Rock and Mineral Club of Lower Bucks County PA INC
The Rock and Mineral Club Of Lower Bucks County PA INC is a club of people interested in minerals, fossils, gems, lapidary, and other related areas. We have members of all ages with a wide range of experience.
We were founded in 1967 and meet regularly monthly (except in July and August) to talk about our hobby, learn new things, have educational activities and even get together for some field trips.
We have a monthly newsletter called the Rock Chatter which includes information on prior meetings, informative articles, a calendar of events for the club or partnership with other clubs in the surrounding area.
Every meeting we also host a "Kids Korner" where our younger members get to learn about geology with creative tasks. We welcome guests to come out to any meeting and look forward to seeing you share your interest with us.
Annual Show: We hold The Earth Science Show & Sale in yearly in May and our ULTRAVIOLATION show yearly in October. For more information please see the shows tab.
Affiliations: We are members of the Eastern Federation of Mineralogical & Lapidary Societies (EFMLS), and affiliated with the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies(AFMS).