Best Low THC Marijuana Strains

The rising popularity of medical marijuana has led to the increase in demand for the same. This is the reason behind the many brands of different marijuana strains that have been formulated for the sole purpose of taking care of this demand. The different strains have different characteristics which appeal to individual tastes and strengths. There are marijuana strains that have high pure CBD oil with low THC and other high THC with low CBD. It is important to know which one appeals to you better than the other and why that is. Low THC strains are highly preferred because of the low psychoactive effect after use. This is not to say that the high THC strains are not popular, not at all. This list has been compiled to help you decide which low THC marijuana strain you’d prefer.


This is one rare THC-CBD strain that there is in the market. It is the most preferred due to its high amounts of CBD to THC levels. Having been named as a powerful painkiller for chronic and acute pain, it also works perfectly for depression and insomnia. The amount of CBD in this strain reduces the psychoactive effects that are found in THC therefore you can comfortably use during the day. It is relaxing and soothing at the same time. It also ensures that you get a good amount of CBD oil dosage.


This strain happens to be very popular among young people. This is due to the fact that ACDC has a good amount of CBD in it which stabilizes and reduces the powerful effects of THC. The strain helps in maintaining focus and concentration which is why it is very popular among young people. The strain is also said to be very helpful to cancer patients since it reduces the effects of chemotherapy. And, that’s not all, ACDC has been strongly recommended by anxiety patients who have used it before. They feel much calmer in situations where they would feel really anxious when they haven’t used the strain. The amount of pure CBD oil in ACDC is enough to ensure you get just the right THC buzz, not too much and not too little.

Charlotte’s Web

In 5 medical marijuana active users, there is a high probability that 2 of the have used Charlotte’s web or the least heard of it. Having it named after charlotte who was getting seizures constantly and after using it they reduced significantly, this strain has become very popular and useful. It is said to have a very high CBD oil dosage that has suppressed the THC in it to the point where it is non-psychoactive. This makes it all the better since it is appealing to both medical marijuana patients and CBD oil users.

Valentine X

Valentine X is very popular among medical marijuana patients due to its effectiveness in treating some medical conditions. Considered to be the go-to strain for patients suffering from epilepsy and seizures, Valentine X is also known for a number of other benefits such as inflammation, depression and chronic pain.


Known for its high CBD level, Harlequin is also known for its ability to help with quitting the use of painkillers and other pharmaceuticals. Have you struggled with opioids addiction in the recent past or present? Well, search no further because there is nothing like a strain of Harlequin to get you off that addiction. The CBD in this strain lowers the effects of THC and also reduces the cravings for opioids. It is also very helpful with conditions such as depression, PTSD and inflammation.


Yes, the name is correct. Given that ZEN does not have a high level of CBD (in fact, it has the lowest CBD levels in this list) when used it releases psychoactive effects. The reason why this strain is preferred in some instances is because it offers relief to digestive problems which is a characteristic well known for pure CBD oil. It is also known to help with appetite loss, Crohn’s disease and anxiety.

This list contains some of the best low THC-high CBD marijuana strains in the market. Whether you are in it due to entertainment purposes or medical reasons, it is best to consider these strains because they offer more than just a buzz. If you are used to using a significant CBD oil dosage, this is a nice way of getting the maximum effects of CBD without getting high. Marijuana and CBD are the future of medicine and it is about time that you embrace it.