Proud Parents & Allied Adults

Supporting Longfellow's LGBTQIA+ Community

Welcome to Longfellow Middle School's PPAA community in Berkeley, where we come together to discuss issues affecting our LGBTQIA+ youth and their families, advocate for change, and enrich our inclusive culture.

What We Do

In 2022, we began meeting monthly over Zoom to share updates on mental health, family acceptance, bullying, gender neutral facilities, sex ed, sports, field trips, dating, recommended reading, and social media, among other topics.

We corresponded with Longfellow counseling staff, coaches, librarians, and senior administration, and helped bring special programming like Screenagers and a presentation on gender identity and expression to the entire middle school community.

In 2023 and 2024, we're looking forward to continuing to evolve along with you. 

Zoom Meetings

2023-24 Meetings:

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 (The second meeting of the year!)

Time: 12:00 Noon-1:00 PM

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 894 3722 6193

At our meeting we will:

● Always start with our cornerstone of being a confidential, safe space for each other. 
●Talk about Movie Night.
● Invite your ideas and your help!

We usually meet via Zoom at noon on the second Tuesday of the month.  Please offer feedback if this schedule does not allow you to participate.

Shared Agenda

Let’s advocate for the issues that are important to all our LGBTQIA+ youth by adding your voice to the mix!

Some concerns we’ve shared with Longfellow admin are:

*Inclusive athletics means creating more mixed-gender or gender-neutral teams, respecting the gender that individuals identify with (including the name and gender pronouns) even when they play or practice sports, removing gendered notions about what sports each individual should play related to gender.

Detailed agenda shared with Longfellow admin at the end of the 2021/2022 school year: PPAA Priorities


Jasmine, PPAA Coordinator <>

Nathan Slavik, PPAA Webmaster <>

Salita Mitchell, Principal <>

Andrea Mullarkey, Teen Librarian <>

Denise Dotson, Head Coach <>

Emily Hill, Vice Principal and PPAA Liaison <>

Paul Smith, Counseling Intern with GSA, <>


New events coming soon, check back!

Recommended Reading

Other Resources

Our Values

Our group is a safe space for community members to get emotional support and share issues affecting their youth.  All meetings are held with an expectation of confidentiality and non-judgmental respect.

Some of the artwork on this site is a product of MidJourney Bot (an AI image generator) manipulated by Ruth Franklin.