Life in general can be very noisy, and many dogs find loud noises scary and stressful. Desensitising your dog to loud noises is a good way to keep them calm in situations that may otherwise make them anxious.

While there are things you can do to calm your dog during a period of loud noises, such as fireworks, or Bonfire night, getting your dog used to loud sounds can be a better long-term solution. By gradually desensitising your dog to loud noises over a period of time, you can teach them to associate these sounds with something positive, instead of something to be scared of.

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Increase the volume very, very slowly, until you see the first signs that your dog is reacting to the noise. A reaction might be small, such as twitching their ears. Once your dog starts to react, leave the sounds at that volume for a few minutes to let them get used to it.

If at any point your dog is scared or stressed by the noise, remain calm and stop playing the sounds immediately. This means you may have progressed too quickly, so start from a lower volume next time.

Play the sounds at this low level for 5-10 minutes, 3-4 times a day. Once your dog has stopped responding to the noise, you can turn the volume up slightly, until they begin to respond again. Again, if your dog shows any signs of stress, stop the sounds and start at a lower volume the next day.

As soon as you hear the sounds give your dog their food or start to play with them. Once your dog has finished eating or playing, turn off the sounds straight away. This is so that they start to associate the sound with something positive happening.

Do this a few times over the course of a few days until your dog starts to get excited when they hear the sounds. Once your dog has made this initial connection you can begin to increase the volume a little each time.

The trick with masking is that if a dog is scared by very low frequency rumbles, they will likely be scared of some similar sounds that one can play through speakers. But I did find some sounds that included some lower frequencies that my dog thought were just fine, and that did successfully mask many of her outdoor noise triggers. With a little desensitization of the generated sounds, I could use even more of them.

Thanks for these tips, as well. Sound absorbing foam has to be comparable in size to the sound waves, and low frequency ones are BIG (several feet in amplitude). So the foam would have to take up your house! Thinner might help with those whistles, though! I love reading about all the clever things you do for your dogs.

What a great way to help scared animals! Thanks for sharing. I saw this blog because Todd Moore from TMSOFT posted it on his facebook. If you have a specific sound you think would help animals, you could easily reach out to him through facebook. I am betting he would be very receptive to adding it.

I usually have this happen, when i enter open world hubs like cetus or fortuna after leaving the open world, i ususally use itzals warp ability, to get to the gate fast, and the sound seems to get stuck. It just keeps on making this loud noise again and again. Leaving into the orbiter fixes it.

Booms, cracks, and pops that seem harmless to you may sound like the end of the world to your furry friend. If your dog shakes and trembles during storms, or hides under the bed every Fourth of July, here are some steps you can take to help.

Several items are available to help calm your pet. One is a tight jacket that feels like a hug to your dog. Rather than you trying to soothe them, which might confuse them, this product allows them to feel calm themselves. You can also get special earmuffs that lessen the sound. Take some time to get them used to any new product. Place it by their bed or food bowl for a while. Then let them wear it for a short time. Try it out before the actual noise occurs.

Sounds are a great way to predict danger, so adult animals tend to default to fear of new loud sounds. If you have a puppy or an adult dog with sound sensitivities, now is the time to train your dog to be more comfortable. 

Buy, make, or find a recording of the sound: There are many options. @Terry Ryan has a CD series called Sounds Good that is designed to acclimate dogs to a variety of sounds: Thunder, Fireworks, Babies, Children, Guns & Hunting, and Vacuums & Kitchens. The Company of Animals has a CD called CLIX Noises & Sounds. Victoria Stilwell has the Canine Noise Phobia Serieswhich has calming background music (Fireworks, Thunderstorms, City Sounds, and general Calming).

Play a variety of firework sounds. In YouTube, you can play multiple videos in a row or you can focus on one type of firework. The volume may be higher on some and lower on others, so watch out for that.

If turning the volume all the way down is still stressful, change the speed of the video, so the sound is in slow motion, gradually speeding it up. I discovered that this twist on making the sound less scary helped quite a bit with dogs who were extremely sound sensitive.

