Membership & Donation

Group Membership is $25 annually, however, please feel free to make a donation in an amount you can afford.

La Leche League’s services are always FREE and memberships are not required. Your donation, in any amount will help to support our local Group in promoting our mission, ensuring that parents will have vital access to free and ongoing breastfeeding/chestfeeding, and human milk feeding support.

There are multiple benefits of breastfeeding/chestfeeding, and human milk feeding available for both parents and babies, but did you know that becoming an LLL member can enhance those benefits? In general Parents who are members of LLL breastfeed/chestfeeding, and human milk feed longer because they have the information, education, support, and encouragement they need to enjoy the experience.

Intangible Benefits of LLL Membership for you and your child:

  • Meet new people in your community.
  • Gain self confidence as you learn from others.
  • Less worry and stress because baby is healthier.
  • Satisfaction in knowing you are giving your baby the best.
  • An investment in yourself and your child!

Tangible Benefits of LLL Membership for You:

  • “1 click” sign in at Meetups
  • Access to books in our local library
  • Discounted Workshop Tickets
  • Extra access/perks at local events sponsored by LLL

Benefits of Membership/Sonation for Your local LLL Group:

  • Increased funds to purchase new books for the Group Library.
  • Helps Leaders stay up to date on the newest breastfeeding/chestfeeding, and human milk feeding research and information, so they can help you get the most out of your experience.
  • Supports La Leche League in its mission to help families and promote breastfeeding/chestfeeding, and human milk feeding in the United States and around the world.
  • Ensures that breastfeeding /chestfeeding, and human milk feeding support will continue to be available for other parents!

Thank you for supporting La Leche League of Western Montgomery County, MD. Your membership makes a difference in the lives of parents and babies locally and around the globe.

Please complete the above form first. To make a donation we accept Paypal, or cash/check in person at Meetups.

Checks should be made out to "LLL of MD-DE-DC"

Our Paypal link is below: