Clustering and Silhouette score

Given some unlabelled data, after cleaning and other preprocessing pipeline, say we got a number of data points in n-dimesional hypercube. Our intention is to bucketize similar items together into one bucket and other similar items together in other bucket and so on for all the data points.
Clustering is a technique appropriate for this use-case. We have clustering algorithms which are based on different underlying principles ( Centroid-based, Hierarichal, Distribution-based, Density-based ).
To evaluate clustring models, we have various evaluation metrics ( Homogenity, Completeness, V-measure, Adjusted Rand index (ARI), Adjusted Mutual Info, Silhouette ). Most of these require labelled data, only Silhouette is a metric which can evaluate a clustering model without labelled data.

Silhouette - advantage: Does not require labelled data