willow amey

Ms. Amey


5th Grade Teacher

Birthday: December 14th

Ms. Amey's wishlist link 

Wishlist items: Freshly painted room, 4 bean bag chairs for library area, privacy folders x24, small vacuum (new or used) for my area rug, and games for rainy days! 

Favorite flowers: Dahlias and orchids

Favorite place to shop: Target

Favorite gift cards: Starbucks, Target

Favorite restaurant: Papa Hayden, PDX Sliders

Favorite hot drink: Cappuccino or latte

Favorite cold drink: water  

Favorite sweet snack: all chocolate with nuts and/or caramel

Favorite salty snack: all nuts

Favorite music and artist: Jazz, an all music

Favorite author and genre: So many, hard to list

Favorite cake, pie, and/or other dessert: Cherry/berry pies, chocolate cake

Aversions or allergies: Bees and shellfish. Dislike pickles and olives

Favorite sports teams: Thorns

Favorite TV Show: Big Bang, The Office

Favorite movies:  all movies except violent ones

Hobby: baking

Weekend activities:  Farmer's Markets, read, garden, bake, family time

Favorite color: soft pink, blues, black

Favorite animal: cats and dogs

T-shirt/sweatshirt size: L