Lorenzo Barban

NB: the mail account "lorenzo (dot) barban (at) unitn (dot) it" will expire in the next months.

If you want to reach me, please look at the page "Contact me".

Hi! I'm Lorenzo Barban. 

I'm a postdoc at the Center of Complex Geometry (IBS), in Daejeon, South Korea.

I have obtained a Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of Trento, where I worked under the supervision of Prof. L. E. Solà Conde (University of Trento) and Prof. E. A. Romano (University of Genova).

I'm interested in algebraic geometry, in particular on the interplay between birational geometry and torus actions. In my research, I use Mori dream spaces, geometric invariant theory (and VGIT), minimal model program, toric varieties, rational homogeneous spaces. 
