindi, G. Grundmann, C.J. Stanley (2018) Cerromojonite, CuPbBiSe3, from El Dragόn (Bolivia): a new member of the bournonite group. Minerals, 8, 420-434.  252.     C. Andronicos, L. Bindi, V.V. Distler, L.S. Hollister, C. Lin, G.J. MacPherson, P.J. Steinhardt, M. Yudovskaya (2018) Comment on “Composition and origin of holotype Al-Cu-Zn minerals in relation to quasicrystals in the Khatyrka meteorite” by M. Ivanova et al. (2017) Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences, 53, 2430-2440.253.     L. Bindi, W.H. Paar, P. Leblhuber (2018) Gortdrumite, Cu24Fe2Hg9S23, from Leogang, Salzburg, Austria: crystal structure and revision of the chemical formula. Mineralogical Magazine, 82, 853-861.  254.     D. Atencio, M.B. Andrade, L. Bindi, P. Bonazzi, M. Zoppi, C.J. Stanley, R. Kristiansen (2018) Kenoplumbomicrolite, (Pb,)2Ta2O6[,(OH),O]: a complete characterization of the mineral from Ploskaya, Kola Peninsula, Russia, leading to a new mineral and mineral species. Mineralogical Magazine, 82, 1049-1055.   255.     L. Bindi, F. Zaccarini, D.E. Miller, G. Garuti (2018) Tredouxite (NiSb2O6): another new Ni-phase from Bon Accord oxide body, South Africa. European Journal of Mineralogy, 30, 393-398.  256.     L. Bindi, F.N. Keutsch, G.O. Lepore (2018) Structural and chemical study of weishanite, (Au,Ag,Hg), from the Keystone mine, Colorado, U.S.A.. Mineralogical Magazine, 82, 1141-1145.257.     L. Bindi, J. Pham, P.J. Steinhardt (2018) Previously unknown quasicrystal periodic approximant found in space. Scientific Reports, 8, 16271.258.     D. Zhai, L. Bindi, P.C. Voudouris, J. Liu, S.F. Tombros, K. Li (2018) Discovery of Se-rich canfieldite [Ag8Sn(S,Se)6] from the Shuangjianzishan Ag-Pb-Zn deposit, NE China: A multimethodic chemical and structural study. Mineralogical Magazine,     L. Bindi, C. Biagioni (2018) A crystallographic excursion in the extraordinary world of minerals: The case of Cu- and Al-rich sulfosalts. Acta Crystallographica, B74, 527-538.260.     P. Bonazzi, D. Holtstam, L. Bindi (2019) Gatelite supergroup minerals: Recommended nomenclature and review. European Journal of Mineralogy, 31, 173-181. 261.     S. Nazzareni, F. Nestola, V. Zanon, L. Bindi, E. Scricciolo, M. Petrelli, M. Zanatta, G. Mariotto, G. Giuli (2019) Discovery of moissanite in a peralkaline syenite from the Azores Islands. Lithos, 324-325, 68-73.262.     E.A. Matrosova, L. Ismailova, A.V. Bobrov, E. Bykova, M. Bykov, K. Glazyrin, S.M. Aksenov, L. Bindi, D.Yu. Pushcharovsky, S.V. Ovsyannikov, L. Dubrovinsky (2019) Compressibility of two Na-rich clinopyroxenes: A synchrotron single-crystal X-ray diffraction study. American Mineralogist, 104, 905-913. 263.     C. Ma, O. Tschauner, L. Bindi, J.R Beckett, X. Xie (2019) A vacancy-rich, partially inverted spinelloid silicate, (Mg,Fe,Si)2(Si,□)O4, as a major matrix phase in shock melt veins of the Tenham and Suizhou L6 chondrites. Meteoritics & Planetary Sciences, in press.264.     L. Bindi, F. Cámara, W.L. Griffin, J-X. Huang, S.E.M. Gain, S.Y. O’Reilly (2019) Discovery of the first natural hydride. American Mineralogist, 104, 611-614. 265.     W.L. Griffin, S.E.M. Gain, L. Bindi, V. Toledo, F. Cámara, M. Saunders, S.Y. O’Reilly (2019) Carmeltazite, ZrAl2Ti4O11, a new mineral trapped in corundum from volcanic rocks of Mt Carmel, northern Israel. Minerals, 8, 601.266.     