joint Digital Economics Seminar

  • Bruno Carballa Smichowski (JRC) - Jan/28 - When ‘the’ market loses its relevance: an empirical analysis of demand-side linkages in platform ecosystems, with N. Duch-Brown, A. Gomez-Losada, and B. Martens.

  • Ambre Nicolle (ENSAI - CREST) - Feb/11 - The impact of trade wars on uninvolved countries: Evidence from the smartphone market.

  • Michael Luca (Harvard Business School) - Feb/25 - Designing Inclusive Platforms, with A. Aneja and O. Reshef.

  • Robert Somogyi (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) - Mar/18 - News Media Bargaining Codes, with L. Sandrini.

  • Alexandre de Cornière (TSE) - Apr/22 - Data-driven mergers, with G. Taylor.

  • Anna Kerkhof (ifo Institute for Economic Research) - May/27 - Debunking fake news on social media: short- and longer-term effects of fact checking and media literacy interventions, with F. Mindl, L.M. Müller, and J. Münster.