Privacy Policy

We respect and protect the privacy rights of all users of the service. In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services, we will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this privacy policy. But we will treat this information with a high degree of diligence and prudence. Unless otherwise specified in this privacy policy, we will not disclose such information to the public or provide it to third parties without your prior permission. We will update this privacy policy from time to time. When you agree to this service use agreement, you shall be deemed to have agreed to all contents of this privacy policy. This privacy policy is an integral part of the service use agreement.

What information is collected

1. According to the principles of lawfulness, fairness and necessity, only collect the information necessary to realize the product function. (1) When you register your account, you provide personal registration information as required; (2) When you use our network service or visit our web page, we automatically receive and record the information on your browser and computer , Including but not limited to data such as your IP address, browser type, language used, access date and time, software and hardware characteristics information, and web page records you require; (3) We obtain from business partners through legal channels User personal data. (4) In order to help you use our products or services better, we will collect relevant information.

2. You understand and agree that the following information does not apply to this privacy policy: (1) The keyword information you enter when using the services we provide; (2) The information we collect and you publish on the service platform we provide Relevant information and data; (3) Violation of legal provisions or violations of our rules and the measures we have taken against you.

How do we use your information

1. Use of information (1) We will not provide sell, rent, share or trade your personal information to any unrelated third party, unless you have obtained your permission in advance, or the third party and (including affiliated companies) provide services to you individually or jointly, And after the end of the service, it will be prohibited from accessing all these materials that it was able to access before. (2) We also do not allow any third party to collect, edit, sell or disseminate your personal information free of charge. If any of our platform users engage in the above activities, we will immediately terminate the service agreement with user. (3) For the purpose of serving users, we may provide you with information of interest by using your personal information, including but not limited to sending your product and service information, or sharing information with our partners so that they can send you information about their products and services. Information disclosure under the following circumstances, we will disclose your personal information in whole or in part according to your personal wishes and laws: (1)2.Disclosure to a third party with your prior consent; (2) To provide you with the requirements you must share your personal information with third parties; (3) According to the relevant provisions of the law, or the requirements of administrative or judicial institutions, disclose to third parties or administrative or judicial institutions; (4) If you violate the relevant laws and regulation or our service agreement or related rules need to be disclosed to a third party; (5) If you are a qualified intellectual property complaint and have filed a complaint, you should disclose it to the respondent at the request of the respondent , So that both parties can deal with possible rights disputes; (6) In a transaction created on our platform, if any party to the transaction fulfills or partially fulfills its transaction obligations and requests information disclosure, we have the right to decide to provide the user with the Necessary information such as the contact information of the counter party to facilitate the completion of the transaction or the settlement of disputes. (7) Other disclosures we consider appropriate in accordance with laws, regulations or website policies.

