Over the past twenty years, Melissa Etheridge has been blessed with success, love, joy, contentment, freedom, and release. She became a mother again, recorded eleven albums, toured the world, performed at the Grammy Awards, won an Oscar, discovered her one true love, and underwent a profound spiritual awakening. She also experienced illness, incomparable loss, heartache, guilt, shame, and devastating grief. Yet through it all, Melissa found the strength and courage to carry on. Talking to My Angels is a profoundly honest look into her inner life as a woman, an artist, a mother, and a survivor.

Abandoned by their parents as toddlers, Willie and Bobbie Nelson found their love of music almost immediately through their grandparents, who raised them in a small Texas town. Their close relationship was the longest-lasting bond in both their lives. In alternating chapters, this heartfelt dual memoir weaves together both their stories as they experienced them side by side and apart.

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In Love, Laughter, and Rage, Rogers tells how he descended to the very gates of hell before his hunger for the truth and the love of a woman challenged him to finish what he had started 20 years before.

I hope you are having a refreshing Spring. I am committed to practicing gratitude, resting, and surrendering to stillness this season. Most importantly not overcomplicate or overthink my to-do list and trust that in time, I'll complete the things I need to do.

This weekend one of my friends invited me over for brunch. I arrived two hours late, but there was still food waiting for me and great white wine. She told me to take my time; I was having a lazy Saturday, so I overestimated how much time I needed. We eventually laughed about my lateness and had another beautiful morning at brunch today. I love friendships full of endless laughter that bring you to ease where your time together can last for days.

My prayer is, Thank You, God. Thank you for the expansive love I wake up with each morning; I can buy beautiful pink roses, candles, bath bombs, and a car to drive to my new favorite pastime, pilates, and hot yoga. Thank you that letting go is becoming easier, that the right doors are opening and the right doors are closing. Thank you, God, for beautiful weather and that even rain serves a purpose. Thank you, God, that miraculous occurrences will happen. Thank you, God, for my life.

I hope you enjoy your Sunday and the week ahead. For the next season of Sunday Forever, we're accepting submissions for writers and non-writers interested in sharing your reflections. You'll love it here, and seeing your story come to life will be so fulfilling! See you next Sunday!

To surrender and be open to what God has for you this Christmas season with an open mind, heart, and hands allows you to experience yourself as a woman so filled with the Holy Spirit that she offers grace where there would normally be inflexibility,

But know this, when you surrender, you invite Jesus to be in charge; He can redeem the past, He can repair that which feels unfixable on this side of heaven, He can heal broken hearts from lost loved ones, He can heal family members struggling with addictions, restore lost jobs, and undepress depressed and struggling children.

BB: I have to say that I also really love this kind of defy description, push pull of Iris, your mom. She was like so practical and so frugal, master seamstress, but could get overwhelmed with and by laughter in a heartbeat.

Brown, B. (Host). (2022, November 16). Bren with Bono on Songs of Surrender and Carrying the Weight of Our Contradictions, Part 1 of 2. [Audio podcast episode]. In Unlocking Us with Bren Brown. Parcast Network. -of-surrender-and-carrying-the-weight-of-our-contradictions-part-1-of-2/

In this moment God, I am lonely. My heart hurts. I am afraid. Help me be a light and glorify your heart in the middle of my fear and solitude. Help me love you deeper. Help me strengthen my faith. And please hold me tight. I know there are gifts in this part of the journey too.

Tonight has been unpretty. My beautiful daughter and I had an ugly word explosion in the car and in this moment, we are in our separate rooms working through our own muck. I hate it. i hate the separateness from my precious child. Speaking of ugly word explosions, they have become common between my beloved son and I. We seem to be constantly jolted by one another, and not in a positive way. Distance reigns. I want desperately to regain our closeness.

Sometimes on a clear summer day I could hear laughter in the wind. I would turn to see if someone was nearby, but I saw no one. After remaining motionless for a period of time I noticed that it was the wind. The sound would change depending on my surroundings. The trees made the laughter sound lower hollower while in the middle of the fields the wind would whip through the grain and sound like a small child.

This laughter although hard to explain to someone who has never experienced it was even harder to find in someone I met in this walk called life. There was one however whose laughter carried into the wind. She came into a room and her joy would shine forth. And then there it was that sound of my childhood. It was the laughter in the wind. I turned, and my friend told me that this is the girl of his dreams the one who made his life complete. As I watched her interact with others I could understand why. It was like the wind as it blew through the fields. It was that laughter it made me smile and I shared with my friend not to let this one go.

But life had a different story to write and the laughter in the wind changed to a storm. Disease began to fill her body. No one could tell her what was wrong but it was so obvious that the laughter was dying. The storm continued to grow and the rains became so strong. The darkness around her began to settle into her soul. She could no longer laugh her joy was leaving her. She began to see herself as a burden to those closest to her. She could no longer bear to be there causing so much pain for those she loved.

Now as I sit and remember her. I choose to remember those times in the fields when I walked alone and could hear the laughter alongside me. I choose to remember when I walked in the woods and heard the laughter in the wind. This is how I will remember her. Today the storm may have taken her from us but it will never take away the memories of the girl who laughed like the wind.

This resonates\u2014it is what the grieving process feels like for me. But it also seems like an apt description of the creative process, and I\u2019ve always found that creating is a way to wrestle back power. I\u2019ve shared this line before, but the poet Louise Gl\u00FCck encapsulates this so beautifully that I\u2019ll share it again: \u201CWriting is a kind of revenge against circumstance. Bad luck, loss, pain\u2014if you make something out of it, then you\u2019ve no longer been bested by these events.\u201D What I love about this is the sense of defiance, that refusal to be subsumed by the terrible thing, which given that we are mere mortals is inevitable.

It\u2019s the seemingly unique position of being human that we live knowing we are going to die\u2014and throughout history, voices have emerged to show us how to carry on with this knowledge. One is the thirteenth-century Sufi mystic Rumi, whose seeking wonder still guides us, whose searching wisdom I\u2019m excited to share with you today. It\u2019s a poem called \u201CYour Laughter Turns the World to Paradise,\u201D from a gorgeous new volume called Gold, translated by the brilliant poet and performer Haleh Liza Gafori (who also happens to be a member of this beloved community!). To stoke a fire of defiance in your own belly, read on.

If you\u2019d like, you can post your response to today\u2019s prompt in the comments section, in our Facebook group, or on Instagram by tagging @theisolationjournals. As a reminder, we love seeing your work inspired by the Isolation Journals, but to preserve this as a community space, we request no promotion of outside projects.

To Betray or Not to Betray, an installment of my advice column Dear Susu in where I answer a community member\u2019s question\u2014which is the memoirist\u2019s forever question\u2014\u201CHow do I write my story without hurting the people I love?

Shelley Wilburn has been writing since the age of twelve. She loves stories and adventures, and often finds herself getting into mischief with any one of her six grandchildren. She has written several articles and devotionals over the years for various newspapers, women's magazines, and newsletters. She has also co-authored devotionals. Shelley began writing full-time in 2012 after being healed of over 40 years of depression and anxiety. Using her love of writing, and wearing mismatched socks, Shelley has developed a unique ministry of encouraging others using biblical truths and stories from her own personal life. When not writing, you can find Shelley and her husband of over 30 years, D.A. zipping down the road in their newest adventure-maker, a bright orange, Mustang convertible Shelley has laughingly dubbed The Pony. 006ab0faaa

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