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Memorial event to commemorate the disaster in 1973 where 18 miners tragically lost their lives, and to recognise subsequent work and efforts to ensure tragedies like this did not occur again. The event includes a walk, service and chance to pay respects and relive the stories of people involved in this tragic event.

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Squabbling occurs during 501's damp, disorganized first nights. Ranger Brad Wolgast, 21, an eagle scout and psychology student from Kansas, observes privately that the troop's adults and boys communicate poorly. "Things get left unsaid," he explains. Staff members at base camp tell of a stressed-out troop that tied one of its hikers to a tree earlier this year. Philmont chaplain Rusty Cowden, 38, remembers his own trek in 1967: "We got lost. A bear ate our food, and it rained 11 out of 12 days." But Cowden recalls the trip joyously. Coping with blisters, bears and soggy meals somehow adds texture to the chill of windy mountaintops and the sight of wildlife roaming in ghostly aspen groves. Most of all, scouting's unstylish traditions of group discipline and self-reliance provide a powerful social cement. "Scouting comes down generations, from my father to my brother to me," says 501's Morgan Browning, 14. "It sticks with you."

In a 19th century mining camp, Troop 501 is eating dehydrated lasagna softened by boiling water and the evening's drizzle. It is oddly tasty. Bearded "miners" like Jedediah Ezekial Springfield (eagle scout Trey Berlin, 21, of Richmond, Ky.) offer to teach gold panning and to provide tours of the abandoned mine shaft; they speak in twangy "interpretive accents." After dinner, the miners put on a "stomp" with guitar music and surprisingly pungent jokes. Another day's hike leads to a cattle ranch set in a lush green valley. At that campfire, a talented cowboy-guitarist nicknamed Fluffy performs the Oreo Cookie Blues, which he describes as a "song of addiction." Next morning the scouts heat irons to mark their hiking boots and hats with Philmont's brand: a P and "crazy" (backward) S under a bar.

Drill results from this initial drill program at Slttberg show several significant intercepts of nickel and cobalt mineralization in areas that are along strike and down dip from historic mine workings in the area. These results include 2.8 meters averaging 1.05% nickel and 1125 ppm cobalt and 0.79% copper in drill hole SIE-18-3, and 13.0 meters averaging 0.32% nickel and 340 ppm cobalt 0.28% and copper and 0.32 ppm platinum + palladium, including 2.35 meters averaging 0.87% nickel and 594 ppm cobalt and 0.35% copper and 0.73 ppm platinum + palladium in drill hole SIE-18-5. This serves as clear evidence that additional bodies of nickel, cobalt and PGE-rich sulfide mineralization exist in the area, and remain open at depth and along strike.

Hole SIE-18-3 was drilled to the east of the historic Myrgruvans Mine, in an area that was previously untested by drilling. However, magnetic surveys in early 2018 showed a strong anomaly in the area, which was generated by the nickel bearing pyrrhotite-rich mineralization intercepted by hole SIE-18-3. The target remains open along strike and at depth.

Hole SIE-18-4 was drilled in the vicinity of another strong magnetic anomaly, further to the west along the mining trend. Mining maps from the area showed historic workings extending to a depth of 40 m in the area. However, hole SIE-18-4 entered mine workings at 76.8 meters depth, and was lost when drilling could not continue through a stope. Thus, mining in the area continued to significantly greater depths than had been indicated by the historic records.

Hole SIE-18-5 was drilled from the same drill pad as SIE-18-4, but was set back 7.5 meters and drilled a steeper angle. The hole intercepted pyrrhotite-rich mineralization 13.0 meters averaging 0.32% nickel and 0.28% copper and 0.034% cobalt and 0.32 ppm platinum + palladium (true widths interpreted to be 55-65% of the interval). This confirmed the presence of mineralization extending below the mine workings, and the likely source of the magnetic anomaly. Further, the thickness of massive and semi-massive sulfide in hole SIE-18-5, along with brecciated textures suggest that the mineralization may be broadening at depth. The target remains open at depth and along strike.