F. Camara, L. Bindi, A. Pagano, R. Pagano, S.E.M. Gain, W.L. Griffin (2019) Dellagiustaite: A novel natural spinel containing V2+. Minerals, 9, 4.267. P. Elliott, J. Plasil, V. Petricek, J. Cejka, L. Bindi (2019) Twinning and incommensurate modulation in baumoite, Ba0.5[(UO2)3O8Mo2(OH)3](H2O)~3, the first natural Ba uranyl molybdate. Mineralogical Magazine, 83, 507-514.268. A.Y. Barkov, L. Bindi, N. Tamura, G.I. Shvedov, B. Winkler, C.V. Stan, W. Morgenroth, R.F. Martin, F. Zaccarini, C.J. Stanley (2019) Ognitite, NiBiTe, a new mineral species, and cobaltian maucherite from the Ognit ultramafic complex, Eastern Sayans, Russia. Mineralogical Magazine, 83, 695-703.269. L. Bindi, F.E. Brenker, F. Nestola, T.E. Koch, D.J. Prior, K. Lilly, A.N. Krot, M. Bizzarro, X. Xie (2019) Discovery of asimowite, the Fe-analog of wadsleyite, in shock-melted silicate droplets of the Suizhou L6 and the Quebrada Chimborazo 001 CB3.0 chondrites. American Mineralogist, 104, 775-778.270.  F. Zaccarini, E. Ifandi, V. Tsikouras, T. Grammatikopolous, G. Garuti, D. Mauro, L. Bindi, C. J. Stanley (2019) Occurrence of new phosphides and sulfide of Ni, Co, V, and Mo from chromitite of the Othrys ophiolite complex (Central Greece). Periodico di Mineralogia, 88, 307-324.271. M. Morana, L. Bindi (2019) Spiridonovite, (Cu1-xAgx)2Te (x ≈ 0.4), a new telluride from the Good Hope mine, Vulcan, Colorado (U.S.A.). Minerals, 9, 194. 272. H.-J. Förster, C. Ma, G. Grundmann, L. Bindi, C.J. Stanley (2019) Nickeltyrrellite, CuNi2Se4, a new mineral of the spinel supergroup from El Dragón, Bolivia. Canadian Mineralogist, 57, 637-646.273. A.E. Lanza, M. Gemmi, L. Bindi, E. Mugnaioli, W.H. Paar (2019) Daliranite, PbHgAs2S5: determination of the incommensurately modulated structure and revision of the chemical formula. Acta Crystallographica, B75, 711-716.274.  E.A. Matrosova, M.D. Welch, A.V. Bobrov, L. Bindi, D.Yu. Pushcharovsky, T. Irifune (2019) Incorporation of Ti into the crystal structures of the high-pressure dense silicates Anhydrous Phase B and Superhydrous Phase B. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 46, 909-920.275. M. Goudjil, E. Gutiérrez-Puebla, P. Bonazzi, E. Lunedei, D. Mezaoui, L. Bindi (2019) Synthesis and crystal structure of a series of stoichiometric (n)-ITB molybdenum-bronze oxides containing trivalent arsenic. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 234, 569-579.  276. M. Piazzi, M. Morana, M. Coisson, F. Marone, M. Campione, L. Bindi, A. Jones, E. Ferrara, M. Alvaro (2019) Multi-analytical characterization of Fe-rich magnetic inclusions in diamonds. Diamond & Related Materials, 98, 107489.277. C. Biagioni, L. Bindi, D. Mauro, U. Hålenius (2019) Crystal-chemistry of sulfates from Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). V. Scordariite, K8(Fe3+0.67ð0.33)[Fe3+3O(SO4)6(H2O)3]2(H2O)11, a new metavoltine-related mineral. Minerals, 9, 702. 278. C. Biagioni, L. Bindi, A.R. Kampf (2019) Crystal-chemistry of sulfates from Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). VII. Magnanelliite, K3Fe3+2(SO4)4(OH)(H2O)2, a new sulfate from the Monte Arsiccio mine. Minerals, 9, 779.279. A. Karlsson, D. Holtstam, L. Bindi, P. Bonazzi, M. Konrad-Schmolke (2020) Adding complexity to the garnet supergroup: monteneveite, Ca3Sb5+2(Fe3+2Fe2+)O12, a new mineral from the Monteneve mine, Bolzano Province, Italy. European Journal of Mineralogy, 32, 77-87.280. W.L. Griffin, S.E.M. Gain, L. Bindi, J. Shaw, M. Saunders, J-X. Huang, F. Cámara, V. Toledo, S.Y. O’Reilly (2020) Extreme reduction: Mantle-derived oxide xenoliths from a hydrogen-rich environment. Lithos, 358-359, 105404.281. L. Bindi, S.