Information storage and exchange

The information and data collected about you will be stored on the servers of us or its affiliates. This information and data may be transmitted to your country or region or the country where we collect the information and data and be accessed abroad, storage and display. 1. Use of cookies (1) If you do not refuse to accept cookies, we will set or access cookies on your computer so that you can log in or use our platform services or functions that rely on cookies. Using cookies can provide you with more thoughtful and personalized services, including promotional services. (2) You have the right to choose to accept or refuse to accept cookies. You can refuse to accept cookies by modifying your browser settings. But if you choose to refuse to accept cookies, you may not be able to log in or use our web services or functions that rely on cookies. (3) This policy will apply to the relevant information obtained through cookies set by us. 2. Information security (1) Our account has security protection function, please keep your user name and password information properly. Security measures such as encrypting user passwords will ensure that your information is not lost, abused and altered. Despite the aforementioned security measures, please note that there is no "perfect security measure" on the information network. (2) When using our network services for online transactions, you will inevitably disclose your personal information, such as contact information or address, to the counter party or potential counter party. Please properly protect your personal information and only provide it to others when necessary. If you find that your personal information has been leaked, especially our username and password, please contact our customer service immediately to take corresponding measures. How to manage your information 1. Access, update and delete (1) We encourage you to update and modify your information to make it more accurate and effective. You can access your information through our services and complete it yourself or request us to modify, supplement and delete it according to the corresponding information management method. We will take appropriate technical measures to ensure that you can access, update and correct your own information or other information provided when using our services. (2) When accessing, updating, correcting and deleting the aforementioned information, we may require you to verify your identity to ensure information security. 2. Disclosure and sharing of our service allows you not only to share your relevant information with your social network, but also with all users who use the service, for example, the information you upload or publish in our service, your comments on other in response to information uploaded or published by people, upload or publish your personal information via email or in a public area visible to unspecified users in our services, as well as location data and log information related to this information. As long as you do not delete the information that you have disclosed or shared, the relevant information may remain in the public domain; Even if you delete the shared information, the relevant information may still be independently cached, copied or stored by other users or third parties not under our control. Or by other users or such third parties in the public domain. If you disclose or share information through the above-mentioned channels, we will not be liable for the leakage of your information. Therefore, we remind and ask you to carefully consider whether to disclose or share your information through the above channels. 3. Cancellation in the case of compliance with the terms of our service agreement for a single service and the relevant national laws and regulations, your account for this one of our services may be cancelled or deleted. When the account is cancelled or deleted, all service information and data related to the account and under the single service will be deleted or processed in accordance with the service agreement of the single service. 4. Change the scope of your authorization and consent (1) You can always choose whether to disclose information. Some information is necessary to use our services, but the provision of most other information is up to you. You can change the scope of your authorization to continue to collect information or withdraw your authorization by deleting information, turning off device functions, etc. (2) After you withdraw the authorization, we cannot continue to provide you with the services corresponding to the withdrawal of the authorization, and will no longer process your corresponding information. However, your decision to withdraw the authorization will not affect the information processing previously carried out based on your authorization. 5. Reminders on sensitive information (1) Certain information may be considered sensitive due to its particularity, such as your race, religion, personal health and medical information, etc., as well as identification documents, personal biometric information, and property information , Whereabouts, information about minors, etc. (2) Please note that the content and information you provide, upload or publish in our services (such as photos or information about your social activities) may reveal your sensitive information. You need to carefully consider whether to use our services to disclose your sensitive information. (3) You agree that your sensitive information will be processed for the purpose and in the manner described in this privacy policy.

Third party service our service possible chain

Our services may be linked to social media or other services (including websites or other forms of services) provided by third parties. Including: 1. You can use the "Share" button to share certain content to a third-party service, or you can use a third-party service to log in to our service platform. These functions may collect your information (including your log information), and may install cookies on your equipment to operate the above functions normally; 2. We provide you with links through advertisements or other methods of our services so that you can access to third-party services or websites 3. Other access to third-party services such third-party social media or other services are operated by relevant third parties. Your use of social media services or other services of such third parties (including any information you provide to such third parties) is subject to the third party's own terms of service and information protection statement (not this "Privacy Policy"). You need to read its terms carefully. This "Privacy Policy" only applies to any information we collect, and does not apply to any third party services or third party information usage rules, and we are not responsible for any third party's use of the information provided by you.

Age limit

1.We suggest that any minors should obtain the consent of their parents or their legal guardians (hereinafter referred to as "guardians") to participate in online activities. We will protect the relevant information of minors according to the relevant national laws and regulations. 2. We encourage parents or guardians to instruct minors to use our services. We recommend that minors encourage their parents or guardians to read this Privacy Policy and that minors seek the consent and guidance of their parents or guardians before submitting information

Notice and revision

We may revise the terms of this "Privacy Policy" in due course, and the revision of the terms constitutes a part of this "Privacy Policy". For major changes, we will provide a more significant notice, and you can choose to stop using our services; in this case, if you continue to use our services, you agree to be bound by the revised "Privacy Policy" . 2.Any modification will put your satisfaction first. We encourage you to review our privacy policy every time you use our services. 3.We may issue service-related announcements when necessary (for example, when we suspend a certain service due to system maintenance). You may not be able to cancel these service-related announcements that are not promotional in nature. 4.Finally, you must be obliged to keep your account and password information confidential. In any case, please keep it carefully.