Privacy Policy(lotto 6/45 )

Privacy Policy(Lotto 6/45 )

< MK SYSTEM> establishes and discloses the privacy policy as follows in order to protect the personal information of the information subject in accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act of the Republic of Korea and to enable the prompt and smooth handling of grievances related thereto. 

○ This privacy policy will be applied from September 19, 2023.

Article 1 (Purpose of processing personal information)

< MK SYSTEM> processes personal information for the following purposes. The personal information processed will not be used for any purpose other than the following purposes, and if the purpose of use is changed, we will take necessary measures such as obtaining separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act of the Republic of Korea.

Purpose of personal information processing:

Personal information is processed for the purpose of normal use of the app.

Article 2 (Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information)

① <MK SYSTEM> shall process and retain personal information within the period of retention and use of personal information in accordance with the laws and regulations or the period of retention and use of personal information agreed upon when collecting personal information from the information subject.

The periods for processing and retaining personal information are as follows.

Retention period: Personal information is retained and used for the above purposes from the date of consent to collection and use until <collected personal information is retained and used for the period necessary for the normal use of the app>.

Grounds for retention: Retention for the fulfillment of the contract

Article 3 (Items of Personal Information Processed)

① < MK SYSTEM > processes the following personal information items.

Required items: Information for normal use of the app

Article 4 (Matters concerning the processing of personal information of children under the age of 13)

When collecting personal information about children under the age of 13, <Personal Information Processor Name> obtains the consent of the legal representative and collects the minimum amount of personal information necessary to perform the service.

- Required items: Name, relationship, and contact information of the legal representative

② In addition, when collecting personal information of children for the purpose of promoting the <purpose of processing> of <personal information processor name>, we will obtain separate consent from the legal representative.

③ When collecting personal information of children under the age of 13, <Personal Information Processor Name> may require minimal information from the child, such as the name and contact information of the legal representative, and confirm that the legal representative has given consent in one of the following ways.

- By requiring the legal representative to indicate his or her consent on the internet site where the consent is posted and by sending a text message to the legal representative's cell phone indicating that the data controller has verified the indication of consent.

- Have the legal representative indicate his or her consent on the internet site where the consent is posted and obtain the legal representative's card information, such as a credit or debit card.

- Have the legal representative indicate his or her consent on the internet site where the consent is posted, and verify the legal representative's identity by verifying his or her cell phone, etc.

- Issue a written document containing the consent directly to the legal representative, or deliver it by mail or fax, and have the legal representative sign and date the consent.

- Send an e-mail containing the consent and receive an e-mail from the legal representative indicating the consent.

- Informing the legal representative of the contents of the consent through a telephone call and obtaining consent or providing a way to check the contents of the consent, such as an Internet address, and obtaining consent through a second telephone call.

- Other methods of informing the legal representative of the contents of the consent and confirming the expression of consent in a manner similar to the above.

Article 5 (Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties)

(1) <MK SYSTEM> processes personal information only within the scope specified in Article 1 (Purpose of Processing Personal Information) and provides personal information to third parties only in cases falling under Articles 17 and 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act, such as the consent of the information subject or special provisions of the law.

2) < MK SYSTEM > provides personal information to third parties as follows.

1. < >

Person to whom personal information is provided:

Purpose of using personal information of the recipient:

Retention by the recipient.Period of use:

Article 6 (Consignment of Personal Information Processing)

① < MK SYSTEM > consigns personal information processing tasks as follows for smooth personal information processing.


Consignee (Trustee):

Contents of the entrusted work:

Consignment period:

② When concluding a consignment contract, < MK SYSTEM> specifies in documents such as contracts the prohibition of processing personal information other than for the purpose of performing consignment work, technical and administrative protection measures, restrictions on re-consignment, management and supervision of the consignee, and responsibilities such as compensation for damages in accordance with Article 26 of the Personal Information Protection Act, and supervises whether the consignee processes personal information safely.

③ If the contents of the entrusted work or the entrustee change, we will disclose it through this personal information processing policy without delay.

Article 7 (Procedure and method of destruction of personal information)

① < MK SYSTEM> destroys personal information without delay when it becomes unnecessary, such as the expiration of the personal information retention period or the achievement of the purpose of processing.

If the personal information retention period agreed to by the information subject has elapsed or the purpose of processing has been achieved, but the personal information must continue to be preserved in accordance with other laws and regulations, the personal information shall be transferred to a separate database (DB) or preserved in a different storage location.

1. Statutory basis :

2. Items of personal information to be retained: account information, transaction date

③ The procedures and methods for destroying personal information are as follows.

