Locust is a Python-based testing tool used for load testing and user behavior simulation. Load testing is the practice of testing a software application with the primary purpose of stressing the application's capabilities.

Locust is a tool that creates a set of testing functions that simulate a heavy number of users. This will determine the main breaking point in terms of performance, security, and application load management.

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Since Locust is an Open Source Software tool, this makes it stand out among others as it offers a wide range of accessibility to developers. These accessibility features provide the following benefits:

Python comes with a prebuilt installation tool known as the package installer for Python (pip). This tool enables Python developers to easily add new libraries and packages to the Python application code. To initialize the package installer for Python, we will be using the command pip:

In my use case, I am using locust to simulate 100 users and each user has a set of tasks (which involves sending HTTP GET requests to different pages of the host). What does a user mean in this case, does it mean that for simulating a user, locust brings up a TCP session between the locust host and the web server and maintains the connection while sending the multiple HTTP requests over that connection? So when locust says 100 users are up, does it mean 100 TCP sessions are up and it is going to use those sessions to send back and forth HTTP request and responses?

The best way of "understanding" is using a sniffer tool like Wireshark, you can see what exactly is happening on TCP and HTTP levels, compare the network footprint with the real browser (or other application) and amend your Locust configuration accordingly so Locust would send the same number requests of the same nature as the real browser does.

We have observed higher SSL handshakes for one our API's in JMeter load testing.The 95% of the API is around 105ms.We did the load testing on same API on same load generator with locust tool.Surprisingly, the P95 response is around 40ms.

This is the first time I have observed huge difference in response times between two toolsSSL Handshake in JMeter is taking too much time and is quite visible in the tcp dump.How to resolve this SSL Handshake time issue in JMeter.We have use Httpclient4 as client implementation in the request

I tried to reproduce your issue using Taurus tool with 10 virtual users and 100 iterations hitting website and got 0.09 for JMeter and 0.095 for Locust which is pretty much in line with what Firefox browser and tools like cURL report.

Locust is an open-source load-testing tool. Load testing is a type of software testing that is conducted to check the tolerance/behavior of the system under a specific expected load. The target of locust is load-testing websites and checking the number of concurrent users a system can handle. During a locust test, a swarm of locusts will attack the target i.e website. The behavior of each locust is configurable and the swarming process is monitored from a web UI in real time.

Start locust: To run the above code, create a Python file named, and open the terminal in the directory of the above created file. Then write the following command in the terminal.

Note: By default locust searches for After the successful execution of the above command, you should open a browser and hit  :8089 The Locust UI will appear like below:

JMeter is a load testing tool created by the Apache Software Foundation. Written in Java, it is easily one of the most popular open source load testing tools available today. It has the largest community of users and contributors of the tools covered here.

One of the most user-friendly features of JMeter is its interface. Many load testing tools are command-line only, and having a UI can make your tool more approachable for general users. The JMeter UI can also load in logs generated during load tests to provide reports.

Goose has a number of unique debugging and logging mechanisms not found in other load testing tools, simplifying the writing of load tests and the analysis of results. At Tag1 this has helped us quickly troubleshoot problems that would be extremely difficult or impossible to detect with tools such as Locust or JMeter. Goose also provides more comprehensive metrics with multiple simple views into the data, and makes it easy to confirm that the load test is doing what you expect it to as you scale it up or down. It exposes the algorithms used to allocate tasks and task sets, giving more granular control over the order and consistency of operations, important for easily repeatable testing.

A single desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) can consume its body weight in vegetation in one day. That may not sound like much for one 2.5-gram locust, but when 40 million of them gather they can devour as much food as 35,000 people.

The worst locust invasion in 70 years has threatened the food supplies of East Africa, where millions already were going hungry. By mid-April 2020, more than 25 million hectares of farmland were under locust attack across the Horn of Africa.

The free app uses satellite and soil sensor data, ground meteorological observation and machine learning to predict the breeding, occurrence and migration routes of desert locusts. It generates a real-time locust breeding index and a live heatmap of locusts in the region with potential migration routes.

There are many tools leveraged for software testing, QA testing, and performance testing on an existing server. You would think that with all these tools at your disposal, these forms of testing would be easy to manage. However, benchmark testing to ascertain a server's performance under different load conditions can be challenging.

To determine if Locust is the right load testing tool for you, you'll have to determine whether the pros outweigh the cons. For example, if you have limited knowledge of HTTP protocols, you'll likely have a steep learning curve ahead of you. However, if you don't have the required budget for a paid tool, Locust is probably your best option.How Does the Locust Framework Help?In short, Locust makes performance testing easy. You can simply code test scenarios with Python and run the test without working with a clunky UI. By switching from callbacks to coroutines, you can ensure that your code looks and behaves like normal blocking Python code.

In conclusion, when testing an enterprise server's performance under different load conditions, the open-source load testing tool Locust delivers. However, it's essential to consider its shortcomings before committing.

You weren't mis-informed IMO. Make sure your tools are very sharp before you tackle it and plan on re-sharpening after you do if you get into significant amounts. It's not as bad as lignum-vitae (used to make bearings on ships propellors), but you will still find it be a challenge.

Sarge is right about the hardness. You have to be prepared to do some sharpening. Onth other hand, I have done a lot of work with Osage Orangem which is even harder. It has not wrecked my tools or chain saw. They just need to be sharpened regularly.

By the way, black locust is extremely decay resistant in weather, and so makes excellent outdoor structures and furniture. The Brooklyn Botanical Garden has various things including a very nice old arbour made of locust; has been standing for decades.

Hi again,

I think I said all of this in reply to your question about building a workbench, but here goes again. It is very hard, but no more so than a good piece of white oak. It varies alot from piece to piece. Fast grown stuff is noticeably heavier and harder than wood with tightly spaced growth rings, much like other ring-porous woods like oak, hickory, and ash.I have worked with it every day this winter in rebuilding a small schooner, and find it good to work with. It will dull your tools faster than white pine, but I don't find it any worse than any of your harder hardwoods. It has alot going for it. It's extremely strong, about as stable as cherry, steam bends like magic, and better pieces are quite pretty. It holds paint and varnish very well and takes a nice finish. The only thing that's not so good is that large clear pieces are hard to find, because the trees don't prune themselves very well as they mature, so you get alot of ingrown dead branches and bark. In bigger, older trees you get alot of wind shakes, which leaves the wood good only for firewood, but it makes really good firewood. In fact it's in my stove right now. Go get some, and discover a vastly underappreciated resource.

I don't know about the firewood part. I can't keep the stuff going. It does burn hot and forever. I have a black locust tree on my property and seems that I have been told needs to come down (going hollow on the inside). Stuff will not split very well etiher. Glad it can at least be used for something.Dan Carroll

For firewood black locust may need several years seasoning to be well dried (after splitting) and it does take some softer wood to get going... once at this point though black locust logs (especially the heartwood) burn like solid coal... RED HOT and for hours.... melt your stove if you aren't careful.

I brought 1000 ft sq to the Mennonite lumber yard in Montezuma Va to mill into T@G flooring. They were too nice to tell me to never come back. However, I suspect they were glad to see me leave. They told me they had to sharpen every tool in the shop that touched it.

Hi There, We are trying to use Locust with Appian to do performance tests. We have configured the code as per the documentations provided at locust

Last year in one of the consulting assignments, I was asked to perform performance testing on an application using locust, client wanted to integrate load testing within backend code which was written in python. 2351a5e196

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