Madeline Prelosky

Ms. Prelosky

4th Grade teacher

Birthday: November 9th

Ms. Prelosky's wishlist link 

Favorite flowers and plants: Tulips, anything for my garden

Favorite place to shop: Collage, Powell's

Favorite gift cards: Starbucks

Favorite place to buy school supplies: Amazon, Walmart 

Favorite restaurant: Luce, Double Mountain

Favorite hot drink: coffee with cream and sugar free vanilla

Favorite cold drink: iced oat milk chai  

Favorite sweet snack: Oreos

Favorite salty snack: Cheez-Its

Favorite music and artist: Taylor Swift

Favorite author and genre: Too many to list!

Favorite cake, pie, and/or other dessert: Pumpkin

Favorite luxury/indulgence/treat: Pedicure

Favorite animal: pugs

Favorite color: pink

Weekend activities: Pedicures, yoga

Aversions or allergies: Lillies

Favorite sport and teams: Football, OSU Beavers

Favorites TV show: Schitt's Creek 

Favorite movie: American President

T-shirt/sweatshirt size: L-XL

I wish I had: So thankful just to be asked!