Lagoa da Conceição, Brazil.


I am a limnologist with a deep passion for water and tiny organisms; the ones that are invisible to the naked eye. As a researcher, I am interested in understanding how global change issues (e.g., eutrophication, land use change, pollution, urbanization, and climate change) impact the biodiversity and functioning of aquatic ecosystems using observational, experimental, and modeling approaches in habitats that range from streams and ponds to large lakes and river systems. 

I am an assistant research scientist in the Horn Point Laboratory at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. My research directly addresses how earth-observing satellite data can better inform critical links between the biogeochemical and optical properties of inland waters. This NASA-funded project will help target chlorophyll hotspots to track cyanoHABs across the state of Missouri in the US.

Main research areas & Interests

Technical expertise

Skills & Passions

#Organised #LearningAgility #Proactive #Networking #SocialSensitivity #TeamWork #Multidisciplinary #Commited #Competent #Creative #Curious #Motivated

#ScubaDiving #Hiking #Cycling #Cooking #Coding #Reading #Yoga #Meditation

Agulhas Negras, Brazil

Agulhas Negras, Brazil

Visconde de Mauá, Brazil

Bocas del Toro, Panamá

Arraial do Cabo, Brazil

Baía de Guanabara, Brazil

The Death Road, Bolivia

The Death Road, Bolivia

The Death Road, Bolivia