Lavonna Zeller-Williams-Bratschi (ZWB)

ZWB - pronounced ZeeDUHBee

Music Teacher

Birthday: February 2nd - Ground Hog Day

Wishes: Someone to help remove decor from previous teacher and hang up my posters

Favorite flower: Rose

Favorite store: JoAnn Fabrics, Amazon

Favorite gift card: Amazon

Favorite way to relax: Sewing, I sew just about anything on the planet

Personal luxury: Netflix

Favorite animal: George and Harmony

Favorite breakfast: Blueberry Scone

Favorite hot drink: Decaf green tea, herbal tea (very selective)

Favorite cold drink: Cherry Coke Zero

Favorite pie: Marionberry Pie

Favorite restaurant: Reverend's BBQ

Favorite salty snack:  Nacho Doritos or cheetos

Favorite sweet snack: Snickers

Favorite author: Jane Austen or Sci Fi (Star Wars)

Favorite music: Jazz

Favorite movie: Original Star Wars

Tshirt/sweatshirt size: XXL

Allergies: yeast, citrus, mint cinnamon, cottonseed oil, anything fermented, please avoid anything with a scent.