The Lose Your First 10 Lbs™ Workshop

Want to learn how to combine the right foods, at the right times, to lose your first 10 lbs? you can see the scale go down and your waist get smaller, starting today.We’ll keep it simple and enjoyable, so the weight stays off for good. I get it. Your weight isn’t just a number on the scale. It affects everything in your life, every single day.

Your health, your energy, your career, your moods, your relationships, your productivity, your self-confidence, and your overall happiness – is all affected by your weight.

You’ve thought about another diet or weight loss program

But you want to enjoy life, not follow rules and restrictions. Counting and obsessing over carbs and calories, turns a difficult situation into an ongoing nightmare. And the frustration builds.

You’ve thought about trying harder with more will-power

But you already feel miserable with all the effort and sacrifice. You’re sick of suffering through boring salads, while everyone else is enjoying mouth-watering pizza.

You’ve thought about pre-packaged meals, bars, and shakes

But you know if you ever stop, the weight will pile back on. What’s the point of all the misery when you know you can’t live like this for long, and then you’re back to square one?

You use a simple technique – based on science and strategy - to combine the right foods, at the right times, to condition your metabolism to work for you, rather than against you. And the best part is: you enjoy each and every meal.

Just imagine a delicious meal with friends or family, without worrying about your weight... wearing your favourite jeans... and feeling healthy, happy, and energised, rather than guilty or deprived.

Losing your first 10 lbs is a done-deal, if you follow my strategy consistently.

It’s only a struggle IF you make it difficult. Don’t worry, I’ve got your back...

Limiting or avoiding carbs is not an effective way to lose weight long-term. Eating the RIGHT carbs, combined with the RIGHT foods is. You’ll receive a complete recommended food list, including color-coded categories so you’ll know how to combine them together, quickly and easily

10 pounds of body fat is the same size as 40 sticks of butter. Imagine how you’ll feel after losing your first 10 lbs of fat.

...and how much better you’ll look... and how much easier life will be, not having to carry the extra weight wherever you go.

The Lose Your First 10 Lbs™ Workshop

For less than the cost of one dinner out, you’ll learn how to combine the right foods, at the right times, to lose your first 10 lbs – starting today.

I’ll show you how to make it simple, convenient, and enjoyable, so the weight stays off for good.

So you can get back to doing the things you love. And feel energized and confident, in your own skin. With the good health you want and the happiness you deserve.

YOU CAN do this too!

It’s YOUR time now. Your time to look and feel amazing. Your time to be the very best version of you. Just because you've struggled in the past to lose weight, there is no reason to continue the struggle. Combining the right foods, at the right times, is the very best first step... and I’ll explain exactly how to do this, step-by-simple-step. In just 60 minutes.

In 2 weeks you could still be on the dieting roller-coaster and stuck at your same weight... or you could be so glad you took action, as you watch the number on the scale go down, feel your clothes getting looser, get compliments from friends, and enjoy the energy, good health, and self-confidence you deserve.

If you're truly ready to finally ditch the diets, and all the things that have failed you... in exchange for a simple, step-by-step strategy, click below to attend my Lose Your First 10 Lbs™ workshop.