Opening SCP File: 035 AKA The Possessive Mask
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SCP-035 AKA The Possessive Mask. Test Log Designated :
The Mind Behind The Mask
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Insert File Name: The Mind Behind The Mask
Name: Sushi
Rank: Office Agent
Date: 3/11/[REDACTED]
Location: Site 13 [LOCATION UNKNOWN]
Chaos Insurgency Personnel Involved: Sushi, Silence, Box, Zachary, [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED]
SCP Subject(s) Involved: SCP-035
SCP Subject(s) Class: Keter

Current Objective :
[Determine How Symbiotic The Mask Is With Its Host]

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Audio Recording Status : [AVAILABLE]
Visual Recording Status : [AVAILABLE]

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Researcher : Office Agent Sushi
Supervisor : Assistant Inspector American

Begin Log
[The Following content is not advised for the Feint Of Heart]

[Footsteps can be heard, as the Mic powers on first, shortly followed by a Body Cam turning on, Equipped to  Sushi]
Sushi : "This damn thing on..? yeah, yup, there it is." [He mutters to himself]
[As the Video focuses, it appears inside a Viewing Cell of some sort, a large Glass Window peeking into an oddly shaped cell, the cell having multiple Vents inside, and a small glass cube at the back of the Cell, one of the glass panels smashed open, and whatever was inside, missing. A Person is seen standing on the other side of the glass window, looking blankly into its reflection, the person has an odd mask on, it appears to be an old Comedy mask, however an unknown black substance is leaking from its eyes and mouth, getting on the person, causing the persons flesh to begin either melting, or decaying at an advanced speed]
[Sushi begins looking around the viewing room revealing a control panel with multiple levers, screens, and buttons on it, on the opposite side of the room, someone approaches this panel and flips a lever, causing the Containment Cell's vents to open and begin releasing some unknown gas]
[Radio Chatter is heard, hard to hear, but can be chalked up to updates on MTF Activity]
??? : "No signs of MTF Activity near us, I think we're undetected, RND Begin your Tests"

