Logan Rasmussen UX Designer

UX Generalist

9 years of user experience design & research

🎨 Making component libraries and design systems for React web applications

🙋‍♂️ Solving problems with design thinking and UX processes

đź’» Designing for web/ mobile & other unusual devices

🧪 Prototyping and testing digital experiences

SaaS React web application designed in Figma as a sole UX designer. I built everything from the ground up including the themes, component library, wireframes, and prototypes.

Walkthrough of the 'Design Thinking' UX process for a project completed at Wellington City Council. This was made in collaboration with the service improvement team as part of the user-first digital transformation.

Past clients & employers

Invenco (Auckland),

Google (San Fransisco),

Wellington City Council (Wellington),

The massive collective (Wellington)

GEO Insight (Marlborough),

Pacific Games 2019 (Samoa),

Careers New Zealand (Wellington),

Hackman (Auckland)

Notable projects


SaaS React web application prototype

Invenco cloud team

SaaS React web application user flows

Invenco cloud team


Application theme based on material 3

Invenco cloud team

React Component library in Figma

Invenco cloud team

EV charging flow & designs

Invenco marketing team

Service app concept design

Invenco firmware team


Semiotics for online user testing tool (internal product)


GIS Forestry application

Geo Insight/ Marlborough district council

Wellbeing mobile application prototype

Personal project


Job Dispatch system prototype

Wellington City Council

Job dispatch system discovery project

Wellington City Council

Building consent discovery project

Wellington City Council


Hotel management web application

The massive collective

Pacific games 2019 website

The massive Collective/ Samoan Govt


Website development projects

Freelance Development for several companies


Website & graphic design projects

Freelance design for over 30 companies

Launch Design website

Launch Design Ltd


CMS migration designs & user testing

Careers New Zealand

Online form designs

Careers New Zealand

Apollo 13: Mission Control (interactive design for mission control consoles)



Blume Videogame Design & User testing

Major project at Massey University