Augmented Reality & HCI

Magic Eyes: Personalized User Interface with Augmented Reality and Bare Hand Interaction

What you enjoy is personalized

just for you ...

A fancy world with color and interaction

just before your eyes ...

You can work, study everywhere, anytime ...

Magic Eyes is a personalized augmented reality system with bare hand interaction. This system transforms the reality at the front of users’ eyes into an augmented world with multimedia objects and users can interact with these virtual objects with their bare hands. By using personalized profiles, the system can generate different contents of the same object in real life. The proposed system can be used to develop various useful applications in real life.

  • Bare Hand Interaction:

Skin detection algorithm is used to enable a user use his/her bare hands to interact with a virtual object appearing in front of his/her eyes to activate that object. An event corresponding to a virtual object is generated if this virtual object is occluded by a skin-color object long enough.

  • Personalized Profile:

Users will be enthusiastic if they can enjoy unique personalized augmented content that match their personal profiles and preferences. AR glasses are used to create personalized augmented environment for different users. By using personalized profiles, the system can generate different contents of the same object in real life. For example, with the same book, two different users can see and interact with different augmented multimedia scenes.



  • Trung-Nghia Le, Yen-Thanh Le, Minh-Triet Tran, Anh-Duc Duong, “Essential Keypoints to Enhance Visual Object Recognition with Saliency-based Metrics,” International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), Singapore, 2014. [PDF]
  • Trung-Nghia Le, Yen-Thanh Le, Minh-Triet Tran, “Applying Saliency-based Region of Interest Detection in Developing a Collaborative Active Learning System with Augmented Reality,” International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII), Greece, 2014. [PDF]