Glimpse of my work during my internship stay @ Western Digital   ( January - June 2019 )





scroll below to find more on the projects

Innovation @ Western Digital
-website being used all over Western Digital offices (world-wide) to conduct innovation bazaars and hackathons
-designed and implemented from scratch
-got special critics award for creating it in a short span of time

Built Innovation@WesternDigital website, that was used for organizing hackathons, innovation bazaars, generic events across the globe for the year 2019. Ideas can be posted to the website, challenges can be taken up by members forming teams, attachments can be added, deleted, feedback can be given, evaluation status can be changed, export as excel and many more functionalities. Built APIs for special functionality for the admin. Used MongoDB at backend for database, built APIs in C# using ASP.NET MVC paradigm, used JavaScript, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML at frontend.

Lab Monitor
-monitor resource consumption and other parameters of all lab machines easily via remote admin

AD Single SignOn
-single sign on page for company wide login to various applications based on AD

Developed a single sign on webpage for about six other web applications using AD concept. Used ASP.NET MVC, MongoDB at backend and JavaScript, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML at the frontend. Created a application that regularly checks for any updates in AD and pushes to some central DB, also implemented autocomplete feature that uses data from a central DB and helps in easy assignments and other use-cases inside the applications.