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6 ways to lose weight without doing any exercise :

1. Fibre Is Your Friend

Your body takes time to digest fibre and you feel full for a longer while. It also helps to absorb the nutrients from food into your body. You can simply include whole grains to your daily diet and make sure to eat at least one cup of fruit every day. If you love rice, swap white rice with a cup of brown rice.

2. Eat More Protein

Protein reduces your hunger pangs and helps you feel full without piling on calories. Protein takes time to break down which means that you do not feel hungry soon after a meal. Add a tablespoon of chia seeds to your breakfast or have a cup of sprouts at lunch. This means that you can relish your bowl of dal without feeling guilty or affecting your waistline.

3. Drink Plenty Of Water

Many a times, we confuse thirst for hunger. So make sure you stay hydrated, especially with the rising summer heat. Do not have carbonated or sugary drinks. Infused water is a great source of nutrients and helps keep you hydrated. You can also drink a glass of water before a meal to aid weight-loss. Sufficient water keeps you energetic and is necessary for all bodily functions.

4. Include Healthy Fats

Fats are not all bad! Unsaturated fats are in fact good for you. Include foods like avocados, peanut butter, etc. to your diet. This will keep you feeling full longer and you won't be tempted to munch on some unhealthy snacks. Add chia seeds and nuts to your snacking list and you won't have to turn to fried chips or other unhealthy junk .

5. Get Your 8 Hours Of Sleep

Sufficient sleep is essential for the proper working of your body. When your body is well-rested you have more energy throughout the day and do not have to resort to frequent snacking. Proper sleep has a direct relation to your appetite. Poor sleep can in fact lead to weight gain. So make sure that you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep daily.

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