[After some debate amongst the Researchers, an RnD member walks in the cell, wearing a HAZMAT SUIT and GASMASK, they begin their experiment, before Sushi turns away from the window, prepping himself on a self made barricade inside the Viewing Cell, and guarding the entrance door]
[It stays this way for 34 Minutes. 25 Seconds. Until eventually, it is Sushi's turn, he gets up, walking over to the containment cell's door, and putting on a HAZMAT SUIT and GASMASK, before entering the cell]
Sushi : "Hey, you're with me, newblood" [He says to someone out of view, behind him]
[He enters the Cell, a Military Private following behind him]
Sushi : "Hey, newblood, do me a favor and get "Dash-2" on a chair for me, while I set up my gear"
PVT : "Hey- Wha- Why do I gotta do that? You're the one doing the Expirement! I'm just here cuz-"
Sushi : "What're ya so worried about? come on, just put him in a chair, nothin's gonna happen to you"
[The private sighs, visibly nervous but he complies, walking over to SCP-035-2]
PVT : "Alright, look can you just make it easy for both of us? just take a seat in the chair, I know you can understand me"
SCP-035-2 : "Of course, no need for me to make anything more complicated then need-be, right?"
[There was an odd sense of tranquility in SCP-035-02's voice, sounding impossibly calm, however giving off an alarming feeling, a feeling of trust, fighting with common sense, knowing how dangerous it can be.]
[Sushi  continued preparing his equipment, before taking a seat infront SCP-035-2. Even though you cannot see his face, it was clear in his movement, and tone, that he was uncomfortable and on-edge]
Sushi : "... ... Oh right uhm. *he clears his throat* ahem, uh, Private, if you could put the brain scanner on 035-2"
PVT : "Yeah, yeah sure, want me to jump in a fire while im at it..?"
[He muttered to himself, grabbing a device from Sushi's hand, and walking over to SCP-035-2, attempting to rig it on the head behind the mask]
SCP-035-2 : "I don't much appreciate the constant needs of you people, I've done all you asked, shouldnt i be rewarded in some way..? Perhaps a new host, this one grows old and decayed by the minute, I dont think thats too much to ask, right? Perhaps you, 'Private'..? Perhaps you could be kind enough to grant me this? Dont you wish to put on the mask? Everyone does, at one point or another, why deny the Urge?"
[The calming sound of SCP-035-2's voice created chaos in the privates voice, urges, warnings, acceptance all rushed through the Privates Mind at once, as the calming sensation of SCP-035-2's voice nudged him to accept his offer, while all warnings in the Privates mind went off, pleading him not to, he was seen standing there, fighting himself in his mind, as SCP-035-2 attempted to stand up]
[The Private quickly recollected himself, shaking his head before looking at SCP, and aiming his weapon at SCP-035-2]
PVT : "H-HEY! SIT BACK DOWN!" [The private shouted at the SCP, his voice cracked in fear, but SCP-035-2 complied, taking a seat once more]
SCP-035-2 : "Woah, Woah, easy, lets all just calm down alright? I only asked you a question"
[The calmness in his voice returned, giving off an unsettling feeling once again]
[The Private turned his head to Sushi, his gun still on the SCP]
PVT : "Look man, can you wrap up whatever this is supposed to be before one of us gets killed?!"
Sushi : "Alright, yeah, we're taking too long, give me that"
[Sushi snatches the brain scanner, and walks over to SCP-035-2 and attempting to rig it on its head]
Sushi : "If this thing moves a muscle, shoot to kill, got it?"
PVT : "Yes, sir"
[Sushi put the device on SCP-035-2's head, and walked back to his chair, sitting down and waiting for the screens to pick up a Brain Signal... however, this didn't happen, even after waiting 10-15 seconds, the brain scanner picked up 0 Brain Activity]
Sushi : "something... something isn't right, maybe I didn't put it on properly..?" [Sushi muttered to himself]
SCP-035-2 : "No, there is no mistake, I assume this is a Brain-scanner, correct? you must not know, but the very first thing I do when acquiring a new host, is overlap their brain-wave-pattern, effectively killing their brain, and turning it into my own, No harm, No pain, No suffering, nothing, just silence, and death. Its quite Humane, actually, perhaps you may want to run a test on that, maybe put on the mask? I could report all your feelings as it happens, you could continue your study, Win-Win for everyone, yes?"
Sushi : "God- Can you just stop talking? It creeps me out, and no, thank you I'll pass, I already read your file"
SCP-035-2 : "I have a file? I'm that important to you people?"
Sushi : "Look- just... just forget I said anything alright? you're getting a little too hyper for my liking so, just stay seated for a minute while we pack up, and everyone stays alive, yeah?"
[Sushi looked at the Private, and nodded, The Private then put on his GASMASK, followed by Sushi giving a Signal to the Window]
SCP-035-2 : "Hey, hey lets all just calm do-"
[The SCP was cut off by the loud sound of the vents opening, followed by gas pouring into the room, making SCP-035-2 suffocate, barely able to breath, and coughing he remains seated, as Sushi begins packing up his equipment]
Sushi : "You keep your gun on him, he does anything suspi-"
PVT : "Yeah, Yeah, shoot to kill"
Sushi : "Glad we're on the same page"
[Sushi continues packing his equipment, before shoving it all in his bag and putting his bag on, and giving another signal to the window, opening the containment cell's door he walked out, The Private following]
??? : "You guys have to take your sweet time? You forget where in The Foundations land, we dont exactly have the time to-"
Sushi : "Yeah, we are in Foundation land, so lets not make this last any longer then it is, right? lets go, lecture me later"
??? : "Watch yourself Agent"
Sushi : "Yes Sir, can we start moving now?"
[Everyone gathered by the exit door, stacking up on each other, before the Military opened it, and began exiting, they all moved in a line, coordinated, before MTF was seen rounding a corner in front them, Video feed begins to malfunction as they open fire, Audio feed begins to malfunction aswell]
[The bodycam on Sushi's vest suddenly cuts off, as Audio feed recontinues, the fire has stopped, and multiple people could be heard shouting at one another, most of it unintelligible however one voice is closer and louder then the others]
Sushi : "Fff-ffuuucckk, I'm alive, I'm alive"
??? : "Are you hit!?"
Sushi : "Yes sir, Plate caught it, how many dead?"
??? : "The MTF are dead, the others either retreated or cloaked, we gotta get out, our casualties are unknown, we'll count at base, get on your feet, keep it moving"
Sushi : "Yes, sir"

Log End...
Personal Notes : [UNAVAILABLE]