The Great Depression

Digital Breakout Game

To complete this breakout, you'll need to explore this website and review what you know about the Great Depression! Make sure to look carefully, think through the clues, and use your time wisely to crack these clues!

From 1929 to 1939, the United States was in an economic downward spiral known as the Great Depression. It was the worse period of economic depression in history. Several events contributed to the devastation of the Great Depression. After the stock market crashed in 1929, millions of investors panicked and a frenzy stated. That event caused several problems for the economy. Americans started hoarding money, which meant that they stopped spending and investing money, causing a catastrophic decline in supply for goods and resulting in many Americans losing their jobs. During the Great Depression, unemployment was a reality for nearly fifteen million Americans and nearly half of the banks in the country had to close down.


In addition to the stock market crash, the severe dust storms in the Southern Plains devastated many Americans. This area became known as the Dust Bowl and produced some of the most recognized images of the Great Depression. Farming was impossible due to high winds and choking dust. Even with modern technology, many crops will not survive in such a harsh environment. People and livestock alike died from the dust. Everyone in the country was suffering, so farmers had nowhere to turn for help. This left farmers with two options: stay on their farms and risk death or migrate in search of work and better living conditions.


While many people thought that migrating would solve their problems, they soon found out that a lot of other people had the same idea. The farmers had no clue that so many others had chosen to migrate. As a result, the farmers and other migrants ended up unemployed, starving, and living in shantytowns, known as Hoovervilles.

Source: The History Channel: The Great Depression & The Dust Bowl