LottoGenius Help

How to Use the Analysis Section

There are two parts to analysing the generated ticket set

This section shows you the probability of matching the first, second, third, fourth and fifth draw for the generated ticket set. Please note that the KPIs are applied to the main numbers but not the supplenatry numbers.

Chance to win in the 1st draw: This KPI tells you, if you play the lottery game, with this set of tickets, what would be the probability that at least one of your tickets matches in the 1st draw?

Chance to win in the 2st draw: This KPI tells you, if you play the lottery game, with this set of tickets, what would be the probability that at least one of your tickets matches in the 2nd draw?


For each KPI you will find the total combination of it and the number of the combinations that your tickets cover. for example in the picture at the left, there are 16215 combinations of 3s in total and the user's tickets have 2714 of them. 

2. The occurance of each number

This section shows the distribution of the main numbers in the ticket set. Diffenet random algorithms generates different patterns of distribution.