Despite the political wound the Istanbul election constitutes for Erdogan, it is important to note that he retains full control over all aspects of policymaking at the national level and does not have to contest scheduled elections before 2023. By focusing on major foreign issues, he will attempt to distract attention away from the troubled domestic political scene and economic problems. Erdogan will also hope that this will enable him to shore up domestic support, similar to the way he had taken advantage of the resumption of the conflict with the PKK to help the AKP to regain the parliamentary majority in the November 2015 repeat elections it had lost six months earlier. However, he is now operating in a more difficult political, economic, and international environment with problems in each of these areas exacerbating those in the others.

Aim. The aim of this study was to describe a group of children who lost a diagnosis of autism following participation in early educational programs. Method. This is a descriptive study reporting the characteristics of children (n: 39) who lost their diagnosis of autism and explaining the educational programs that these children followed. The data were collected by reviewing the participants' files and through examinations. Results. All of the children were placed at regular psychiatric follow-ups. The mean age at referral was 2.390.75 years, whereas the mean age at the time of optimal outcome reported was 5.11  1.95 years. Two of the children were in early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI), and the rest were in a comprehensive naturalistic behavioral program. The childhood autism rating scale (CARS) total scores at baseline and final were 32.75  3.15 and 18.01  1.76, respectively. The mean IQ of the group at final examination was 116.70  18.88. Conclusion. It could be concluded that a group of children with an autism diagnosis could lose the diagnosis of autism upon early intervention. High IQ and the development of communicative and language skills at an early age could be the most powerful factors contributing to an optimal outcome.

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A cinema in a former shoe factory, a private Hammam, Anatolian rock and roll, a summer mansion turned art gallery, cocktails on the Bosphorus and gourmet Turkish street food...Get lost in Istanbul, the city of opposites.

Every found item delivered to Metro Istanbul is recorded in computer environment. Passengers with lost property; can receive their belongings by applying personally to the Lost Property Offices (after proving that the item belongs to them). If found items are not received by their owners, they are delivered to the IETT General Directorate Lost Property Office every 15 days. For your found items, you can call Alo 153 Beyaz Masa Line to notify and get information.

I debated whether I should try to recover the tube. I knew that should anyone unwrap the map, the contents could get me into trouble with the police. I was also aware of how slim the chances were of getting back an item lost in the mass transit system of a city of 13 million people.

I also tape a note to the top of my suitcase stating: "All destinations listed inside." I then enclose a day-by-day list of where I will be, if possible. Then, if the bag is lost for a few days, it won't be returned to the address on your luggage tag (you don't want it sent back home!).

If you purchase travel insurance, be sure to check whether your policy covers lost baggage replacement cost. Others policies will cover up to $200 for miscellaneous purchases made if your suitcases are missing at your destination. Just keep your receipts and other documentation!

Only about 2% of all luggage is lost forever, but I've had a couple of events that either mean the statistic is flawed or I should be playing the lottery. I always purchase travel insurance so we can, if necessary, obtain a medical evacuation back home. That policy also covers lost luggage, so we have financial protection.

I hope I'm not too late to catch you before traveling, but I have a suggestion for you. I had my baggage lost once, and then a friend suggested I try signing up with a service that will help track down lost luggage...My luggage was lost AGAIN believe it or not, but the second time I got it back fast thanks to that service I used. It's not expensive either.

Currently more than 1,500 children remain missing in Turkey, 850 of whom have been missing for more than a year. Istanbul has by far the most lost children and Ozbilici explains organized crime could well be behind many of the disappearances.

My grandmother was born according to her Naturalization Papers in Kirmastle,Turkey. She was greek married twice to Armenian men. I can not find the city of her birth. Is it one of the lost cities in Armenia? Also where is there an entire list that I can see of the lost cities? Susan Chakrian Wicklund

The COMMENTS FROM ARMENIANS RELATIVE TO THE lost villages is sad and serves no useful purpose. Let us be clear, unless the names of the lost villages leads to justice, by justice I mean revenge, what is the point of knowing the names of the villages? The figure of 1.5 million Armenians killed is absurd. The figure is closer to 3.5 million, out of total Armenian population of 4-5 million: 3 million in Asia minor and 2 million in the Caucasus.

"Lost in Istanbul" by BRIANNA seems to be a song about feeling lost and searching for love in a specific place, in this case, Istanbul. The lyrics depict the protagonist standing in heavy rain, feeling like someone different and lost in their own identity. The freezing cold weather and the metaphor of love as an arrow demonstrate the determination to follow love and find the person they desire.

The bridge indicates a plea to find the person they are seeking and longing for, as they express their willingness to be there for them and ask if they can heal their wounds. However, they feel lost in Istanbul, emphasizing their struggle to locate this person and their own sense of self.

With impulsive and mercurial leaders in both Washington and Ankara, no one can say how Turkey will navigate the gathering storm. It may count itself lucky if it emerges with mere scrapes from its lost gambles in Syria and the wider region, and not find itself shipwrecked, with enemies surrounding it.

A garment, a label: "Made in Turkey". Sown by Mohammed - eleven years old - or by Rana - fifteen. Two names lost in the midst of 1.5 million Syrian children who have come to Turkey after fleeing the war.

Turkey is presently the country with the highest number of refugees in the world. In the last six years it has received more than 2.7 million Syrians escaping the war. According to data from UNICEF 54% of Syrian refugees are minors. Those of school age are about 850,000 of whom 500,000 do not have access to instruction.

Research by the Gndem ocuk organization shows that in the last 5 years more than 200 thousand Syrian children have been born in Turkey. Figures which demonstrate the urgent need for protection starting with the living conditions of their families. The lack of a valid method of integration of the adults into the workforce and into the society is affecting their children. These not only work but also have to beg, or if they are girls, are often given into marriage when very young. There is a risk of losing an entire generation.

The Syrian refugees cannot benefit from the refugee status because of the geographic reserve that Turkey applies to the Geneva Convention. The Turkish government provides them with a temporary protection system which offers them, albeit with a series of problems at the initial phase, free healthcare as well as access to education by registering at state schools or at one of the 400 temporary educational centres. Starting in January 2016, Ankara also began giving out work permits, but bureaucratic quibbling caused this process to be slow and up to now, ineffective. By the end of 2016 only little more than 10,200 Syrians received work permits.

Only a more democratic Turkey can address the Kurdish question peacefully. The United States should not see Turkey as a lost cause. There is still hope for democracy in Turkey, and the United States has a stake in it. Working with the EU to push Turkey to take steps in the right direction, as well as attaching democratic conditionality to Turkey-United States trade at a time of economic hardship, could not only help a U.S. ally but also could help U.S. goals in a volatile region.

ANKARA, March 31 (Reuters) - Turkey's Tayyip Erdogan suffered a severe setback on Sunday as his ruling AK Party lost control of the capital Ankara for the first time in a local election and he appeared to concede defeat in the country's largest city, Istanbul. ff782bc1db

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