-H. Shim, T.G. Sharp, X. Xie (2020) Evidence for the charge disproportionation of iron in extraterrestrial bridgmanite. Science Advances, 6, eaay7893.282. L. Bindi, A. Bendeliani, A. Bobrov, E. Matrosova, T. Irifune (2020) Incorporation of Mg in Phase Egg, AlSiO3OH: Toward a new polymorph of Phase H, MgSiH2O4, a carrier of water in the deep mantle. American Mineralogist, 105, 132-135.283. L Bindi, C.J. Stanley (2020) Natural versus synthetic quasicrystals: Analogies and differences in the optical behaviour of icosahedral and decagonal quasicrystals. Rendiconti dei Lincei (Scienze Fisiche e Naturali), 31, 9-17. 284. C. Biagioni, L. Bindi, D. Mauro, M. Pasero (2020) Crystal-chemistry of sulfates from Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). IV. Giacovazzoite, K5Fe3+3O(SO4)6(H2O)9·H2O, the natural analogue of the β-Maus’s Salt and its dehydration product. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 47, 7. 285.  A.A. Zolotarev, S.V. Krivovichev, F. Camara, L. Bindi, E.S. Zhitova, F. Hawthorne, E. Sokolova (2020) Extraordinary structural complexity of ilmajokite: a multilevel hierarchical framework structure of natural origin. IUCrJ, 7,  A. Pisanu, M. Coduri, M. Morana, Y.O. Ciftci, A. Rizzo, A. Listorti, M. Gaboardi, L. Bindi, V.I. E. Queloz, G. Grancini, L. Malavasi (2020) Exploring the role of halide mixing in lead-free BZA2SnX4 two dimensional hybrid perovskites. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8, 1875-1886.287.  E.A. Matrosova, A.V. Bobrov, L. Bindi, D.Yu. Pushcharovsky, T. Irifune (2020) Titanium-rich phases in the Earth’s transition zone and lower mantle: Evidence from experiments in the system MgO–SiO2–TiO2(±Al2O3) at 10–24 GPa and 1600 °C. Lithos, 366-367, 105539.288.  L. Bindi, F. Zaccarini, E. Ifandi, B. Tsikouras, C. Stanley, G. Garuti, D. Mauro (2020) Grammatikopoulosite, NiVP, a new phosphide from the chromitite of the Othrys ophiolite, Greece. Minerals, 10, 131.289.  L. Bindi, F. Zaccarini, P. Bonazzi, T. Grammatikopoulos, B. Tsikouras, C. Stanley, G. Garuti (2020) Eliopoulosite, V7S8, a new sulfide from the podiform chromitite of the Othrys ophiolite, Greece. Minerals, 10, 245. 290.  J. Hu, P.D. Asimow, C. Ma, L. Bindi (2020) First synthesis of a unique icosahedral phase from the Khatyrka meteorite by shock recovery experiment. IUCrJ, 7, 434-444. 291.  D. Holtstam, L. Bindi, A. Karlsson, J. Langhof , T. Zack, P. Bonazzi, A. Persson (2020) Kesebolite-(Ce), CeCa2Mn(AsO4)[SiO3]3, a new REE-bearing arsenosilicate mineral from the Kesebol mine, Åmål, Västra Götaland, Sweden. Minerals, 10, 385.292.    L. Bindi, Y. Moëlo (2020) Biagioniite, Tl2SbS2, from the Hemlo gold deposit, Marathon, Ontario (Canada): occurrence and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine, 1–8. L. Bindi, J. Jaszczak (2020) Richardsite, Zn2CuGaS4, a new gallium-essential member of the stannite group from the gem mines near Merelani, Tanzania. Minerals, 10, 467.294. E.A. Matrosova, A.V. Bobrov, A.P. Tamarova, L. Bindi, D.Yu. Pushcharovsky, T. Irifune (2020) Sodium Silicates at the Boundary between the Transition Zone and the Lower Mantle: Compositional and Structural Patterns. Doklady Earth Sciences, 491, 150-154.295. W.L. Griffin, S.E.M. Gain, M. Saunders, L. Bindi, O. Alard, V. Toledo, S.Y. O’Reilly (2020) Parageneses of TiB2 in corundum xenoliths from Mt Carmel, Israel: Siderophile behaviour of boron under reducing conditions. American Mineralogist, 105, 1609-1621.296. C. Biagioni, F. Zaccarini, P. Roth, L. Bindi (2020) Progress in the