1. destruction procedure

< MK SYSTEM> selects the personal information for which the reason for destruction has occurred, and destroys the personal information with the approval of the personal information protection officer of < MK SYSTEM>.

2. Destruction Methods

Information in the form of electronic files is destroyed using a technical method that makes it impossible to reproduce the record.

Article 8 (Rights and Obligations of Information Subjects and Legal Representatives and How to Exercise Them)

The information subject may exercise the right to view, correct, delete, or request suspension of processing of personal information at any time against MK SYSTEM.

② The exercise of the rights under Paragraph (1) may be made to MK SYSTEM in writing, by e-mail, or by facsimile transmission (FAX) in accordance with Article 41 (1) of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act, and MK SYSTEM will take action without delay.

③ The exercise of the rights under Paragraph (1) may be made through an agent, such as the legal representative of the information subject or a person who has been delegated. In this case, a power of attorney in accordance with the form of Attachment No. 11 to the "Notification on Personal Information Processing Methods (No. 2020-7)" must be submitted.

④ Requests for access to personal information and suspension of processing may restrict the rights of the information subject under Article 35 (4) and Article 37 (2) of the Personal Information Protection Act.

⑤ A request for correction and deletion of personal information cannot be made if the personal information is specified as the subject of collection in another law.

⑥ MK SYSTEM shall verify that the person making the request, such as a request for access, a request for correction or deletion, or a request for suspension of processing, in accordance with the rights of the information subject, is the person or a legitimate representative.

Article 9 (Measures to ensure the safety of personal information)

< MK SYSTEM> takes the following measures to ensure the safety of personal information.

1. Establishment and implementation of internal management plan

An internal management plan is established and implemented for the safe handling of personal information.

2. Minimization and training of employees handling personal information

We implement measures to manage personal information by designating and minimizing the number of employees who handle personal information.

3. Conducting regular self-audits

We conduct regular (quarterly) self-audits to ensure stability in the handling of personal information.

4. Restriction of access to personal information

We take necessary measures to control access to personal information by granting, changing, and canceling access rights to the database system that processes personal information, and we control unauthorized access from the outside using an intrusion prevention system.

5. Retention of access records and prevention of falsification

We keep and manage records of access to the personal information processing system for at least one year, but if we add personal information about 50,000 or more information subjects or process uniquely identifiable or sensitive information, we keep and manage it for at least two years.

In addition, we use security functions to prevent access records from being falsified, stolen, or lost.

6. Encryption of personal information

Users' personal information is stored and managed with encrypted passwords, so only the user can know it, and for important data, we use separate security functions such as encrypting files and transmission data or using a file lock function.

7. Technical measures against hacking, etc.

<MK SYSTEM> ('MK SYSTEM Privacy Policy') installs security programs, periodically updates and inspects them, installs systems in areas with controlled access from the outside, and monitors and blocks them technically and physically in order to prevent personal information leakage and damage caused by hacking or computer viruses.

8. Access control for unauthorized persons

We set aside a separate physical storage area for personal information and establish and operate access control procedures for it.

9. Use of locks for document security

Documents and auxiliary storage media containing personal information are stored in a safe place with a lock.

Article 10 (Installation, operation, and rejection of devices that automatically collect personal information)

MK SYSTEM does not use 'cookies' that store and retrieve the usage information of the information subject from time to time.

Article 11 (Matters concerning the collection, use, provision and rejection of behavioral information)

Matters concerning the collection, use, provision, and rejection of behavioral information

<Personal Information Processor Name> does not collect, use, or provide behavioral information for online customized advertisements.

Article 12 (Judgment Criteria for Additional Use and Provision)

Pursuant to Articles 15(3) and 17(4) of the Personal Information Protection Act, < MK SYSTEM> may additionally use and provide personal information without the consent of the information subject in consideration of Article 14(2) of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act. Accordingly, < MK SYSTEM> has considered the following points in order to make additional use and provision without the consent of the information subject.

▶ Whether the purpose of further use and provision of personal information is related to the original purpose of collection

Whether the additional use or provision of personal information is foreseeable in light of the circumstances under which the personal information was collected or the processing practices.

Whether the additional use or provision of personal information unreasonably infringes on the interests of the information subject.

Whether necessary measures have been taken to ensure safety, such as pseudonymization or encryption.

Judgment criteria for considerations for additional use and provision shall be made and disclosed by the business/organization itself.

Article 13 (Matters concerning the processing of pseudonym information when processing pseudonym information)

< MK SYSTEM> processes pseudonym information for the following purposes.

