Lorenzo Venturello

Tenure track researcher (rtt)  in Mathematics

Since February 2024 I am a tenure track researcher (rtt) in algebra at the department of information engineering and mathematical sciences of the University of Siena. 

In May 2023 I obtained the national scientific habilitation (ASN) to qualify as an associate professor (II fascia).

Before that I was a researcher (rtda) at the University of Pisa, a postdoc in the Combinatorics group at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, under the supervision of Petter Brändén, and a postdoc of the Research group in Nonlinear Algebra led by Bernd Sturmfels at the Max Planck Institute of Leipzig. You can find me here

I obtained my PhD in Mathematics at the Universität Osnabrück, Germany, in the Algebra and Discrete Mathematics group. I worked under the supervision of Martina Juhnke-Kubitzke. I was also part of the DFG research training group "Combinatorial Structures in Geometry".

News: I will be at the AMS-UMI 2nd joint meeting in Palermo in July 24-26 in the special session B16 Discrete and Combinatorial Algebraic Topology, Theory and Applications

News: I will be at the Algebra week in Siena, September 10-13.

News: We recently organized GRADISCO, a summer school in in combinatorics which will take place in Volterra (Pisa). Check it out!

News: I am part of a CULT !

My interest lies in the connections and interactions between combinatorics, algebra, geometry and topology. Often combinatorial objects such as polytopes, simplicial complexes, matroids and fans encode properties of a certain associated algebraic object, and viceversa. In the field of combinatorial topology I am interested in triangulations of manifolds, possibly carrying additional structure, and how those can be connected via local moves. In many aspects of my research, programming and the use of specialized softwares are valuable resources.