Welcome to the searchable inventory of the bookstore of Lorenzo Coroneu, a French bookseller that died in 1684 in Pamplona, Spain. This inventory was transcribed and analyzed as part of research for my MA dissertation at the Institute of English Studies (IES), School of Advanced Study (SAS) of the University of London. The inventory is found under the 'Inventory' tab in the upper right hand corner. If you would like to use the information in the inventory in your own research, please contact
-Alexandra Wingate
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Lorenzo Coroneu was born in Bayonne, France around 1636. His brother, Juan Coroneu, was also a bookseller, besides being a publisher and trader in other goods during his lifetime. Lorenzo first appears in notarial documentation in Pamplona in 1661 as an appraiser in a case between another bookseller and a lawyer. Juan returned to Bayonne in 1666, and Lorenzo acted as his agent in Pamplona thereafter. Lorenzo married Juana Maria Burlada, probably at some point post-1675. They had no children. His wife died in 1683, and he died soon after on 24 July 1684 around noon after spending eight months bedridden. He made no will, but verbally named two individuals as his executors, which was recognized by the ecclesiastical tribunal of Pamplona.
In the ensuing court case to dispose of Coroneu's goods and to take care of debts that he left behind, and inventory was made of his goods (including the stock of his book shop) by his executors with the help of a scribe and another bookseller, Juan Micon in late 1684. This inventory is the principal document of analysis, and it is the basis for the searchable inventory. Other less comprehensive inventories of Coroneu's book stock were made between 1685 and 1696 in the form of sale records and accounts submitted by executors. These additional inventories have been invaluable for identifying books in the main inventory and for documenting the dispersal of the books. All of these inventories are found in one ecclesiastical court case that ran from 1684 to 1696. The documents from the case are held in the Archivo Diocesano de Pamplona (ADP) under the shelfmark C/1436 N.2.
The main resources used for the identification of the books in the inventories are WorldCat and the Universal Short Title Catalogue (USTC). As is the case with all studies dealing with early modern books, it is important to remember that there are many editions of works of which we have no surviving evidence. In light of this, identifications of editions are less numerous and made with caution. If you believe one of the entries has an incorrect identification, please contact