▶ Purpose of processing pseudonym information

- You can create your own.

Processing and retention period of pseudonym information

- You can create it yourself.

Provision of pseudonymized information to third parties (only if applicable)

- You can fill in the form yourself.

Outsourcing of the processing of pseudonymized data (only if applicable)

- You can fill it in yourself.

Items of personal information to be pseudonymized

- You can fill in the form yourself.

Matters concerning measures to ensure the safety of pseudonymized information pursuant to Article 28(4) of the Act (Obligation to take safety measures for pseudonymized information, etc.)

- You can fill out the form yourself.

Article 14 (Personal Information Protection Officer)

MK SYSTEM shall designate a person in charge of personal information protection as follows to take overall responsibility for the processing of personal information and to handle complaints and damage relief of information subjects related to the processing of personal information.

Personal Information Protection Officer

Name: Jang Yongwoon

Position :CEO

Position :CEO

Contact :+82 010-3840-9591,,

You will be directed to the department in charge of personal information protection.

▶ Personal Information Protection Department

Department :MK SYSTEM

Accountants :Yongwoon Jang

Contact :+82 010-3840-9591,,

② The information subject may contact the personal information protection officer and the department in charge for all personal information protection-related inquiries, complaints, and damage relief that occurred while using MK SYSTEM's services (or business). MK SYSTEM will respond to and process inquiries from the information subject without delay.

Article 15 (Designation of Domestic Agent)

The information subject may contact the domestic agent of < MK SYSTEM> designated in accordance with Article 39(11) of the Personal Information Protection Act to handle grievances related to personal information. < MK SYSTEM> will endeavor to promptly handle the tasks of the person in charge of personal information protection, including handling grievances related to personal information of the information subject.

▶ < MK SYSTEM> has designated a domestic agent in accordance with Article 39(11) of the Personal Information Protection Act.

- Name of the domestic agent: [Name of the agent_Direct input] (In the case of a corporation, the name of the corporation and the name of the representative)

- Address of the domestic agent: [Address of the agent_Direct input] (In the case of a corporation, the location of the business office)

- Telephone number of the domestic agent: [Telephone number of the agent_Direct input].

- E-mail address of the domestic agent: [Agent's e-mail_Direct input].

Article 16 (Department to receive and process requests for access to personal information)

The information subject may make a request for access to personal information pursuant to Article 35 of the Personal Information Protection Act to the following departments.

< MK SYSTEM> will endeavor to promptly process the information subject's request for access to personal information.

▶ Personal Information Access Request Reception and Processing Department

Department Name: MK SYSTEM

Person in charge : Jang, Yongwoon

Contact : +82 010-3840-9591,,

Article 17 (Remedies for infringement of rights and interests of information subjects)

The information subject may apply for dispute resolution or consultation to the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee or the Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center of the Korea Internet & Security Agency in order to receive relief due to personal information infringement. In addition, please contact the following organizations for other personal information infringement reports and consultations.

1. Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee: (without area code) 1833-6972 (

2. Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center: (without area code) 118 (

3. Supreme Public Prosecutors' Office: 1301 (without area code) (

4. National Police Agency: (without area code) 182 (

"A person whose rights or interests have been infringed by a disposition or omission made by the head of a public institution in response to a request pursuant to the provisions of Article 35 (Access to Personal Information), Article 36 (Correction or Deletion of Personal Information), or Article 37 (Suspension of Personal Information Processing, etc.) of the Personal Information Protection Act may file an administrative appeal as provided in the Administrative Appeals Act.

For more information on administrative appeals, please refer to the website of the Central Administrative Appeals Commission (

Article 18 (Matters concerning the operation and management of image information processing equipment)

<MK SYSTEM> installs and operates image information processing equipment as follows.

1.Basis and purpose of installing image information processing equipment: < MK SYSTEM>'s

2.Number of installations, installation location, and shooting range:

Number of installations: Large

Installation location:

3.Management, department in charge, and access to video information:

4.Video information shooting time, storage period, storage place, and processing method

Filming time: hour

Storage period: From the time of shooting

Storage location and processing method

5.How and where to check video information

6.Measures for the information subject's request for access to video information: The information subject must apply with a request for access to personal video information and confirmation of existence, and access is allowed only when the information subject himself is filmed or when it is clearly necessary for the life, body, and property interests of the information subject.

7.Basis and purpose of installing video information processing equipment:

Article 19 (Change of Privacy Policy)

This Privacy Policy is effective from September 19, 2023.

< MK SYSTEM > will endeavor to promptly process the personal information access request of the information subject.

Thank you .