Mary Anne          Del Buono

Ms. Del Buono or Ms. D

1st Grade Teacher

Ms. Del Buono's Amazon wishlist 

Birthday: June 7th

Favorite flowers: Love tropical plants! Flowers: Peony, Calla Lilies, Tulips... I like them all! 

Favorite place to shop: Amazon, New Seasons, Fred Meyers

Favorite place to buy school supplies: Amazon

Favorite restaurant: Yalla and Mediterranean Exploration Company 

Favorite hot drink: Hot chocolate

Favorite cold drink: Orange Vanilla Polar Water, or Kombucha (anything without mint)

Favorite sweet snack: chocolate

Favorite salty snack: Seaweed and Kale chips, juanitas, I will eat anything salty 

Favorite music and author: Terry Pratchett, Grady Hendrix, Susanna Clarke, Stephen King, anything spooky! Nonfiction is good too!

Favorite pie: Anything Pecan, Peach, etc.

Favorite luxury/indulgence/treat: Pedicures, Manicures, Massages, Red Wine!

Aversions or allergies: No allergies, not a fan of mint.

Vegetarian/Vegan: I eat everything but I love vegetarian and vegan food.

Favorite sports teams: N/A

T-shirt/sweatshirt size: L and XL