I started my PhD some months ago. My advisor was also my Master's advisor. He was impressed by my skills and passion so I enrolled in a PhD program with him. What happened is that my topic changed quite lot and he didn't tell me clearly before enrolling. Basically my master thesis topic is in the trash for him now (FYI we published in a top conference with that). He wants to work on a totally new idea, on which not even him has the right expertise, so basically I have to study a whole new state of the art, have the ideas, acquire the skills and present the results - why do I even need a PhD advisor then..?

I feel lost, abandoned (I have nobody, nor other PhDs or PostDocs to work with) and hopeless. Yes, I tried to explain my advisor that I'm not excited by the new topic, but he's like "I pay you for this, so you'll do this".

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I'd also physically copy the git repo directory elsewhere as a place to do preliminary testing to see what will work, that way you can mess with whatever you want without losing untracked files or getting things into a state that you can't come back from.

Think of it as Hotel Tonight x OpenTable x ClassPass. The idea was to bring live connectivity to an industry where 80% of bookings were still done using pen and paper, months ahead of time.

And finally, I ended up landing my first CFO role at a venture-backed tech marketplace. Talk about unexpected outcomes... I finally found somewhere to apply my marketplace knowledge. And if I didn't have this previous entrepreneurial experience, or this newsletter, it wouldn't have been possible.

During the tail end of COVID, we packed up the truck and moved our lives from the East Coast to Florida, where we could market to year round tourism. We decided to \u201Cgo West, young man\u201D (well, South) and chase our dreams.

During an issue encountered for our Citrix NS 1000 version 11 servers, the NS server were rebooted to fix the problem. But instead, it lost the configurations and SSL Certificates. The certificates had to be reinstalled and reconfigured. May I know whats the NetScaler boot sequence. and why the configuration were lost.

"Loosing the configuration" occurs in most cases after editing the ns.conf file. In fact, the configuration does not get lost, instead, during boot it will just stop executing the ns.conf file after the first error. If the error was fatal, it will even clear the configuration. That's why Citrix does not support editing the ns.conf file at all. There may be some more reasons for this to happen, but editing the ns.conf file is the most popular one.

Hey, there it's Marie Forleo and you are watching Marie TV, the place to be to create a business and life you love. Now, if you look closely, things may look a little different around here. If you look in the back, there's my flowers on some wooden boxes, I don't have my normal stool. We got a little DayQuil in the house. What what? So here's what's happening, I've got a really bad cold. We have a shoot day today for Marie TV. We shoot a lot of episodes at once, and when we got here, everything's set up, but the furniture did not get delivered. Now I'm sure you've had things in your life where things do not work out as planned. And how do we roll? The show must go on. So we're going to get into a little Q and A Tuesday action right now. This is going to be fun because my head's a little foggy from the DayQuil, but we're going to have a good time. All right? Let's do this.

So, today's question comes from Vanessa and she writes, "Hi Marie. Thanks for all you do. Here is my deal. I was with someone for the last 10 years. We were engaged. He was the provider. I was pursuing acting and we had goals set up for our future. We grew distant and long story short, he broke up with me a month ago. I'm starting my whole life over at 32 and feel lost. I'm unmotivated, broke and terrified about my future. Will I be alone? Will I be too old to start a family? I'm trying and failing at being positive and having any kind of faith. How do I feel all these things and still move forward? I've accepted I'm going to be in pain, but how do I work and keep from being constantly consumed by this? Thanks, Vanessa."

Vanessa, this is such a great question. I am so happy that you wrote in. I don't know any person on the planet who can't remember a time in their own life when they felt shattered and lost. In fact, when I was in my early 20s and I broke off my engagement, I was such a mess that I moved home with my parents because I was completely devastated and I didn't know what to do. I felt like a total failure, both as a life coach and in my relationships. However, there were a few things that I did that helped me climb out of that misery.

Key idea number two, pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. Vanessa, you wrote here, "I've accepted that I'm going to be in pain." Now, when you say that it's as though the pain is constant and it's going to last forever, here's something I want you to know, nothing lasts forever, including pain. Pain only lasts if you resist it, or if you dramatize it by telling yourself the same old, I'm a victim story again and again and again. So remember, pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. What you need to practice is allowing yourself to actually feel the pain, to experience it in your body, without going into a mental drama about what it means. Now, what I mean by mental drama is getting lost in thoughts, like, "Why did this happen to me?" Or, "Will I be too old to start a family?" Or yada, yada, yada. All that stuff is a story that you're telling yourself that's not actually true and if you just experience the physical pain of it without going into the mental drama, it'll be over before you know it.

Vanessa, that was my A to your Q. Thank you so much for asking and do let us know how it goes. Now, I would love to hear from you. Have you ever felt shattered and lost and had trouble getting started again? What did you do to get back on track? Whether it's an idea from this video or something completely different, I would love to hear from you. As always, the best action happens over in the comment section at marieforleo.com so go there and leave a comment now.

So, did you like this video where our set is kind of half created and I'm all hyped up on cold medicine? If so, subscribe to our channel and share it with your friends. And if you want even more great resources to have a business and life that you love, plus some personal insights from me that I only talk about in email and if you're lucky, I'll have even more cold medicine, get your butt over to marieforleo.com and sign up for email updates. Updates.

I had this problem as well. I couldn't get back my original panel, but I managed to replicate it by simply right-clicking where it was, then going onto "Panel Settings", on "Geometry" click bottom left. Then go to "Panel Applets" and add Spacer, Menu, Desktop Numbers, and just experiment till you find the ones you want.

When I started the expansion last week I was greeted by a message onscreen about tutorial. I had two options and two possible buttons to press. As I knew my class and had arranged all my abilities I just clicked the "no" or dismiss option and I continued the expansion with my bars all left alone.

I'd also like to thank those who provided the answer of how to solve this. I don't even remember the tutorial box because it probably came up on the insta-60 I made (and then escaped out of so haven't actually started playing yet). I don't remember it telling me that I'd lose all abilities or that the choice would carry over to characters I leveled up from 1. And seeing as how there's no clear "turn this feature off" button (unless you know where in the sprawling interface to look--and it's not in the tutorial section), when I started the chapter on my non-insta character, I was getting rather annoyed until I found the answer here. I'm glad it was simple to revert.

It's nonsense. I've never lost my Start Seller badge before, 100% of my reviews are 5 stars. Did nothing wrong. But Etsy takes away my badge. It does not help sellers even when it's clear this is more a technical issue than anything else.

Like @Mike_Eastwood, I'd strongly recommend the first option. You'll lose a lot of information in reporting otherwise and, as explained above, there are plenty of options to keep track of lost opportunities, via a disqualification field, a closed lost reason field etc.

I love it! Many years ago, I made a larger-than-king-size quilt (about 120 inches, I think?) from blocks that small, arranging them in 9x9 squares with 3-inch sashing. It was AMAZING. I gave it as a wedding gift and the couple divorced after about 2 years. I still wonder where that quilt ended up.

Does the closed FNBO account count against my AAoA? Are they known for issuing completely new tradelines for lost cards? Will the second account count against Chase 5/24? Seems pretty weird to me when they could just change the account number like Capital One did. 006ab0faaa

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