Hmmm... I am experiencing the same. I have totally failed to login - I am using Opera VPN, however using the same browser page (Opera) on the same laptop, my friend is able to log into his account. Here's a screenshot

I am the assistant to our owner trying to connect our facebook messenger to our hubspot so we can get the messages in our conversation box but it's not working. I've checked and the boss says we're not already connected as far as he knows.

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UPDATE: So I found the article again for trouble shooting, but I still need to know if I can connect to my account or if it must first be connected through my boss'. I don't want to accidentally lock him out of his facebook again as I try to figure this out.

I have to be an admin on HubSpot or on Facebook? As I said, my boss has given me access to his Facebook and he is an admin there so by proxy I have admin access. But I'm just clarifying whether we have to connect the facebook where he's an admin with his account on HubSpot or can it be anyone on the team's HubSpot account with access to his facebook? This was not clear in the instructions you provided that I read through before.

I've entered meta but I have a problem now. I can't login at all in facebook anymore. If I use the facebook app for Android, I get this message everytime I switch focus to the facebook app but I can still click on close and get out of the message. On the browser(s) I am not so lucky. I can't login in any browser (Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome) even if I download a brand new browser without any cookies or history. I get stuck on this messsage and clicking on close loops back to the message. Is there any solution for this???

Hey there, @lumamil3! We can definitely understand your concern with being unable to login to your Facebook and being stuck on the message you've provided a screenshot of. While we don't support Facebook, we can provide some browser troubleshooting to see if that would help. We'll list some steps below for you to try out:

Hey there, @eduardo.pires.zenvia. Thank you for reaching out and letting us know that you are experiencing the same issue with logging in to Facebook. We know that any sort of login issue is always less than ideal, and we want to help you with this. While we don't support Facebook, we'll still do our best to point you in the right direction. Please use this link to contact the Facebook help center for further assistance.

How do I un-link my facebook messenger from my Business Paypal account? May paypal account currently sends receipts of any payments I've made through my paypal to my Facebook. I would prefer this to NOT happen, how do I fix this?

Thank you but I do not have a Security Tab where "Permissions I've Given" is listed. My paypal is a UK business Paypal account and I've searched everywhere to find a setting to remove sending paypal receipts to facebook messenger, but it's nowhere to be seen.

Removing Paypal from Facebook, only removes my payment account from the Facebook Ads payment settings. It doesn't stop paypal from sending me receipts of other payments I have made outside of facebook.

I have had success in the past creating an App Definition for LinkedIn Messenger to allow access to LinkedIn while blocking the messenger functionality through and Path: /messaging/,/voyager/api/messaging/.

@PaulJHerrmann you can add the following domains to a custom URL list, then a custom category. Finally, block the newly created category with a Realtime Protection policy and Facebook will operate just fine, while messenger won't:

I have an interesting scenario which I cant seem to find a solution to. I am hoping the community will be able to point me in the right direction. I need to block facebook messenger on a wifi network. To be more specific I need to block the facebook messenger (android & apple) application while mobile devices are on our wireless network. I have successfully blocked facebook web chat in the browser, but mobile devices on our wifi are still able access messenger. I dont want to block HTTPS completely, as many services utilize HTTPS. I dont want to block the entire either since there is a need to use facebook. 

Does anyone know what port the facebook messenger (android & apple) app uses to communicate? I read facebook implemented MQTT which uses 1883 and 8883 for SSL communications. However blocking these ports has had no impact. Maybe the app has hard coded IP addresses which it uses to avoid using DNS. If so, using DNS filters (i.e. OpenDNS) would not work. I would appreciate any insight anybody has regarding this matter. Thank you.

To be honest I dont know which one of these blocks accomplished my goal, but as of now when you log into facebook the chat window at the bottom shows "disconnected". This is a win in my book. Navigating the site has not presented any problems thus far. 

The facebook messenger app however has not been effected. I would like to thank @Chris75 for his recommendation. I have enabled Instant Messaging on my OpenDNS and I will test to see if this resolves my problem. I have to admit there is VERY little information regarding how the facebook apps operate. Short of utilizing a major UTM appliance (i.e. Watchguard) I was stumped. Blocking HTTPS works, but in this scenario I need to excise the disease not cut off the limb.

For those of you whom are curious I have some additional information regarding this topic. First let me address the last question. By blocking the domains I mentioned the apps were unaffected. Blocking the domains I mentioned only prevented users from using facebook chat in their browsers. Upon initial login to facebook it looks like you are connected to chat, but then a few seconds later it shows you disconnected. Works great.

I blocked both immediately. As I mentioned in my first post, Facebook is using the MQTT protocol for messenger. In addition I have found that blocking these two domains works as well to block the messenger app:

The trade off is that apps that need to connect to Facebook will be unable to connect as well. Now let me be clear, by blocking these two domains you will not effect the Facebook app. This will block the facebook messenger app. If you want to make sure the facebook app has no problems you can whitelist

Make sure your facebook app subscription version is 12.0, we have updated the FB subscription with the latest version, so change the permission subscription version under the facebook app webhooks option.

If you're logged in to one of the Facebook apps, such as Instagram, Messenger automatically detects it and lets you log in with a single tap. Other times, you must sign in with your Facebook account details. If you face login issues on Messenger, try the tricks below.

Dear Elegant Boulevard,

We very sorry hear that, may be we have problem with Facebook api, could you please follow this email to add whitelisted domain to Facebook settings please.


If you have any problem please contact us via email:

Facebook is making a number of changes to the way that apps can connect to its APIs and what data those apps can access, as well as how apps can access personal information during the login process. The changes are the result of backlash from the revelations that data belonging to tens of millions of Facebook users was improperly shared with Cambridge Analytica.

Among the modifications Facebook is making, two of the bigger ones are the change to the login process and a change to the way that the search and account recovery process works. The largest shift is in the amount and kind of personal data that apps can get to during user login.

If you've ever been hesitant to login to an app or website using your Facebook ID because you don't know what consequences clicking that blue button will actually have, Mark Zuckerberg says he feels your pain.

The feature will offer users the convenience of a username-and-password-free Facebook login even when they're not ready to share any personal information with the app in question. If they later decide they want to share their names, friend lists, or other data, they will be able to do so. ff782bc1db

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