All these photos have been taken with my iPhone and are unedited except for the photo that was cropped to go on the cover of my book What Is Healing? Awaken Your Intuitive Power for Health and Happiness.

It is my prayer that by seeing these pictures, you will come to know and experience that you are being guided and protected, loved and supported, every day of your life by the angels who surround all of us.

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The angel lady told me that I am a prophetic and that I have the gift of claircognizance, the fastest of all psychic gifts and the same gift that Edgar Cayce used when he did medical intuitive readings.

This is quite true. I joke sometimes that I could tell someone they are a mass murderer and they would nod their head and feel deeply understood. Not that I have ever advised any mass murderers! I just help people see themselves with compassion.

At the time the angel lady did her report, I was working with not just one but 9 different angels. Two of these were helping me with clairvoyance, 1 was directing my clairsentience, 4 were opening my intuition (clairaudience) and 2 were helping with prophecy (claircognizance).

My friends and I were watching the eclipse from the Bobby Jones golf course about 5 minutes drive from my home in Atlanta. Although many of them were also taking photos, none of my friends found pink orbs in their photos.

It is my experience that as we develop the daily habit of prayer and the practice of asking for spiritual guidance we can find ourselves uplifted, supported and informed by our angels where ever we happen to be.

The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.

I love art that depicts feathers and wings. Would it be permissible to draw or display hangings or pictures that show angel wings (but not their faces or features), just detailed wings to indicate angels? If my intention when I see or draw feathers or wings is to represent angels, would that be sinful? If it is not sinful, would it be disliked by the angels?

Depicting animate life in various ways is an issue that scholars have differed. The more lenient view is that drawing images, such as those described (without detailed animate features), is lawful, and Allah knows best.

Shaykh Irshaad Sedick was raised in South Africa in a traditional Muslim family. He graduated from Dar al-Ulum al-Arabiyyah al-Islamiyyah in Strand, Western Cape, under the guidance of the late world-renowned scholar, Shaykh Taha Karaan.

While the Angel Oak itself was not in danger of being felled, arborists cautioned that the forest around the tree protects its giant root system, provides shelter from storms, and affords it adequate moisture and drainage.

Other donors include schools, churches, businesses, local municipalities, conservation groups, and civic organizations. A public park and interpretive trail are being planned for the newly-acquired land. The group closed on the land on March 15, 2014, signifying a major victory for conservationists and citizens who see the lowcountry as increasingly vulnerable to development.

I saw this tree on an Allstate commercial. I was so struck the beauty and grandeur of this tree I had to Google it to see exactly where it was. I plan to make a trip to see this tree. I think it is worth it. Thank you Allstate and Thank you conservation society for keeping this beautiful tree around.

We know exactly what you mean. Some of the photographers have websites, and if you click the links in the credit lines, they will take you to them. If it happens to be one who does not, let us know and we will get them in touch with you about getting a print!

Saw this tree in a commercial and had to look it up on the Internet. Living in the Pacific Northwest I grew up knowing how important trees are and I commend the people of South Carolina for their preservation efforts. Beautiful tree. Love the pictures and will be looking for one that will hang on my wall.

Me and my sister just recently moved down here to the Charleston area and my parents just came for their first visit. I took them to see the tree today and all I can say is that they were in just as much awe as I was. What an amazingly beautiful tree that the good Lord has put on this earth for us to admire.

There are many of these Majestic Oaks in the south.. I wish people would stop and think about the age of these trees, and the things they have seen, and the stories they could tell. In short, let us all RESPECT our elderly!!!

I have known this tree all my life. Having been born in the Holy City, my grandfather owned a store on Wadmalaw Island, and my uncle and his family have lived just down the road from it for 72 years. It is awe-inspiring and worth gentle care. I hope the city does nothing to anything to endanger it.

My parents and I saw the Angel Oak in June 1969 for the first time. I remember that there were cut logs placed under the massive branches to help hold them up. It was a sight that I will always remember.