Hole SIE-18-6 was intended to test another strong magnetic anomaly that lies further to the west of the magnetic anomaly targeted by holes SIE-18-4 and SIE-18-5, and likely represents an extension of that body of mineralization. However, hole SIE-18-06 deviated substantially from its intended target, and failed to test the magnetic anomaly. Thus, this target remains untested.

Slttberg is located 25 kilometers northwest of Falun, Sweden. Slttberg is a historic mining camp hosting cobalt-nickel-copper rich massive sulfide mineralization that occurs within a two kilometer belt of historic nickel-copper mines. The Project contains drill defined massive sulfide mineralization that extends to ~100 meters in depth, and remains open for expansion at depth and along strike. The Project is accessible year round, with nearby rail, power and 5 smelters in the Nordic region. At least 16 historic mines are located on the property, with historic operations dating back to the late 1800's.

Mineralization at Slttberg is hosted by 1.8-1.9 Ga (Svecofennian) supracrustal rocks (metavolcanics and metasediments) located along the southwestern flank of a large gabbroic intrusive complex. The historic mines are positioned along an east-west trend of massive sulfide occurrences developed in and around a similarly oriented body of "leptite". This is a local term used to describe rhyolitic/felsic tuffaceous rocks commonly associated with sulfide mineralization in Bergslagen. Mafic and ultramafic rocks also occur in and around the mine workings.

The publication of this report has been delayed much longer than I expected, but it has arisen from causes beyond my control. It embodies what is now known of the mineral resources of the midland counties. I have intended in all of my statements to keep within the bounds of truth, and not to give them a coloring which future experience will not justify.

THIS Report is selected from the matter contained in my field notes, which has been accumulating during the period the survey has been in progress. My attention from the first was directed to the mineral interests of the midland counties, but at the commencement of the work, I was obliged to be satisfied with an examination of abandoned mines, and the indications which the country afforded of those which had not been observed. Since the second year of the survey, the opportunities for investigating its mines and mineral interests have been much greater, and I have improved them, when possible, for acquiring a more exact knowledge of their characteristics. The Deep river coalfield has been carefully re-examined along the outcrop of coal and its bituminous slate, and the results of these examinations tend to confirm the views I expressed in a former report. It will be perceived, that the products of this coalfield are more valuable than the friends of the Deep river improvements had anticipated. But I believe, if those improvements had been completed at an early day, the prospects at this time would be much better than at the present. The mining interests of this State are worthy of the consideration of the public. The auriferous ores are remarkable for their richness. The silver lead of the Lead Hill or Washington mine, is probably not exceeded in value by any mine in this country, and perhaps I may say, in any country. It yields zinc, lead, copper, silver and gold. The processes for the separation have been so simplified that all these metals may be preserved.

The additional labors which those who are now engaged in the survey have voluntarily undertaken, has impeded the common fieldwork which had been laid out, and has prevented its extension to the western and south-western counties. But this should not be regretted, inasmuch as its advantages will be increased. The additional work referred to, consists in the collection and arrangement of specimens ofthe rocks and simple minerals and fossils illustrative of its geology and mineral productions. They have been arranged in a room provided for the collection in the Capitol. Citizens and strangers visiting Raleigh will be able to form an opinion of the resources of the State by an examination of this collection.

If a mineral vein is described in language which is equally applicable to a trap dyke, a belief in its value would be with-held, for the former differs essentially from the latter; or, if the products of a mineral vein are represented as uniform in all its parts, the statement would be disbelieved, for it would be contrary to experience. The circumstances attending the filling of vein fissures differ from those which attend the filling of a fissure, containing only trappean matter.

In connection with the subject of mineral veins or repositories of the ores, the question, how they have been filled, I considered worthy of a discussion. It bears directly upontheir permanence, and although it appears, that there are many phenomena which remain unexplained, still, we may be assured, that the forces by which the process is accomplished, operated within the earth's crust, and that true veins were not filled from above. The most indicative of all the phenomena attending them, point to sublimations and to a source of material existing beneath; but like many phenomena, it would be unwise to construct a theory which looks only to a single class of causes which are concerned in this process. The source of the metals, is no doubt well determined; the great reservoir is the interior of the earth. When they are found in beds upon the surface, or bear it in caves and other places of this nature, it may be maintained, that they are derived from broken down rocks and veins. ff782bc1db


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