Method 3: Systematic Desensitization with Relaxation. I really like teaching puppies about sounds in a relaxing way that gives time to process the information. This is also a good survival strategy on the day of the fireworks. If you start the protocol in the morning, it can be quite loud by evening, and then the real fireworks just blend right in.

First time posting here. My G Drive USB started making incredibly scary noises while I was rendering a project in premiere pro. I shut it off and went to Best Buy and got a temporary back up, and filed for an RMA. However, now that the data was backed up, I kept working on it. The noises persisted, but to my surprise the G Drive USB worked fine. Although the speeds are now reading and writing around 160mbs and I remember it being around 215mbs.

I took a video of the way the G Drive sounds when being powered on. It was not connected to the computer, only to the power. Is this normal? or is it a warning for a failure coming soon? any advice would be appreciated!

The way I check speed of file transfers is with the Windows notificationscreen during file transfers. Since I have a completely gigabit network and use USB3 drive, I get the maximum speed allowable when copying from PC to my WD My Cloud NAS. That speed is 113MB/sec. This speed is when transferring large 5+ gigabyte video files. Using USB2 drive would make this slower as well as a non-gigabit network. Small photo and music files would give a faster (and untrue) faster speed.

I have tried two G-Drive 10TB USB - both make expected hard-drive sound when writing and reading, but there is a relentless loud knock/clunk every two seconds when idle. Getting refund and trying other brands instead.

IMG_073940322268 2.29 MB

These two are both super loud as well.

The one on the left is a 4tb and the one on the right is a 12 TB. They never shut up. It seriously annoying and no way in hell would i buy these again.

This has been a problem for some time now. I have recorded my KORG Minilogue with my interface (focusrite 2i2) through an audio track. This works perfectly fine. The problem is then; It is as if Logic always thinks I'm recording audio. So every time I make a sound, logic is catching the sound and creates a horrible high tone noise. Really scary and uncomfortable noise. I have two Minilogue Audio tracks and I have created a software instrument track to make sure I'm not still in the audio track. But logic keeps on catching sounds I make and then creates this weird noise. I have checked my preferences>audio and made sure both input and output is back to 'system setting' when I'm done with my interface recording. But the noise won't stop... I can only solve the problem by making the two audio tracks 'solo' but I don't think this is the correct solution.

Since Lossless was introduced, every so often I'll get this incredibly loud (quite scary) high-pitched static noise that lasts for about a second. This only seems to happen at the start of tracks. I've removed downloads and have turned Lossless off in my Apple Music Mac preferences, but it still seems to be happening. It's like I can't download the original AAC (non-Lossless, non-Dolby) tracks anymore!? I use Apple Music every single day and this has never happened; it's extremely off-putting and needs to be fixed immediately. I don't really care much for Lossless nor Dolby Atmos, I just want to be able to listen to music without worrying about this insanely loud bleep noise.

This happens to me too! It happens when I turn on Dolby Atmos. I have a MBP Retina 2015 and it happens through headphones and my Thunderbolt Display. In my headphones, the sound plays at 100% and is very painful!

This hurt my ears a lot and tbh I feel I have to seek medical attention bc it happened on such loud levels so close to me as i work from my MB Pro. Glad I decided to seek out this solution: Go into Music>Preferences>Playback and turn OFF Sound Enhancer, bc it is not a one off thing and can attack at any moment.

It happens on some tracks I had iTunes Match enabled for and was streaming, but it also happens for Apple Music tracks I never owned. The behavior is: it plays the first 10-15 seconds of the track, then the noise starts. It's loud, random noise of all kinds.

I honestly thought that it was an old MacBook Pro issue, since haven't experienced that loud, ear-busting bleep noise from either my iPhone or any of my two Apple TVs (at least not yet). My MacBook Pro died exactly a week ago and decided to replace it with a new Macbook Air. To my great disappointment, the problem lingers on. It angers me that Apple, with their unimaginable resources, seems to be looking the other way.

My child is 1 years, and has always liked loud noises that cause other children to cry. I started noticing it when there was a bang and 2 other babies present cried and she clapped and smiled.Iv noticed since that loud sounds make her laugh hysterically or clap whilst giggling. Sounds like... e24fc04721

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