I went by to see the Angel Oak Saturday (6-29-13) and the road was blocked to traffic on both ends.

 I hope that this is not due to any development. I will try to keep everyone posted as I find out more information.

This is the second year I have came from NY to visit my son and family In Charleston, SC. Visiting the Angel Oak is a priority for me during my trip. This tree is a beautiful old soul and I love it. It is a spiritual place to visit.

My boyfriend and I visited Angel Oak over this past Easter weekend. I had come across pictures of it while searching the internet for things to do while visiting Charleston and I just knew that I had to visit this amazing natural piece of history. We were in complete awe and amazement from the moment we laid eyes on it. Its such a humbling experience and really brings a sense of clarity to the forefront of ones mind. I hope this beauty stays protected from civilization so that someday we can take our children to visit and feel what we were able to feel that day.

I moved to SC in 1996, the 1st time I was taken to see the Angel Oak I could not believe what was before my eyes, it was the most AWESOME CREATION OF GOD & NATURE I have ever seen in my 50+ yrs. of life. I have told everybody about this tree I have a beautiful picture my co-worker took for me hanging in my home, I encourage & take those visiting me to see the Angel Tree I go each year to see this AWESOME WONDER!!!!!

My father took me to see the angel tree when I was about 8yrs old. Now I am 44yrs old and I took my 4yr old and 10yr old girls to see it in 2011. I had not seen the tree since my fatherhad taken me and it is still so beautifull and breath taking. To see my girls being amazed like I was my first time and them knowing that their grandfather, who has passed away and they never met had taken me there when I was small was a special gift not only to them but to me also.

My wife and have visited this magnificent tree several times while visiting our daughter in West Ashley. Words alone cannot express the beauty and power of this wonder of nature. I hope upon hope that efforts to stop development near this site are successful. No one regardless of wealth or fame could ever replace what mother nature has provided us to relax and reflect in her beauty and longevity. Long live the Angel Oak.

I am doing a tree report for this tree and I love reading all the facts about it, i love big oak trees. This website has not only helped me with my report, but it has also inspired me to do a painting of this magnificent tree. My mom is an artist and she has also inspired me. But anyways, I would like to help save this tree. I hope this tree can stay as long as possible. ?

Trees are so important to the planet and old trees have such a huge amount of healing resonance for everyone. We must save our trees for those children 7 generations into the future. Our integrity as a nation is reflected in how we care for the earth and how we provide for those yet unborn.

I am currently planning my wedding and have fallen in love with the Angel Oak! I live about an hour away and was wondering if anyone around the Johns Island area would know where I could follow with my reception close by. Thanks in advance!

What a tree, and what a treat!

More than fifty years ago, I was a student at James Island Elementary School, living at nearby Folly Beach. I have not seen Angel Oak since then, but had heard around 1980 (on a trip to Charleston) that someone had bought the land, and sealed it off from visitors. I was heartbroken to hear that!

My daughter wrote a book with the Angel Oak tree featured prominently in the story. The book is The Locket by Emily Nelson. If you have visited the site of this beautiful tree, you will love reading the book!

The Angel Oak is an amazing and AWESOMELY PEACEFUL creation!

It is difficult to put into words how touched we have been each time we visited. The size of the limbs and trunk are beyond imagination. This is truly a treasure worth taking the time to experience!

The Angel Oak must be protected so that future generations may enjoy the beauty and splendor of it!

My daughter just called me to tell me, the love of her life just proposed to her under the Angel Oak. I had never heard of it as I live in New Mexico. I googled it immediately and am both overjoyed and in awe. If their wedding happens to be in SC I will surely visit this magnificent tree. What a treasure to have on this earth.

We visited this area for the first time this summer. What I felt when I saw the tree was a since of awe, to see something that old and living. Then I thought how maybe that God had singled-out that tree, and protected it all these years. If He cared about that tree, how much more does He care for us!

I hope the tree remains until the end of time. 152ee80cbc

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