From what I've been able to gather, explorer.exe is constantly crashing, like every 1-2 seconds. It's causing my cpu to spike to 100% along with it and basically rendering my machine unusable. I was hardly able to pull up event viewer and saw shell32.dll was the faulting module with explorer.exe crashing

I created a PowerPoint slideshow. I want it to run it on a TV screen that has a built-in web browser, auto-loop, and I also want users to be able to view it from their laptops. I currently can do this using google docs / google drive, but I'm trying to do this using mainly Office 365 technologies, and avoid google docs.

Loop Explorer Version 6 Download

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Currently, I can manually load it up, and get it full screen, and the only show stopper is that it doesn't loop. Preferably, the link would force it full screen without manually clicking to run the slideshow.

so if you put an id="slideFrame" on the iframe of your embedded powerpoint and the wdEaa=1 as mentioned in the original question in the URL, your slide show will auto play to the settings on the slides... the iframe will then reload after 20,000 milliseconds (so in my example, it took 20 seconds for my slideshow to complete. ) its not ideal but it works for a kiosk type show where you are looping a slideshow over and over on a web page.

I work a lot with external samples and loop files which was pretty easy using the old loop explorer - one click on the folder icon and my sample library opened. When I closed a project it remembered which specific folder in the library was open last. On opening again the project looked exactly like before: especially the loop library has the same folder open as last so I see exactly from which folder I picked the last samples or loops.

When I closed a project it remembered which specific folder in the library was open last. On opening again the project looked exactly like before: especially the loop library has the same folder open as last so I see exactly from which folder I picked the last samples or loops.

The right panel of the Media Browser restores exactly how I left it, it lists the loops from a specific folder down 4 levels of a loop library - but the left panel shows the top level Windows Explorer structure, showing Desktop, User, PC, Documents, Downloads etc., instead of showing the hierarchy above the specific open loop folder in the loop library on the right.

For easy access to the Loop explorer which is now called Browser, just hit "B" on your keyboard and a window pane on the right side of the screen will pop open. Choose the browser folder TOP LEFT of the pane window and locate your dedicated external sample/loop folder.

JavaScript has a runtime model based on an event loop, which is responsible for executing the code, collecting and processing events, and executing queued sub-tasks. This model is quite different from models in other languages like C and Java.

At some point during the event loop, the runtime starts handling the messages on the queue, starting with the oldest one. To do so, the message is removed from the queue and its corresponding function is called with the message as an input parameter. As always, calling a function creates a new stack frame for that function's use.

A very interesting property of the event loop model is that JavaScript, unlike a lot of other languages, never blocks. Handling I/O is typically performed via events and callbacks, so when the application is waiting for an IndexedDB query to return or a fetch() request to return, it can still process other things like user input.

First, though, while we're on the subject of looping, let's check out Sonar 8's new Loop Explorer, its first major update since version 1. Because we discussed how to browse for audio loops using the old version of Loop Explorer in the November 2008 issue of Sound On Sound, here we'll just investigate the new MIDI Groove Clip auditioning feature (also see 'Handy Facts About MIDI Groove Clips' box).

Dropzone can load two elements, which can be SFZ, WAV, Ogg Vorbis, AIFF or, more pertinently to this article, REX files. Being able to load two REX files at once is quite useful, allowing you, for example, to combine a drum and percussion loop. Note that there are separate Pan and Volume controls for the two elements; you select an element for editing by clicking on the 'Element 1' or 'Element 2' strip.

Holding down a note in the virtual keyboard's lowest octave (C3 to B3) plays the REX loop through once (assuming you hold down the key for the loop's duration), and playing on different pitches within that octave transposes the key. Starting with C4 and going up in pitch, each key plays a 'slice' of the REX file, with successive keys playing successive slices.

What's especially interesting about both the envelopes and the LFO is that they're applied to each individual slice of the REX file, not the REX file as a whole. So if you were working with (for example) a drum loop, you could tighten up the envelope decay to make it more percussive, or add some attack. This also applies when playing slices from individual keys; each slice gets its own envelope.

I came across an interesting issue recently when using a loop library. I'd drag loops into the project, but instead of going where I wanted them to go, they would start one hour into the song. This drove me crazy, as I had to keep moving them back to the beginning. This has happened to me with quite a few sample CDs; it's not just an isolated incident. Exasperated, I contacted Cakewalk and they solved the problem: Go Options / Global, and in the Audio Data tab, untick 'Always Import Broadcast Waves at Their Timestamp.' It turned out that the samples were broadcast WAV files with a timestamp that specified starting at 1:00:00!

I'm the owner of this account, have created a folder for it ("free" Basic), and used the proper Dropbox channel to UL a file to it. Plenty of space available fpr the file. The person the folder is being shared with received their "folder share" notification. The endless loop is a new glitch, and nothing else about my machine has changed.

there is no Dropbox ikon in the system tray, and there is no "preferences" menu in my Dropbox account. I simply do what Ive been doing for the last years: I go to Dropbox on the web, sign in to my account and upload a file. Thats all I want, but some time ago this endless finalize loop problem occurred, especially with larger files.

all done: My Google Chrome is (and was even before) up-to date, Ive deleted the cash. Result: endless Finalize loop. Then Ive installed Mozilla Firefox and tried it from there. Result: endless finalize loop.


i has this the other day , i fixed it by opening media bay , opening the VST sounds folder in the left pain , then right click on a loop set , select rescan disk or quick rescan disk , and then just go through all the loop sets and do the same thing , may also need a restart , after that all the loop sets were visible again

cheers !!

I just bought my Nano 33 BLE board, and testing with the Peripheral Explorer example. I just modified the code a little bit to print text on serial monitor in Setup and Loop function only. However, I found that the module hangs after 4 main loops on the line "BLE.available()".

For certain applications, it may be necessary to repeat the actions of functions several times during a single acquisition and job execution. Constructing an application in this manner would necessitate hundreds, perhaps thousands, of spreadsheet cells to accomplish. However, In-Sight jobs can be constructed to use a loop of cells instead, saving programming space in the spreadsheet and creating more manageable blocks of spreadsheet cells.

This topic covers how to utilize the Repeat, RepeatUntil and StoreData functions to construct loops - the repeated execution of spreadsheet cells for a specified duration. This example also demonstrates how to utilize other In-Sight Vision Tools, specifically the ExtractBlobs, SortBlobs and Caliper functions, to identify a feature of interest and inspect it for height and width tolerances. In addition, this application also utilizes a Custom View, which displays the graphical elements of the inspection, as well as statistical data about the pin connectors.

Inspect pin connections for the proper height and width tolerances. After locating the position and counting the number of pin connectors, each pin connector is measured (in pixels) to verify that the pin connector is within the specified tolerance. By incorporating a loop of repeating cells, this job only requires less than 50 spreadsheet cells, whereas without incorporating a loop, the same job would require thousands of spreadsheet cells to program. 006ab0faaa

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