Different possible use cases, but given the nature of Obsidian I second what @bscott highlighted. Going down the path of full lock and encrypt would introduce limitations that are taking away from the flexibility of plain text storage. There are plenty of tools to protect data. The ask here is maybe simply the ability to hide folders from prying eyes.

Implementing something like this in a text editor is not so simple. I would recommend using protections available on the computer/device you use to interact with Obsidian (drive encryption, authentication mechanisms, etc.). If you keep your device locked when you are away or not using it, then your Obsidian data is still protected.

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Bigger Problem : I had locked many folders with this software when it was working fine.

But now I can't access those folders anymore, they're still locked but software doesn't show these folders in its "locked folders list".

How do I unlock them?

The software was working fine for few months - I was able to lock and unlock things in my computer during that period. But all of a sudden the software Folder Lock just got reset somehow.

I had the same problem. I was not able to retrieve my locked files but uninstall of folder lock without password is easily done by using for example speed commander (select folder lock from program files via speed commander and delete) Simple as that.(no password required) Can also be done with other file finding software as well.

The only way I know is to change the name of the parent directory in which the locked folder exists for example Pictures is the locked folder then change C:/Anything/Pictures to C:/Anything else/Pictures

I have couple of folders in SVN which I want to lock from other users to avoid accidental commit , I know we can lock files but looking for an option to lock a folder , I am using tortoiseSVN (TortoiseSVN 1.9.7, Build 27907 - 64 Bit , 2017/08/08 19:34:38)

It is not possible to lock a directory within SVN (see here). Therefore, TortoiseSVN cannot offer this option.You could take a look at path based access control -bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.pathbasedauthz.htmlOr this answer which describes a python script to create a similar behavior.

Using a password to protect a folder means that you need to enter a password to see the list of documents in the folder. You can also password-protect individual files either in a password-protected folder or in a folder without password protection. The procedure is the same for files and folders.

It is not possible to use Windows to password-protect a folder in Windows 8 or Windows 10. You will need to download third-party software or use a zipped folder. If you elect to use third-party software, be sure you download it from a reputable source.

Although Microsoft has taken away the ability to password-protect a folder, you can still keep your confidential information private by using either a password-protected zipped folder or hiding files and folders so they don't appear in the directory list.

I would like to ask how the lock tabs feature can be used. I just updated to the latest version, 12.22 Light edition and I followed these instructions which were found in the manual:

"Folder tabs can be locked in a number of different ways. Primarily, when a tab is locked, it always displays the same folder. To lock a tab, right-click on it and choose a command from the context menu's Lock Tab menu."

(Something we have on our list to make built-in in the future. The current built-in purpose of locked tabs is more about keeping them from changing folders, as described in the manual screenshot in the post above mine.)

First of all i am a beginner. My data is stored in a particular folder and i don't want the user to find it out and open the content.. This content of folder will be used frequently by application (read & write). Please help me...

If the Operator needs to log in to run the application which saves to the Application Data folder, then they would need access to that folder, which means it's either within their own folder (thus they can access/modify the file) or it is in another folder to which they have permission to write to. In either case, if the Operator runs the application and as a result of running the application a file is created to store data, then they would have access to that file.

One trick would be to save it in a complicated deep folder somewhere or on a network drive which allows to save a file once, but not allow to edit it (that's what they have here). It may be possible to do the same arrangement on a PC with permissions. Again that's an OS specific feature.

Ton's advice is a good start. That will place your programs application data in the standard spot that all other applications should be using. This location (I think) is a hidden folder by default (at least on the Windows OS). If the user feels like being a little hacker and mess with the files in the folder, then they are bringing application errors upon themselves.

Community, I'm trying to assist a student, but when I masquerade as her I see something I've never seen before: a folder with a lock. I can't find anything about it. Can someone explain that feature? It appears to have files from the faculty, which adds to my confusion. BTW, the problem is that she is uploading an image to her files and attempting to embed it into her discussions, but it never appears in the discussion. Does that have anything to do with the lock?

Hi rgibson1

I see the same thing in My Files when logged in with any of my accounts that have student access to one or more courses. When a student submits a file to an assignment, the file they upload is stored in their personal file area as well as in the submissions area of the assignment where the course teacher sees it. The subfolders that you see beneath the submissions folder represent each course that the student is enrolled on, and within each subfolder will be any files that have been submitted to assignments in that course. I think the lock icon indicates that you can't upload or delete files in that folder directly, files are only added if submitted through an assignment.

I would suggest checking Cryptomator and see if it works for you. It work around the concept of "vaults" that you create and use as if they were actual directories on your machine, only you can lock/unlock them whenever you want to.

So basically, I have a project(created as a package) where I have set renv package management.

So when I push my other files to GITHUB, is it required to push renv folder and renv.lock file so that other developer who pulls the same project can use it

I have a workflow terminating because it's trying to move an entry into a folder but it can't because the entry has a lock on it. So I guess I just want the entry to be able to move even if it has a lock on it.

The Laserfiche server is the one handling locking and some actions are not possible without locking. However, Workflow retries on "entry locked" errors. Can you give us more info on what you're actually seeing?

The workflow only fails once it gets to my "Move Entry" activity, and the warning message says that the entry is locked (see screenshots), thing is, though, this only happens sporadically with this workflow, and I can't figure out why it only terminates like this sometimes.

Also, something else that's confusing, you'll see that an error is occurring on, what it says, is the activity "ISBidRequest", but that's not even an activity in the workflow . . .

Not sure if that's just saying the whole workflow itself is terminating? The name of the workflow is "IS - Bid Request"

Hi Addison,

I've sometimes run into this when documents are coming into Laserfiche from Import Agent or QF Agent. I don't know if Laserfiche is working on OCR, generating pages, or just isn't finished importing the document, but Workflow will try to act on it while the entry is still locked by the service account running Import Agent or QF Agent.

Without exploring how your documents are coming into Laserfiche to see if something is weird there, one thing you could try is adding a Try Catch activity to your workflow and put your Move Entry activity in the Try branch. If it fails, the workflow will move to the Catch branch, and what I've done in the past is put a Delay activity there to let Laserfiche finish up importing the document, and then a copy of the original Move Entry activity after the Delay. It's definitely just a workaround, and I'd recommend trying to find out why exactly these entries are being locked, but if you can't nail down why this is happening, this has worked for me in the past.

I am trying to see if I can lock down folders to prevent people from accidental moving or deletion. I am currently using Box Sync. I looked through articles that talked about API. Not a developer. Any thoughts?

Actually, I think that this would help you.... -lock/. However, it should be noted that this is ONLY a programmatic solution to your problem, we don't offer this functionality to general end users or within the application UI. When a folder is locked via this mechanism, the end user will get an error message if they tried to move/delete the folder.

I also tried to remove the folder locks by changing the "locked operations" in my initial lock request from "true" to "false" but that only returned the error message: "type":"error","status":400,"code":"bad_request","help_url":" ","message":"Request not of required format","request_id":"04c5e68a7183101192da225f5b10d7509"}

Browse to the location of documents. Goto properties and set the permission for owner as well as group as read and write. Now try to delete the folder from another nautilus window (one without root privileges).

Not sure if this is an available feature already but would like to have a flow that locks a sharepoint folder (or a file in that sharepoint folder) for a specified date and time. The situation is that we do not want users to be able to edit or access the files every Friday and Saturday of the week. ff782bc1db

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