The Colorful Game
For Everyone
The rules are fairly simple and straightforward:
Get rid of your cards as fast as possible.
Cards of the same colour are never allowed to touch each other.
Rules in German:

Story behind the game:
The idea for the game came while playing Rummy with my grandparents. I realised that it was kind of difficult to play because the numbers were too small to read comfortably. It appeared to there isn't really a cardgame (or boardgame) where you are not required to read something while playing. Which is kind of a surprise, since not everyone has such a good sight- me included (without my glasses or lenses I wouldn't have a chance to play Rummy either).
Therefore back home I decided to develop a prototype for a cardgame which can be played by literally anyone. I gave myself the goal that it works without anything written on it. No symbols, no numbers, no nothing.
With my friend Elia who studied Graphic Design at ZHdK we improved the cardgame
Through multiple test playing with different people we improved the rules and the design.
We also had some other points we found important to consider:
Rules are explained in around 5 minutes
Each player's turn is short
A game is around 20 minutes
As many people as can fit around the table can play (there's even a solo version)
The game has a level of complexity so you can still "ruin" each others plans etc
It can be played by kids and won't feel too complex
It can be played by more advanced players and won't feel too simple respectively easy
Possibility to alter the original recommended game configuration easily and give it your personal touch
If you lose a card you can still play the game (not like for example Poker)
It's easy to make new cards from the spare blank cards
And the most important of all- it should be fun to play.
Which in our opinion it is! :-)
But please see for yourself:
Get the game:
Since the whole origin story and idea for the game is to make a cardgame for everyone, we thought it is right to make the cardgame available everyone. Thus for free.
Just write your e-mail in the box underneath and we will send you the PDF as soon as possible. Then you have to cut the cards and put them in card sleeves (if you can't find any card sleeves to buy, you can get them from us).
If you don't want to have the hassle of cutting the pdf you can also just wait till we launch a kickstarter. By sharing your e-mail you're automatically on our list. If you don't want to be on our list please write us.
Sign up to receive updates about Locolor.
In case you're wondering why we have those white symbols on our cards (First hats off to you for noticing).
We put them there for people with different kind of colour blindness since each symbol just corresponds to another colour. And frankly also because it looks a bit more interesting, doesn't it? :-)
If you think we forgot about the completely blind people. Don't worry, we thought of that too.
But won't reveal how we adjusted our design for that here. Maybe just think and you can come up with an idea on your own. If so please share it. :-)
And if you really want to know just ask us you curious wonderer (that's a compliment).
If you're interested in the game we're happy to answer you anything.