scott Rozell

Mr. Rozell

5th Grade Teacher

Birthday: October 17th

Links for a few wishes: Cart for Chromebooks, comfort "chairs" for ground sitting 

Other wish items: 30" drum fan, central air... hahaha

Favorite place to shop: Grocery Outlet, Fred Meyer

Favorite place to buy school supplies: Amazon/eBay

Favorite gift cards: Amazon and eBay

Favorite restaurant: HUB, Crux Brewing, or Scavone's

Favorite hot drink: Coffee

Favorite cold drink: Zevia if at school; Double IPAs now but Seasonal heavy beers or Barleywines in the winter 

Favorite sweet snack: Chocolate...usually a combo of dark and milk (55% - 70% cocoa) 

Favorite salty snack: Sesame Snacks, corn nuts, Popcorners-White cheddar, salt n vinegar chips

Favorite pie: pecan, Pawpaw made by my wife for my birthday. 

Favorite music: Terminal Cheesecake, Moby, Gary Numan, Birthday Massacre & Within Temptation 

Favorite author: Aldous Huxley, JK Rowling, Orwell, Bradbury

Favorite luxury/indulgence/treat: Bicycle and soccer stuff, Macadamia nuts and chocolate but not necessarily intertwined 

Favorite  flowers: Anything fragrant. Daphne, Magnolia, feijoa, fragrant camellias, etc.

Favorite animals: Rhinos and salamanders

How do I relax: watch soccer, netflix

Aversions or Allergies: Anesthesia, pop music, no shellfish/crustaceans.

Dietary preferences: Not too much sugar or carbs

Favorite sports and teams: Soccer, cycling, rock climbing, Tottenham Hotspur (Spurs) and Leicester City Foxes 

T-shirt/sweatshirt size: Medium if polyester; Large if cotton 

Anything else you’d like us to know?: I love my job even though I feel that it drains a lot of brain juice!