knowledge of “ruby silvers”: New structural and chemical data of pyrostilpnite, Ag3SbS3. Mineralogical Magazine, 84, 463-467.297. L. Bindi, M.D. Welch, A. Bendeliani, A. Bobrov (2020) Si-rich Mg-sursassite Mg4Al5Si7O23(OH)5 with octahedrally-coordinated Si: a new ultra-high-pressure hydrous phase. American Mineralogist, 105, 1432-1435.298. L. Bindi, V. Dmitrienko, P.J. Steinhardt (2020) Are quasicrystals really so rare in the Universe? American Mineralogist, 105, 1121-1125.299. F. Zaccarini, L. Bindi, B. Tsikouras, T. Grammatikopoulos, C.J. Stanley, G. Garuti (2020) Arsenotučekite, Ni18Sb3AsS16, a new mineral from the Tsangli chromitites, Othrys ophiolite, Greece. Mineralogy and Petrology, 114, 435-442.300. C. Anzolini, K. Marquardt, V. Stagno, L. Bindi, D.J. Frost, D.G. Pearson, J.W. Harris, R.J. Hemley, F. Nestola (2020) Evidence for complex iron oxides in the deep mantle from FeNi(Cu) inclusions in a super-deep diamond. PNAS, 117, 21088-21094.301. L. Bindi, A.C. Roberts, Biagioni, C. (2020) The crystal structure of alstonite, BaCa(CO3)2: an extraordinary example of “hidden” complex twinning in large single crystals. Mineralogical Magazine, 84, 699-704.302. N. Tomioka, L. Bindi, T. Okuchi, M. Miyahara, T. Iitaka, Z. Li, T. Kawatsu, X. Xie, N. Purevjav, R. Tani, Y. Kodama (2020) Poirierite, a dense metastable polymorph of magnesium iron silicate in shocked meteorites. Communications Earth & Environment, 2, 16.303. L. Bindi, M. Nespolo, S. Krivovichev, G. Chapuis, C. Biagioni (2020) Producing highly complicated materials. Nature does it better. Reports on Progress in Physics, 83, 106501.304. L. Bindi, A.C. Roberts (2020) Thunderbayite, TlAg3Au3Sb7S6, a new gold-bearing mineral from the Hemlo gold deposit, Marathon, Ontario, Canada. Mineralogical Magazine, 84, 805-812.305. L. Bindi, F. Cámara, S. Gain, W.L. Griffin, J.-X. Huang, M. Saunders, V. Toledo (2020) Kishonite, VH2, and oreillyite, Cr2N, two new minerals from the corundum xenocrysts of Mt Carmel, Northern Israel. Minerals, 10, 1118.306. L. Bindi (2021) Copper in coloradoite, HgTe: Actual state or analytical artifact? Crystallography Reports, 66, 29-32.307. I. Buganski, L. Bindi (2021) Insight into the structure of decagonite – the extraterrestrial decagonal quasicrystal. IUCrJ, 8, 87-101.  308. D. Holtstam, L. Bindi, A. Karlsson, J. Söderhielm, A. Zetterqvist (2021) Muonionalustaite, Ni3(OH)4Cl2·4H2O, a new mineral formed by terrestrial weathering of the Muonionalusta iron (IVA) meteorite, Pajala, Norrbotten, Sweden. GFF, 143, 1-7.309. S.V. Krivovichev, L. Bindi (2021) Correspondence on "K2Sb(P2O7)F: Cairo Pentagonal Layer with Bifunctional Genes Reveal Optical Performance". Angewandte Chemie, 60, 3854-3855.310. C. Biagioni, L. Bindi, K. Momma, R. Miyawaki, Y. Matsushita, Y. Moëlo (2021) Determination of the crystal structure and redefinition of tsugaruite, Pb28As15S50Cl, the first lead-arsenic chloro-sulfosalt. Canadian Mineralogist, 59, 125-137.311. D. Holtstam, L. Bindi, P. Bonazzi, H.-J. Förster, U. Andersson (2021) Arrheniusite-(Ce),CaMg[(Ce7Y3)Ca5](SiO4)3(Si3B3O18)(AsO4)(BO3)F11, a new member of the vicanite group, from the Östanmossa mine, Norberg, Sweden. Canadian Mineralogist, 59, 177-189.312. L. Bindi, M. Morana (2021) Twinning, superstructure and chemical ordering in spryite, Ag8(As3+0.50As5+0.50)S6, at ultra-low temperature: An X-ray single-crystal study. Minerals, 11, 286313. S. Tommasini, L. Bindi, M. Petrelli, P.D. Asimow, P.J. Steinhardt (2021) Trace element conundrum of natural quasicrystals. Earth and Space Chemistry, 5, 676-689.314. V. Stagno, L. Bindi, S. Takagi, A. Kyono (2021) Can quasicrystals survive in planetary collisions? Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 8, 27.315. W.L. Griffin, S.E.M. Gain, M. Saunders, F. Camara, L. Bindi, D. Spartà, V. Toledo, S.Y. O’Reilly (2021) Cr2O3 in corundum: Ultra-high contents under reducing conditions. American Mineralogist, 106, 1420-1437.316. L. Bindi, W. Kolb, G.N. Eby, P.D. Asimow, T.C. Wallace, P.J. Steinhardt (2021) Accidental synthesis of a previously unknown quasicrystal in the first atomic bomb test. PNAS, 118, 22 e2101350118.317. E.A. Matrosova, A.V. Bobrov, L. Bindi, D. Yu. Pushcharovsky (2021 Titanium Minerals and Their Assemblages in the Earth’s Mantle: A Review of Natural and Experimental Data. Geochemistry International, 59, 725-742.318. L. Bindi, R. Sinmyo, E. Bykova, S. V. Ovsyannikov, C. McCammon, I. Kupenko, L. Ismailova, L. Dubrovinsky, X. Xie (2021) Discovery of Elgoresyite, (Mg,Fe)5Si2O9: Implications for Novel Iron-Magnesium Silicates in Rocky Planetary Interiors. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 5, 2124-2130.319. L. Malavasi, L. Bindi, M. Coduri, F. De Angelis, F. Fracassi, M. Gaboardi, A. Listorti, A. Mahata, C. Milanese, M. Morana, P. Quadrelli, M. Boiocchi, M. Striccoli, R. Chiara (2021) Role of Spacer Cations and Structural Distortion in Two-Dimensional Germanium Halide Perovskites. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 9, 9899-9906.320. A.Y. Barkov, L. Bindi, N. Tamura, R.F. Martin, C. Ma, B. Winkler, G.I. Shvedov, W. Morgenroth (2021) Fleetite, Cu2RhIrSb2, a new species of platinum-group mineral from the miass placer zone, Southern Urals, Russia. Canadian Mineralogist, 59, 423-430.321. A.Y. Barkov, L. Bindi, E.A. Juárez-Arellano, N. Tamura, G. Shvedov, C. Ma, R.F. Martin (2021) Unnamed Pt(Cu0.67Sn0.33) from the River Bolshoy Khailyk, western Sayans, Russia, and a review of related compounds and solid solutions. Minerals, 11, 1240.322. M. Miyahara, N. Tomioka, L. Bindi (2021) High-pressure minerals of terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials by shock metamorphism. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 8, 59.323. D. Yu. Pushcharovsky, D.V. Balitsky, L. Bindi (2021) The Importance of Crystals and Crystallography in Space Research Programs. Crystallography Reports, 66, 934-939.324. P. Bonazzi, L. Bindi (2021) Structural and chemical characterization of dienerite, Ni3As, and its revalidation as mineralogical species. Canadian Mineralogist, 59, 1887-1898.325. A.M. McDonald, I.M. Kjarsgaard, L.J. Cabri, K.C. Ross, D.E. Ames, L. Bindi, D.J. Good (2021) Oberthürite, Rh3(Ni,Fe)32S32 and torryweiserite, Rh5Ni10S16, two new platinum-group minerals from Marathon Deposit, Coldwell, Ontario, Canada: Descriptions, crystal chemical, considerations and comments on the, geochemistry of rhodium. Canadian Mineralogist, 59, 1833-1863.326. N. Solomatova, R. Caracas, L. Bindi, P.D. Asimow (2022) Ab initio study of the structure and relative stability of MgSiO4H2 polymorphs at high pressures and temperatures. American Mineralogist, 107, 781-789.327. S. Tommasini, L. Bindi, L. Savia, M.F. Mangler, A. Orlando, C.M. Petrone (2022) Critical assessment of pressure estimates in volcanic plumbing systems: The case study of Popocatépetl volcano, Mexico. Lithos, 408-409, 106540.328. L. Bindi, P.J. Steinhardt (2022) Quasicrystals and the birth of the Atomic Age. Physics Today, 75, 62-63.329. D. Holtstam, H.-J. Förster, K. Gatedal, L. Bindi, A. Karlsson (2002) Garpenbergite, Mn6□As5+Sb5+O10(OH)2, a new mineral related to manganostibite, from the Garpenberg Zn−Pb−Ag deposit, Sweden. Mineralogical Magazine, 86, 1-8.330. D. Holtstam, L. Bindi (2022) Hiärneite: crystal structure, chemical formula and classification. Mineralogical Magazine, 86, 314-318.331. L. Bindi, R.T. Downs (2022) Ferrofettelite, [Ag6As2S7][Ag10FeAs2S8], a new sulfosalt from the Glasberg quarry, Odenwald, Germany. Mineralogical Magazine, 86, 340-345.332. C. Dionigi, M. Goudjil, G. Ruani, L. Bindi (2022) The Effect of Short Chain Carboxylic Acids as Additives on the Crystallization of Methylammonium Lead Triiodide (MAPI). Inorganics, 10, 201.333. L. Bindi, A. Dasgupta, P. Mukherjee, J. Gao, X. Yang, J.A. Jaszczak (2022) Misfit-generated structural and optical anisotropies of the natural MoS2-PbS van der Waals heterostructure merelaniite. Physical Review Materials, 6, 115202.334. S. Margheri, L. Bindi, P. Bonazzi, D. Holtstam (2022) Structural and spectroscopic study of well-developed crystals of parahibbingite, β-Fe2(OH)3Cl, formed from terrestrial weathering of the Muonionalusta iron meteorite. Mineralogical Magazine, 86, 891-896.335. A.A. Bendeliani, A.V. Bobrov, L. Bindi, N.N. Eremin (2022) Ti and Cr in High-Pressure Mica: Experimental Study and Application to the Mantle Assemblages. Petrology, 30, 157-173.336. L. Bindi, M.A. Pasek, C. Ma, J. Hu, G. Cheng, N. Yao, P.D. Asimow, P.J. Steinhardt (2023) Electrical discharge triggers quasicrystal formation in an aeolian dune. PNAS, 120, e2215484119.337. F. Nestola, M.E. Regier, R.W. Luth, D.G. Pearson, T. Stachel, C. McCammon, M D. Wenz, S.D. Jacobsen, C. Anzolini, N. Tomioka, L. Bindi, J.W. Harris (2023) Extreme redox variations in a superdeep diamond from a subducted slab. Nature, 613, 85-89.338. A.V. Bobrov, A.P. Tamarova, L. Bindi, E.A. Matrosova, A.A. Bendeliani, L.N. Kogarko, T. Irifune (2023) Na-bearing bridgmanite: Synthesis, phase relations and application to the origin of alkaline melts in the uppermost lower mantle. Lithos, 444-445, 107101.339. L. Bindi, T. Feng, M.A. Pasek (2023) Routes to reduction of phosphate by high-energy events. Communications Earth & Environment, 4, 70.340. L. Bindi, P.J. Steinhardt (2015) Natural quasicrystals: A new frontier in mineralogy and its impact on our understanding of matter and the origin of the solar system. In “Highlights in Mineralogical Crystallography” (Armbruster T. & Danisi R.M., Eds.), De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, pp. 109-125. (ISBN 978-3-11-041710-4).  341. L. Bindi, G. Chapuis (2017) Aperiodic Mineral Structures. In “Mineralogical Crystallography” (Plasil J., Majzlan J. & Krivovichev S., Eds.), EMU Notes in Mineralogy, Vol. 19, Chapter 5, pp. 213-254. (ISBN 978-0903059-5).  342. M. Patti, L. Bindi, L. Cecchini, B. Maglione (2020) Diagrams, Technology and New Materials: The Scientific Nature of Loris Cecchini’s Artworks. In “Science and Art: The Contemporary Painted Surface” (A. Sgamellotti, B.G. Brunetti & C. Miliani, Eds.), The Royal Society of Chemistry, Chapter 18, 374-389.

Luca Bindi & Tetsuo Irifune in front of the Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)

Tetsuo Irifune, Dmitry Pushcharowski & Luca Bindi - Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)

Colloquium on the discovery of natural quasicrystals - Fersman Museum (Moscow, Russia)

Invited talk on the incorporation of Na in the ringwoodite structure - MSU (Moscow, Russia)